Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 4/14

Got my cardio done. Did MIC for the first 15 min. then on to the Treadmill for another 15 min. For the first time ever I ran a mile in 15 min. YOOHOO! Now to work on beating that time.

Debbie, thank for the computer savvy. It will make things much more doable.

Patti, Yes, kids start to care about each other early in life.:confused: Have you read the Twilight Series. The movie is not as good, but the books are great. Candy reading and fun.

Shewolf, Your workouts look great.

OK, going to the hot tub now,

Today I did a drill max premix and STS abs stability ball. Need to get my meals together. This crazy Easter candy is sitting in my kids baskets calling out to me (my kids are 13 and 17) They have not touched it yet. I cannot believe my son (13) has not touched it yet. I have not either but if it keeps calling me I am going to have to start tossing it or they need to go put it somewhere.
Crazy day here- DD pushed DS and he fell on a toy and bloodied his nose- one side is all bruised and nasty. Lovely. They are still fighting- tell me it is only because they are 3 and 2 and someday they will be kind to each other. Just lie to me, please! It's NAP TIME and then I'm going to finish watching Twilight ALL BY MYSELF. Bliss. :eek:

Patti - My DS is 7 and DD is 4 and they fight like cats and dogs all day long. So don't look for it to end any time soon. Sorry! BTW, after a day of fighting all they want to do is sleep in same bed with each other and will beg non-stop. Go figure?
Finally getting some lunch here and it's almost 3:30! Edemame and and a V8. Doesn't sound that great, but it satisfied. I want to do some cardio later, but again, I'm way to tired. Plus it's raining and that always sucks the energy out of me. I just want a hot bath and a nap.

Dallys - what is ROLF? I am not up to snuff on all lingo.

ROFL=Rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO=Rolling on floor laughing my @ss off
ROFLMFAO=Rolling on floor laughing my f-ing @ss off
or if you aren't a cusser
ROFLMBO=Rolling on floor laughing my butt off.

It never ends;)
I will have to begin incorporating these into my quotes! I knew it had something to do with laughing!

When I first started working out to Cathe videos, I wondered, "how does she talk the whole time!" now, I am like you wondering - "how much to I have to work out to look like that?" and "is it even possible at 45?"

Have a great evening. Take a hot bath!
Hey Maniacs! I have one spare second to post there so no time for personals:confused:. This morning I did Slim Series Firm it up. Really felt it in my hamstrings because I did tons of dead lifts yesterday. I tried to visualize the backs of my legs looked like Cathe's, ROFL... AS IF!:rolleyes:

Thanks everyone for liking my pics yesterday. It sure was fun.

I'm curious about Patti's recipe too. I want to hear feedback if it's good. I have some ground turkey in the freezer at the ready.

I'm also curious as to how Debbie quoted from yesterday. That's super cool.

Back to work....

I do the same thing -pretend I am ripped. Bummer to look in the mirror! :p Still, looking better and better though!

I will post workout when I get home - left the stats there but it was a goodie. Well, I can remember most. 600 calories, 57 min I think, MAX HR 179 AVG HR 156 (I think on that one - give or take one or two beats). I did CC#1 on stepmill for 3 miles and 150 floors then CC#5, challenge 2 I think (three 4 minute hills) and then cooled down. I believe that was 1.5 miles.

Patti: Yes, I am all over the place with my variety but think that may change with all of the inputting going on! I am going to add egg whites and greek yogurt today and I welcome your ideas! Sometimes, the cooking bug hits me and I figure with all of this, it would be easier anyway. Sorry about your little ones.
Oh, Janie - I meant to say this - it is a great program. And I have a roller but don't use it much - thanks for the reminder. I look at it often - guess that's not doing me much good :)
Oh, Janie - I meant to say this - it is a great program. And I have a roller but don't use it much - thanks for the reminder. I look at it often - guess that's not doing me much good :)

Me too! Gotta do more than LOOK at it, lol.

Shana: I'll post some of my favorite snacks. Warning: I am not afraid of carbs- even use a bit of WW flour from time to time. :p

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