Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/12

I finished my workout and went grocery shopping. Glad the grocery store had Cashew Butter since I had a recipe I wanted to try in the new clean eating magazine. Since I was free DH and I went out to lunch at a local family run bbq place and then drove around the neighborhood
Then I came home and did some housecleaning and filing.

Workout went like this, Tracey Staehle's Boost your Metabolism ( I found this at Target and son in law gave me a 2 dollar off coupon) which was 5 minutes upper and lower combined segments and floor cardios. This also had balance included. I burned 338 calories and workout was 54 minutes. I think I could up this a little by doing the harder cardio throughout as Tracey has you start at lower intensity and add to it. I then did MIS and L&G segments and then went on to do 4 Day split HIS Cardio premix.I added some foam roller time too. Total calories burned today was 1003 45% at 157 HR max
MIS Squats 50# 2 sets 40 reps
static lunge 16 reps left and right 2 sets 50# barbells
plie squat 1 set 40 reps 50# barbell
quarter deadlit 1 set 12 reps 50#
Dumbbell back lunge 1 set right and left 20# dumbbells
Dumbbell back lunge off step 20# dumbbells left and right reps, 8, 4, 2, alternating for 8 reps
Legs amd glutes hover squats (repeat once) approx 46 reps 25# dumbbell
calves (repeat two more times) 32 reps 25# dumbbell
glute ham tucks 25# dumbbell and 5# ankle weights 53 reps R and L
glute and ham raises 48 reps L&R 5# ankle weights
outer thigh sweeps /inner thighs 5# ankle weights

I have BFFM but hate that I don't have it all printed. I only printed sections of it. I would rather buy the book done and bound. Costs less They charge to much for the downloads.:rolleyes: It annoys me. I have so many things printed off the internet and it is hard to keep track of all of it. I do think it is a good program though. I hope it works for all of you that purchased it. s

Shana, we always enjoy American Idol. Looking forward to the new season:D
Hey Ladies~! I finally got my freak on with Chalene and Lauren Brooks...now that sounds freaky:p! Did CLX Burn Circuit #1 and Lauren Brooks kettlebell Full body Fat Blast. Gosh, I love them kettlebells. I'm too lazy to type it all out, but it was killer no doubt!;):eek:

I'm glad some of you watch AI too! I'm not such a lone-dork after all.

Talk tomorrow...need food.

Oh! One more thing. I have BFFM too! It's great. I got mine used and already printed out for $20. I know! I lucked out.:p
Wow, Dallys - you did luck out!! And glad you got your FREAK on :)

Diane Sue - funny you mention cashew butter. I saw it at Whole Foods and almost got that instead of the normal almond butter - haven't had cashew butter for a long time. And last night, I read an old PM from Charlotte about her Toasty rotation, and today she mentioned it here - ooooooeeeeeee :eek: the cosmos are doing something freaky (that was for you, Dallys!)

Sonya - thanks for the well wishes on the back!

Speaking of back - I have been soooo good the past two days, taking it very easy. Mark wanted me to walk with him (his walks are quite leisurely) so I went and it seemed to help. Still, took it easy. Then tonight, I decided to give it a try. Did chest and triceps, minus the GS add on b/c it was starting to bother me again by then. Felt ok though - just listened to my body and since back isn't really involved in these moves (at least not where my pain is) it was ok. Sometimes I may claim brilliance but not too often do I claim common sense...:rolleyes: Hopefully I haven't made it worse and can get some decent cardio in tomorrow although I won't go all out - promise!

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