Hardcore Check In for May 2017

Legs and Glutes today

2 sets of these
Side Lunges 10 reps each side I used 12#
Air Squats 30 seconds
Single leg deadlift 10 each leg 15#
Alternating Lunges 10 reps 15#
Deadlifts 20 reps 20#

Super set (3 times)
Goblet Squat 10 reps 15#
Jump Lunges 30
I forgot to post my weights today on PHA.
12 reps all exercises 3 rounds of each group
squat off the end rnd 1 20#, rnd 2 20#,rnd 3 20#
overhead press rnd 1 2 15#, rnd 2 15#, rnd 3 15#
side lunges rnd 1 2 15# db, rnd 2 15's, rnd 3 15's
upright row rnd 1 2 15# db, rnd 2 15's, rnd 3 12's
step ups 2 20# db, rnd 2 20's, rnd 3 20's
release push ups 12 reps all rounds
Group 2
cross back lunges 20#, 20#, 20#
biceps curls 2 20# db, 20#, 20#
deadlifts 2 25# db, 25# , 25#
pullovers 2 15# db, 15, 15
standing squats 2 25# db, s5#,25#
lying extensions 2 15# db, 15#,15#

Roselyn, nice workout again today:)
Today I didn't have a lot of energy so I decided to do Cardio Coach 1. Short, sweet and still intense. I had a great workout. Then I did the band stretch from Stretch Max. Love that one.

Workout was 36 minutes, burned 238 calories (TM said 336), ran 2.46 miles and went 5008 steps.

Abs are sore from yesterdays workout. Love it!!!

Diane Sue - Nice workout yesterday!!! I'm not a big fan of ab workouts but for some reason I really like them in this series. Just basic ab work.

Jolie - I think you'd like these workouts but they aren't very long. I notice you like to lift for at least 45 minutes. Not with these. The ab workouts are great, though!!

Roselyn - I am supposed to do one of the leg workouts tomorrow but not sure my knees will let me. I may try one of them and see how I do. Nice workout, that looked tough!!!
Today I did Cardio Slam with the abs, 63 minutes, heart rate 132 average/ 177 max, 459 calories, 4,346 steps. (this was a 6.6 met according to what the workout manager has, much lower than what they give for the workout) I did my workout early today because I wanted to get out and do the banking, getting gas, post office, and stop at Sprouts done before the storm chances hit this afternoon. I have the clothing party to go to tonight. Hopefully any rain is light. I don't think Oklahoma City will get the bad storms, but you never know in Oklahoma. It rained yesterday and I was happy that my sun room did not leak. I am so grateful that the painters caulked the glass ceiling when they painted outside for us. They did such a good job that two of the neighbors came over and asked them about painting for them.

Debbie, I often find even if I am tired and not up to a workout once I get going I am good. Just once in awhile I hit a point where I am literally dragging and forcing myself through one. Sometimes I cut them short. I am betting on the treadmill calorie burn. The band stretch was always my favorite from stretch max. How is you kitty doing? Did the essential oils being diffused help?
Today I walked outside, 5.5 miles, 1 hour 30 minutes and I burned 672 calories. My avg BPM were 110 max was 159 going uphill. I am really sore today, these lifting heavy workouts are really kicking my butt!

I have some exciting news! My son Jack got offered a full ride scholarship to The University of Nevada last night!!!!!!! I am such a proud mom! It is a D1 school so it is awesome for football. He is only a Junior now so his coach said that he will get quite a few offers in the next 6 to 8 months.

Roselyn, Nice leg workout. If I did that one, I wouldn't be able to walk the next day!

Debbie, great cardio workout today! I felt the same way today, low energy. I had to force myself to walk and once I got out there, I felt good. I think I get a good calorie burn when I lift weights is because I use a pre workout supplement. I am sure that kicks my heart rate up and gets me burning more calories. Do you use a pre workout or just drink coffee in the morning? I don't drink much coffee so I supplement instead my caffeine.

