Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 4th

Quick check in! driving too work was not good, took me an additional 20 minutes to get here. I dare not take the freeway:confused:

This morning, I did a 20 jog followed by STS Back & Triceps. I am really like this one.

Lat pull downs with band 12
Dumbbell Rows Both Arms 21
Dips on chair 16
Straddle Pushups 10
Chin ups 12 ( used my door gym)
Seated Overhead Extensions One Arm (dumbbell) 15
One Arm Row (dumbbell) 15
T-Pull with band 36
Flat Bench Barbell Triceps Extensions 14
Barbell Rows 21
Y's with band 36
Kickbacks One Arm (dumbbell) 15
One Arm Horizontal Row (dumbbell) 15
Dead lifts (dumbbell) 8
Close Grip Bench Press (dumbbell) 15
One Arm press Down with Band 36
Chin ups 12 ( used my door gym)
Seated Overhead Extensions Both Arms (dumbbell) 15
Barbell Rows 21
Double Arm Rows with Band 36
Side Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball (dumbbell) 15
One Arm Row (dumbbell) 15
Dead lifts (dumbbell) 8
Kickbacks Double Arm (dumbbell) 15
One Arm Band Kickbacks 36
Pull ups 12 ( used my door gym)
Cross Body Kickbacks (dumbbell) 15
Lat pull downs with band 10
Side Lying One Arm Pushups 16
Superman on Floor Arms & Legs Elevate 24
Good morning! My arm was so bad yesterday that I couldn't lift it. I know that a tetanus / whooping cough booster is important (Charlotte!) but wow, didn't expect to feel so run down and achy. I slept in this morning instead of cardio. I think I'll switch my week around and do my second leg workout today and put off cardio until tomorrow. So I'll head downstairs and do L&G in a little bit- haven't done that one in a long time, so I'm looking forward to it.

Teddy: Can I confess that STS is freaking me out a little? All of those chin ups and pull ups, ack! I know, modify, modify. I have previewed workouts 1 and 3 and she doesn't mess around. Are you sore?
Patti: LOL:D yes:D I :Dam :Dvery :Dsore:D that's why I did Legs yesterday. All em push ups reminds me of P90X, but by alls means modify, I am next round.:rolleyes:

I really enjoyed this morning workout, but I felted rushed, my bag. I got in late yesterday messing around at Beachwood Mall. But, hurried home and made a big pot of turkey chili and protein pancakes and straighten up bit all that before American Idol can on and I watched Fringe love that show. Tonight, the new series comes on Lie To Me now that’s good! Okay enough chat ttyl.
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Teddygirl - We got about 6" so far, how much you getting? And I surprised at how the STS workouts are laid out. I really had a whole different idea in my head as to how they would be. I'm just shocked to see so many different exercises, one set each and moving along to the next exercise. I'll be interested in hearing what results people get with this series.

Well, the knot in my shoulder blade is almost gone. I can turn my head side to side without hardly any pain. I still feel a twinge and know I couldn't do a pushup yet. I'm giving it until Monday and then I'm sure I'll be good to go. I'll do cardio tomorrow and Saturday.
Debbie: We got about the same:D I cleaned about 6' off my car this morning. As far as STS, remember these are the endurance workouts and I agree with you, thus far, the format on the three w/o I've done this far are perfect she does allow 30 second rest inbetween exercises. Knowing me :rolleyes: I won't even preview Mesocycle two or three not until recovery week. I'm glad your shoulder is getting better, I will see you on the dances floor tomorrow, me thinking about
BM2 Scrambled Eggs :D
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Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Today feeling much better too. Still feeling like this is more of a pinched nerve type of thing as my arm will get tingly, cold and then was just burning from the inflammation from the trap area, etc. Not so bad today. On advil to keep the inflammation down as well and need to finish cleaning the rest of the house today. I will still do some ab work today though..gotta keep those abs in order as well or the work will become harder (always happens with abs if you slack too much). Cardio on tap for tomorrow...steady state.


Glad you are doing much better! We have alittle snow from a few days ago...like 2 inches, and maybe that as it is already melting. Suppose to be warm this weekend..like 70. Bike ride??? YEAH!


I'm afraid to get shots like that anymore for those things as I wouldn't want to get something from it, but that is just my opinion. How is your arm today? The lady at the health dept wanted me to come in and get the same shot you just got, but I told her, "NO". lol.


You brought it to the table today and slammed it back down again! WOW! Great job!

I was wondering about that show Lie to Me. I haven't seen it yet. I just watched AI and then went to bed. Simon and Randy crack me up!
Debbie: We got about the same:D I cleaned about 6' off my car this morning. As far as STS, remember these are the endurance workouts and I agree with you, thus far the format on the three I done this far are perfect. Knowing me :rolleyes: I won't even preview Mesocycle two or three not until recovery week. I'm glad your shoulder is getting better, I will see you on the dances floor tomorrow.

