Ok, today was Shoulders and Traps. Had an EXCELLENT workout! I am so pumped about this training and I am loving it. DH and I found a Tabata clock online that he downloaded for me. It's on my laptop and I had it in my workout room this morning. I todes the 20 second countdown, beeps and then does the 10 second rest countdown and beeps again when the next set shoudl start. Talk about intense. When I was using my two timers I at least had a few extra seconds to get them going. This didn't give me any extra time and I really felt each exercise. Too fun!!! My shoulders are fried!!!!
10 minutes on treadmill for a warmup
Overhead Barbell Press:
35# - 11/11/9
***Had to pause the timer and drop the weight, this killed me after only 3 sets.
25# - 11/8/10/5/8
***Ok, this exercise had my legs shaking. As you can see where 5 reps are, I had to stop early. Even where I hit 8 reps I had a few more seconds to do more but couldn't.
Front Raise:
10# plate - 9/10/10/9/9/10/9/9
***These weren't so bad. Probably could have used more weights.
Bent Over Raise:
8's - 8 sets/12 reps
***These burned like a mother.
Barbell Shrugs:45# - 8 sets/16 reps
***These burned bad too. Good weight choice.
Lateral Raise:
5's - Varied between 11 and 10 reps for 8 sets
***Wasn't going to do this due to my shoulder problem but I decided to give it a shot. All is well and these felt good.
HR stats:
49 minutes
1 minute below zone
45 minutes in zone
4 minutes above zone
367 calories burned
Then I got on my treadmill again and did a light jog for 8 minutes and a fast run for 2 minutes. Was sweating like a mofo.
Total HR stats:
1 hr. 3 min.
1:40 below zone
50 minutes in zone
12 minutes above zone
481 calories burn

10 minutes on treadmill for a warmup
Overhead Barbell Press:
35# - 11/11/9
***Had to pause the timer and drop the weight, this killed me after only 3 sets.
25# - 11/8/10/5/8
***Ok, this exercise had my legs shaking. As you can see where 5 reps are, I had to stop early. Even where I hit 8 reps I had a few more seconds to do more but couldn't.
Front Raise:
10# plate - 9/10/10/9/9/10/9/9
***These weren't so bad. Probably could have used more weights.
Bent Over Raise:
8's - 8 sets/12 reps
***These burned like a mother.
Barbell Shrugs:45# - 8 sets/16 reps
***These burned bad too. Good weight choice.
Lateral Raise:
5's - Varied between 11 and 10 reps for 8 sets
***Wasn't going to do this due to my shoulder problem but I decided to give it a shot. All is well and these felt good.
HR stats:
49 minutes
1 minute below zone
45 minutes in zone
4 minutes above zone
367 calories burned
Then I got on my treadmill again and did a light jog for 8 minutes and a fast run for 2 minutes. Was sweating like a mofo.
Total HR stats:
1 hr. 3 min.
1:40 below zone
50 minutes in zone
12 minutes above zone
481 calories burn
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