Diane Sue, Great workout today! I am sure you will be feeling that workout. That is a tough one for me to do, not sure why?
Diane Sue, I got your workouts mixed up, yesterdays is the one I was talking about. Good job on todays workout!
Jolie, that is awesome that your son got a full run scholarship offered. I know you have to be vary proud of him. I bet he does get a lot more offers before the time comes. I drink decaf coffee since I have a hard time sleeping. I was using a pre-workout powder for awhile. I don't think there was a huge difference between not drinking it and drinking it. I have looked at some of the pre-workout drink that the sell on Dr Axe website. I am just not sure if I will try it or not.
No workout for me today, I didn't get to bed until really late and I was exhausted. I should have just gotten up, though, because I woke up a 5 and couldn't go back to sleep. Oh well. I'm still really tired so I guess a rest is ok.

Diane Sue - My cat seems ok lately. Even good. He isn't in and out of the bathroom any more ad although he still bats at the other cats, he hasn't attacked them. So I have no idea. I guess we'll just have to see. :) We've used the oils for some time now, that is why I was so freaked out, they never fight like that. The oils were out, though, so that might be why. Nice workout!! We have been getting nothing but rain here, our backyard is a swamp. It's ridiculous. I'm glad your room didn't leak, nothing worse than a leaky roof.

Jolie - Nice job on your walk yesterday and congrats on your son. Wow, that is awesome that he got the scholarship! You have a right to be proud!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and great workouts!!!
Today I started with Barre Amped Bounce arms and abs using 3# dumbbells and my fit tower for the bar. I wanted to do it again since the other time I did it my neck and shoulders hurt for days. I would call it shoulders and some abs myself :) pull up moves and long arm pulses. Ouch. Anyway , that was an extra warm up. !8 minutes, 53 calories, average heart rate 92/ max 139. I then did Strong and Sweaty Giant sets and it took me 11 minutes longer because I stopped between giant set body parts to write down the weight I used. Some day I will get this down so I am prepared. 62 minutes, 265 calories, this would calculate to a met value of 4.7 compared to workout manager 7.5 and 422 calories. heart rate was average 104/ max 131. 2,465 steps this morning. Not much. I have to get busy and want to go find a new shirt to wear with my new skirt I got at the party last night. I have an eye appointment today. The first exam since I had the double process laser surgery years ago. About 9 years. I hope I am still good.
Workout weights
squats 45# barbell 12 reps of 4 and then 8 singles
sliding rear lunges 15's 16 reps
plié squats 45# barbell 12 reps (4 and 8 singles)
side slide lunges 15's
deadlifts 30's 12 reps
shoulder overhead press 15's 16 reps
upright row 15's 16 reps
rear delt flys 12's 16 reps
incline front raise 8's 12+ some more in an arc
seated lateral raise 8's 12 reps
wide stance deadlifts 60# barbell 12 reps
cross back slide lunge 20# db 16 reps
diagonal lunge 20's 12 reps
static lunge 25's 12, 7 ,7 reps
warrior lunge with disc body weight
one arm row 30# 16 resp
pull overs 15's 16 reps
chest flys 15's 16 reps
incline press 20's 16 reps
push ups
squats 30's 12 (4 then 8 singles)
deadlifts 60# barbells 12 reps (they used 25# dumbbells here and I didn't want to change the bar weight repeatedly which I ended up doing anyway for plies)
plié squats 45# barbell 12 reps
sweeper lunges body weight
side slide pick ups 15# 16 reps
seated overhead extension 15's 16 reps
close grip bench press 15's 16 reps
lying extensions 15's 16 reps
seated w curls 15's 12 reps
incline hammer curls 15's 12 reps
preacher curls 15's 12 reps

Debbie, if you are like me, even if you went ahead and got up you would have not had as good of a workout. Once in awhile I surprise myself though. I am glad that you cat seems better. Hopefully the mending is happening.
Happy Mothers Day weekend! I hope you all enjoy yourselves!

Today I did Shoulders. I am extremely tired, I am not getting enough sleep. My husband is always yelling at the boys late at night for something and it always wakes me up and then I cant go back to sleep. I am the only person in the house that likes to go to bed early and get up early.

I did 5 exercises, 4 sets per exercise, each set was to failure, 2 minute rest and I burned 307 calories. Workout was 50 minutes. My average heart rate was 108 and my max was 155.

Warm up DB overhead press-
15# x 15

Overhead Press DB-
25# x 12, x 11, x 10, x 9

1 Arm Lateral Raise DB-
15# x 12, x 11, x 10, x 10

Rear Flies-
15# x 12, x 11, x 10, x 9

Front/Rear Raise DB- ( four day split style)
10# x 12, x 11, x 10, x 9

Upright Rows DB- (I usually do 20# DB but went lower because my shoulders are fried)
17# x 15, x 14, x 13, x 12

Debbie, good job on taking a rest day, listen to your body and then you wont get an injury. I feel so guilty but sometimes you just have to force yourself to rest. I am glad to hear your kitty is feeling better, sometimes things just work themselves out, go figure! Have a nice Mothers Day.

