Hardcore DVD Presale Begins July 4th

THANK YOU, Cathe!! This series sounds like it'll be another winner and you just cannot beat that price!

I'm doing the happy dance!!! :7 :7 :7

>Please put in the music louder option. I love this feature.

Yes, please do!!! I can only say I'm happy there's no vhs option...less ordering/shipping confusion that way ;-)

I'll be ordering the entire set. What a great price!!

Thanks Cathe!!!!
Hi Cathe!

What exciting and great news! Those are specific enough details for me (actually, I don't need any details to know I will be ordering all of them :)).

I know they are going to be fantastic and I can't wait to try them.

Thanks, Cathe!
Cathe, You can count me in for the whole kit and kaboodle. Thanks for including the band in preorders. I love all the descriptions, sounds like everything I need under one roof...or box I should say. And I'm looking forward to be worked hard to the core. (Did I just say that?}( :D )
These sound awesome! I'll be going for the whole shootin' match. (It would be silly not to, since I'd probably end up with them all one day anyway!)
the prices are great thanks...i'll probably order a little at a time for financial reasons but I want them all!!! WOO-HOO Cathe..you're the best!!!
The timing is fabulous...Monday is my birthday and now I can let my wonderful hubby know what he is getting for me!

Hope everyone has a safe and great 4th!

Perhaps its just me but i only counted 9 dvds on the list. I thought it said 10? Anyway, i will get these...though i'm thinking that these workouts will be alot shorter than 60 minutes. Ie - core work, and stretching, etc... but hey, its Cathe and almost anything she does is fantastic.

W x
I am excited, too.

But I was hoping two workouts would be on one DVD. I like & utilize the premixes.

Will there be any premixes or mix & match?

It says free band if you order the 10 pack, does this mean 10 pack or the 10 pack + the compilation DVD?

Nikki T

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