Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 4/28

Me again!

I decided to stay home. I was working out and our admin asst. called and said today wasn't the day we were short on coverage so I should just stay home. Good thing b/c I still have that migraine. But not one to miss a workout I did lift legs, got abs done and 30 mins. on the recumbant. :)

Janie - We knew each other looong ago. But it's been awhile. I'm glad to see you checking in with the Hardcores. They're the best!!! My weight wasn't always like this. I think I screwed up my metabolism somehow. I hope to get it figured out. Good luck with your goals. I like your new determination!

Linda - I know you don't really hate me! ;) I envy your MUSCLES!

Lora - Thank you sweetie. I have always thought you were too hard on yourself. I bet you look waaaay better than YOU think you do. And what a perfect department for you to be in...the perfume department! I hope you get to move into the cosmetics area. Hang in there! And I'm with Debbie, I think it's great your husband is trying.

Diane Sue - Good luck with your bid on the patio home! How exciting! Isn't it crazy...I've added so much more muscle in my upper body and some in my legs but yet I haven't gained a ton of weight. I mean, I've gone from 110 in October to 116 now which I guess is pretty good but I just can't get beyond that and it's SO FRUSTRATING. I eat super clean 6 days a week...absolutely no cheating and I've cut down on cardio. But you know how I worry about cellulite if I don't do enough cardio. And I see you are in the same boat as far as body fat...if you gain too much you add in more cardio which makes it hard to gain muscle in your legs. Ugh! I have been better though about cutting back on cardio, yet keeping enough in to stay healthy.
Hi again! I am hearing good things over on OD about Amy's new workouts. I was going to do one this afternoon (yes, I know I did cardio this morning but I have ISSUES, people) but I also had a new Jillian DVD I wanted to try. It's Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism. Holy night, it was a great workout! They were simple moves, done circuit style so you can easily repeat or skip or just do a few. I really liked it.

Suz: Always good to see you! I think you're doing great if you've managed to add 6 pounds, but I know how you feel when you aren't where you want to be. I am ALWAYS 5 pounds from perfection, you know. Ha! :) You are truly a maniac to workout with a migraine, but it doesn't surprise me that you did it. :)

Lora: Hi! I don't think we know each other- I joined the check in a while ago. I'm 35, married, 2 kids and um, I dunno, I like to workout? My favorite color is blue? Ha, I'm such a dork! Anyway, nice to meet you and sorry to hear about your fall. Glad that DH has been a help to you.

Dallys: Any other requests? LOL. Here is a super simple taco soup recipe and we all love it. It um, does have a bit of a sodium issue, though. But you can modify if you like. :) Oh and the turkey artichoke one is good, but it in no way resembles a dip- it is definitely a casserole. I liked it. Also glad I am not the only one that drinks Diet Coke.

Taco Soup
Cook 1 lb lean ground beef or ground turkey or use a package of fake veggie crumbles. Add 1 chopped onion and add 1 pkg ranch dressing mix and 1 pkg taco seasoning and a little bit of water.

In a large soup pot combine:
1 can whole kernel corn (drained)
1 can pinto beans (not drained)
1 can chili beans (not drained)
1 can mexican stewed tomatoes (not drained)
1 can regular stewed tomatoes (not drained)

Add meat mixture, simmer for close to one hour.
Dallys, you really do not need two kettlebells. I thought Amy had said originally that she was going to use 2 15's and 1 20 but she uses a 20 for most and a 25 for on part. I believe she only used two in one place and said you could use one.

Patti, that soup sounds good:)

Suz, yes it sounds like we have the same issues. I have started using a recovery drink in the mornings post workout and trying to get some protein powder in preworkout both with little fat just to help prevent muscle catbolism. Hopefully this helps. I have always been bad about nothing to eat till noon or after.
I finished Amy's KB workout. It was fun! I was worried I wouldn't like it. I did all of it, including the abs. I used my perfect pushups for all the pushup type moves instead of the kb's since I don't have 2 of the same size. I used my valslides for the mountain climbers and I used dumbells for the farmer walks and for some of the shoulder moves in the ab workout. I tried a kb with the shoulder roll thing in the ab workout and about ripped my arm off. Holy moly, I can't hold an 18lb kb like that. Sure I can lift it, but balancing it is a whole nother story! Oh and don't even ask me about the levitation holds. I CANNOT do those to save my @$$!

