Yesterday afternoon was a nightmare. My server at work decided to lose part of the harddrive. The part of the harddrive where my newspaper software is sitting on.
I have to go in early today to see what I can do with it, Gene and I were there until 9 last night trying to recover the file that is corrupted. There was no saving it and my last backup was from last Thursday and I was told that the file Ineed is not even on mh backup.
When I started doing backups for this system I was told to only backup .dbf files. Well, I should have been backing up .dbt files as well and the .dbt file is the one that I need. So my classifieds are all gone and the earliest I can recover from is March 3rd.
Anyways, I'll have to rekey in all the ads from March 3rd and that means today I'm screwed. I just have to hope I get all the new ads in from this week and I have most of them sitting on my desk. I'll have to manually type them in. What a pain in the ass.
I'm going to start backing that damn system up nightly from now on. Which is what I should have been doing but you know how that goes.
So anyways, today should be real fun...
Today was Shoulders and I got up real early to get this done. I only did shoulders today but still had a great workout.
10 minutes on treadmill for warmup
20 second on/10 seconds off.
2 minutes rest between each exercise.
Overhead Barbell Press:
25# - 8 sets/12-8 varied reps
***Again, these burned like a mother. My endurance on this exercise really sucks. It burns like crazy.
Front Raises:
12.5# - 8 sets/10-9 varied reps (up 2.5#)
***These were burning but not as bad as the above exercise.
Lateral Raise:
8's - 8 sets/10-9 reps (up 3#)
***This was a good weight. Got a great burn.
Bent Over Lateral Raise:
10's - 8 sets/12 reps (up 2#)
***These burned too, good weight.
Barbell Shrugs:
45# - 8 sets/16-15 varied reps
***My right trap is really tight for some reason. It was like that last week as well. Good burn here.
HR Stats:
45 minutes
2 minutes below zone
41 minutes in zone
2:30 minutes above zone
329 calories burned
Wanted at least a 400 calorie burn today but I just needed to get done and get to work. Wish me luck!
That is all...
Anyways, I'll have to rekey in all the ads from March 3rd and that means today I'm screwed. I just have to hope I get all the new ads in from this week and I have most of them sitting on my desk. I'll have to manually type them in. What a pain in the ass.
I'm going to start backing that damn system up nightly from now on. Which is what I should have been doing but you know how that goes.
So anyways, today should be real fun...
Today was Shoulders and I got up real early to get this done. I only did shoulders today but still had a great workout.
10 minutes on treadmill for warmup
20 second on/10 seconds off.
2 minutes rest between each exercise.
Overhead Barbell Press:
25# - 8 sets/12-8 varied reps
***Again, these burned like a mother. My endurance on this exercise really sucks. It burns like crazy.
Front Raises:
12.5# - 8 sets/10-9 varied reps (up 2.5#)
***These were burning but not as bad as the above exercise.
Lateral Raise:
8's - 8 sets/10-9 reps (up 3#)
***This was a good weight. Got a great burn.
Bent Over Lateral Raise:
10's - 8 sets/12 reps (up 2#)
***These burned too, good weight.
Barbell Shrugs:
45# - 8 sets/16-15 varied reps
***My right trap is really tight for some reason. It was like that last week as well. Good burn here.
HR Stats:
45 minutes
2 minutes below zone
41 minutes in zone
2:30 minutes above zone
329 calories burned
Wanted at least a 400 calorie burn today but I just needed to get done and get to work. Wish me luck!
That is all...