Legs & Glutes
I love this workout. It was hard for me to guess what weight to use for this, since it is so different than a traditional Gym Styles workout with BB squats and lunges. She moves so fast that I consider it an endurance kind of thing. So I just guessed- glad that I can do a lot more than I did in November!
Standing Work:
Leg Press on High Step- 2 sets / 15# + 10# vest
Hover Squats-15# + 10# vest
- Go heavier next time
Rear Lunges- 15s + 10# vest
Plie Squats (varied tempo hold)- 15s + 10# vest
Rear Lunges- 15s + 10# vest
Plie Squats (varied tempo pulse)- 15s + 10# vest
Drop Squats on high step- 15# + 10# vest
- Must go heavier next time.
Explosive Plie Squats- 10# vest
Curtsey Lunge (pulsing)- 10# vest
Calf Raises- 10# vest
One Legged Deadlifts- 25s
Plie Squats (traditional)- 30# + 10# vest
-Must go heavier but didn't want to hurt the arm today
Sculpting Drills- slow knee pulls on high step- 10# vest
Explosive Lunges- just body weight
Outer Thigh Leg Press on high step- 15# + 10# vest + 3# AWs
Calf Raises- 10# vest + 3# AWs
Standing Leg Extensions- 10# vest + 3# AWs
Standing Outer Thigh Lifts- 10# vest + 3# AWs
Floorwork: Used 3# AWs for all
Glute and hamstring tucks on high step
Glute and hamstring raises
Outer thigh and glute sweeps
Inner thigh lifts