Dinner was a spinach salad with mango/strawberries/feta/toasted pecans/my own blueberry dressing made with udos oil, plain nf yogurt, blueberry jam, opal basil herb vinagrete (so good I could sell the stuff!)

Patty- I copied the taco recipe into my word and guess what? It's already there! Opps! Guess I need to make it since I've had it for so long.:eek::)

Diane Sue- How'd you do with some of those exercises in Amy's workout? What did you think of that shoulder stand roll thingy in the ab workout? I thought it was hard to balance that kb for such an easy looking move. I loved that side way reach thing (I think in the last workout) and the halo wrap around your body thing in the ab workout. Obviously, I didn't grasp all the correct names.

Dallys, that one rolling with the kettlebell arm straight up and then moving to the back was tough. I used a 15# kettlebell. Didn't do to bad on it. My memory escapes me on the standing balancing move. I will have to look back at it. Maybe it was such torture I blanked it out LOL The moves where she was balancing on the horns (handles) of the kettlebells were hard. I thought maybe if I had 2 25's they would be a little better because they would be wider at the base. I have a hard enough time with the levitation holds without something wobbly under me:eek: I liked the halo around the body around the legs thing. Took me a bit to get my motions coordinated on it. I really did enjoy this workout though. Your salad and dressing sounds good. :)
Just got home from work and I'm eating a bowl of cereal. Not sure if anyone's still around.

I have and extra Amy Kickbox Surge (I ordered the CIA kit after I preordered with Amy). I'll sell it cheap if anyone wants it.

Dallys - yes, I've always got 3 large containers of cottage cheese in my fridge. I've been upping the protein and cottage cheese is one of my staples now. I love it with fruit. When my DH saw me after not seeing me for a couple of months, he said I was looking quite muscular. Now all I have to do is get rid of this nasty layer of fat all over and my lower abs/butt/thighs!!

Diane Sue - I'll have to check out that link tomorrow. Is that Alwyn's wife? When did you take the KB dive? Is that the only DVDs you have? That rotations sounds interesting. I love my KB's. Makes me feel like a bad ass!

Orphelya - glad to meet you. I love Jillian. I have all of her workouts ....as well as a zillion others. I'm gonna be 50 in October and fightin' the middle aged bulge! No kids....just 3 cats.

Toasty - where are you? what's happenin?

Suz - yes.......me and perfume.....Oy!!! You wouldn't believe how many coworkers and customers tell me how knowledgeable I am. The one lady who's been at Lancome for 6 years says I'm the most knowledgeable EVER in the department. My boss is a Bipolar freak and hates me! She's always yelling at me. Today I got yelled at for taking a half hour lunch cuz I only worked 6 hours! Are there ANY nice bosses out there?

See you ladies in the AM......unless I'm running late. I work the early shift and I probably won't be able to sleep until 2:00 am...since I get so wound up after work.l

Diane Sue - do you have the specifics for that rotation? I don't see it on the site. .....or can you direct me to it? thanks
Janey- I ordered some SF sourdough starter. Although my own is getting pretty sour now. Of course my loaf of bread today is sort of flat and unattractive, lol. I ordered the book "Artisan Bread in 5 min. a day", have you heard of this? One day, I'll be a bread maker.:rolleyes:

Dallys, I find I keep reaching for only two reliable sources to make sourdough bread. I first discovered this link a long time ago northwestsourdough.com and used it ever since. Very detailed! And a book that I just can't put down is "The Bread Baker's Apprentice Mastering the art of extraordinary bread" by Peter Reinhart, again, very detailed. These are only two you would ever need in your life time. Seriously.

If you want to be a bread maker, this is how you do it.

Dallys, I find I keep reaching for only two reliable sources to make sourdough bread. I first discovered this link a long time ago northwestsourdough.com and used it ever since. Very detailed! And a book that I just can't put down is "The Bread Baker's Apprentice Mastering the art of extraordinary bread" by Peter Reinhart, again, very detailed. These are only two you would ever need in your life time. Seriously.

If you want to be a bread maker, this is how you do it.


I'm on it! I trust you.;):D

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