My workout is done. The people that are picking up the pool table should be here any time. We also have another couple that wants to look at our house a second time at 1:00
So I have been in high speed mode picking up and organizing. I have Olivia down for a nap hoping she sleeps till the pool table is dismantled and gone.
I did STS shoulders, biceps, and triceps disc 27 this morning. I started with 60 kettlebell swings before I did the sts warm up. I then did Amy Bento's Step Challenge 3 with the power ups. Total calories burned doing weights was 351. Total calories doing cardio was 620. Total calories today was 971 50% fat. My quads are still sore from Wednesdays Meso 3 leg workout.
Weights were:
standing barbell front press 1 set 36# 12 reps, 1 set 38# 12 reps
trisets 8 reps each exercise
standing barbell front press 47#
barbell curl 52#
flat bench tricep extensiions 21# dumbbells ( I did two sets with the option of doing them on a decline)
repeat 4 times
seated lateral raise 16# dumbbells
incline curls on a stability ball 21# dumbbells
seated one arm overhead dumbbell extensions 2 sets 16# 2 sets 21#
repeat 4 times
seated rear delts 16# dumbbells
seated concentration curls 2 sets 26# dumbbell; 2 sets 25# dumbbell
cross body kickbacks 2 sets 16# dumbbell, 2 sets 20# dumbbell
repeat 4 times