Ah, I see. Mesocycle is probably more rest time, etc. I guess I should keep my mouth shut until I see the rest of the series. :eek:
Ah, I see. Mesocycle is probably more rest time, etc. I guess I should keep my mouth shut until I see the rest of the series. :eek:

;):D They're still new for all of us.:) But, I must say Meso 1 week 1, disks, 1..2..3 are the only ones I've done so far. And they are GREAT!
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Morning Maniacs! Just finished up CLX Push Circuit #2 and then did 200 swings. I'll post stats later..

running late.
Toasty: Thank you, girl! Tho, I must admit, there is lots of exercise and for that reason I kept weight selections on the low end. The most I grabbed was a 15 lb DB and a 35lb barbell. Next week I’ll lists stats. I am glad you are getting better also, I tell ya, you Debbie, lol

Tomorrow, is cardio and I will see ya on the dances floor to. I’m thinking either Scrambled Eggs or a Kickboxing workout, I shall see.

Oh you have got to watch Lie to Me, I had NO ideal it was going to be this good, check it out.
I just finished L&G and BM2 abs and I feel great- arm didn't bother me at all. Ha, probably because I wasn't using it! :) L&G was a good choice with a bum arm- no BB work for me to get up and over the shoulders, just DBs. I am so much stronger than the last time I did this workout, which was well before my December / January rotations. Thanks again Debbie! I have very measurable strength gains and I love it!

STS: Yes, the list of exercises is loooong. That also surprised me, although I don't mind it. But watching the first one, I admit it seemed to go on and on and on...but I'm sure you don't think that while you're doing it. It keeps moving.

Charlotte: LOL at you saying no to the shot. I totally get where you're coming from- I have a cousin that doesn't even take advil or tylenol. If I had known how yucky I was going to feel, I would have refused it.

Debbie: So glad you're seeing some improvements!

I made a good tuna burgers recipe from PN last night- if you anyone wants it, let me know. It was very simple and DH and I both liked it.
Legs & Glutes
I love this workout. It was hard for me to guess what weight to use for this, since it is so different than a traditional Gym Styles workout with BB squats and lunges. She moves so fast that I consider it an endurance kind of thing. So I just guessed- glad that I can do a lot more than I did in November! :)

Standing Work:
Leg Press on High Step- 2 sets / 15# + 10# vest
Hover Squats-15# + 10# vest
- Go heavier next time
Rear Lunges- 15s + 10# vest
Plie Squats (varied tempo hold)- 15s + 10# vest
Rear Lunges- 15s + 10# vest
Plie Squats (varied tempo pulse)- 15s + 10# vest
Drop Squats on high step- 15# + 10# vest
- Must go heavier next time.
Explosive Plie Squats- 10# vest
Curtsey Lunge (pulsing)- 10# vest
Calf Raises- 10# vest
One Legged Deadlifts- 25s
Plie Squats (traditional)- 30# + 10# vest
-Must go heavier but didn't want to hurt the arm today
Sculpting Drills- slow knee pulls on high step- 10# vest
Explosive Lunges- just body weight
Outer Thigh Leg Press on high step- 15# + 10# vest + 3# AWs
Calf Raises- 10# vest + 3# AWs
Standing Leg Extensions- 10# vest + 3# AWs
Standing Outer Thigh Lifts- 10# vest + 3# AWs

Floorwork: Used 3# AWs for all
Glute and hamstring tucks on high step
Glute and hamstring raises
Outer thigh and glute sweeps
Inner thigh lifts
Morning Maniacs!

Yesterday was cardio and I did Body Max (step only), 8 min. jumping rope, 8 min. on TM alt. between sprints and hills. Today will be Butts and Guts + abs.

Meals for today:
M1: egg white cheese/veggie omelet, 1 slice ezekiel toast
M2: Protein drink, banana, almonds
M3: 6 oz chicken , 3 oz yams, 1 cup mixed greens w/cucumber, 1 tsp lite dressing
M4: 3/4 cup low fat cott, cheese, rice cake, 1 tsp natural p-nut butter
M5: protein drink
M6: 6 oz. orange roughy, 1 cup steamed broccoli
Calories: 1,518, Carbs: 91g, fat: 38g, protein 204g

Teddy....how long did the workout take today?
Debbie... glad the shoulder is better!
Patti...Nice workout! Congrats on the strength gains!...glad the soreness in arm is gone.
Suz...you really kicked some a$$ w/ your leg workout yesterday! :eek:

DS is flying home from Oregon this weekend for his birthday. We are having a suprise party for him! Can't wait to see him!
Sonya, Hi ;) Toda's workout took me bout 1 hour 15 minutes. I take my time but was rushed today cuz I hopped on me treadie. I really needed that 20 minutes :eek:
I know! I'm going to feel left out too, but, oh well. What rotation are were you thinking of starting? Did you buy STS?

Hi Dallys! Yes I ordered STS, but late. Still haven't gotten them yet. :rolleyes: I'm wanting to do a superset rotation that I found, actually a friend of mine passed it onto me. I may do that for a few weeks and then switch over to STS.
Morning Ladies - how is everyone!

Debbie and Dallys
- I didn't order STS. I though it was very expensive and didn't know if I could stick with it. Looking at some of the exercises, it seems somewhat similar P90X. Not sure, but from what I have seen so far. i would probably like to order particular videos from it.

Dallys - I am very curious what you think about extreme chalene.

My workout today was shoulders and man did they scream at me - not sure what is up.

Front Raises 3x10 - 10# Dbs
Lateral Raises 3x10 - 10# Dbs
Rear Delt Raises 3x10 - 10# Dbs
Then I jumped rope for 20 minutes before heading off to the office!

Have a great day all.

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