Diane Sue, wow, that is one long workout! Great job! I hope you have a nice day with your family on Sunday. Are you going to workout? I am. I want to go for a long walk and clear my mind and burn some calories before I go out and eat. What are your plans?

Roselyn, I hope you have a nice workout today! Have a nice Mothers Day!

Enjoy your day!
Jolie, nice workout even if you were tired. I probably will take my usual Sunday off. Tomorrow I will get in some good cardio and ab work. The family is all coming to my house. The guys are supposed to supply the food. My son in law ordered barbecue brisket.
I have been really tired lately myself. I came home from my appointment and errands and tried to get a cat nap before my husband got home, but it just didn't work. I kept thinking about all I needed to do so changed into painting clothes and then tried to call the employee benefits division of my husbands work to ask some questions about dropping my end of insurance when I start Medicare. I have decided a supplement is better than what they are offering. They were trying to get me to pay more and stay on the same Blue Cross but get the plan that pays more of the deductible. They won't let me have the Advantage program since my husband is not on medicare yet. That is dumb and I do not really like the HMO. I just got rid of it this year. Anyway, I sat on the phone for so long and I guess they didn't want to work late so the recording said leave a number and they would call me back as they were all busy. What a waste of time. Finding a shirt didn't work out well either. That was a waste of time. So, I am painting tonight before I go to bed. At least 1 wall. Next weekend is full with two birthdays and a graduation so nothing will get done.
For me, I think I keep my husband and myself up with my coughing and allergies. Also. not being able to sleep so I am moving all over. Then his alarm goes off early for work and he uses the tread climber and weights his weights in our bedroom so I go ahead and get up. Usually I am in bed later just finishing up things before bed.
That was a long weight workout today to me. I felt it. Have a fun mother's day with your family.
Today I did a 5.5 mile walk outside. Workout was 1 hour 35 minutes and I burned 647 calories.

Have a nice day!
This morning I did the Terminator I Max Extreme workout, 75 minutes, 627 calories, followed by Ripped with Hiit abs 1, 10 minutes 44 calories. Total time 85 minutes, 671 calories. I got 12, 584 steps so far. There wont be many more. I am going to bed soon. My grandson came over today and mowed and he helped me finish painting my workout room and he hung some of my things back up and anchored my television back to the wall. I am glad it is finally done. I moved some things around and then cleaned the carpet. It was nice having my grandson painting with me.

Jolie, nice calorie burn today.

Have wonderful mother's day tomorrow ladies :)
Happy Mothers Day my friends!

Today I walked outside for 6.5 miles and I burned 729 calories! We are now going to the golf coarse to hit some balls and then out to lunch! An active Mothers Day is my favorite!

Have a wonderful day with your kids and grand kids!
Today I did RIPT90 - Hard Core Chest. Had a good workout but my HR didn't get as high as it did the first time I did it. Fun workout, I like this one.

Each Group below was done in superset fashion:

- 6 reps
Planks - 30 second hold
6 sets of these all in a row, no rest

Dumbbell Chest Press
- 30's/6 reps
V-Sit Isolation Hold - 30 seconds
6 sets of these all in a row, no rest

Chest Fly
- 12's/reps
Twisting Crunches (Russian Twist) - 8#
6 sets of these all in a row, no rest

- I did Jumping Jacks instead - did 50 of them.

Workout was 33 minutes, Avg HR was 81, Max was 103. Burned 78 calories.

Walked on my treadmill on a 3% incline for 1.25 mile.

Nice workouts this weekend!! I hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day. Mine was great!!
Today I did BACK and ran on my Elliptical. I did each set to failure and I had a 2 minute rest in between sets. My average heart rate was 118 and my max was 165.

Wide Grip Pull Downs-
60# x 12, x 12, x 12

Barbell Rows-
60# x 12, x 11, x 10

1 Arm Rows-
35# x 12, x 10, x 9

50# x 12, x 10, x 9

1 Arm Horizontal Rows-
25# x 12, x 11, x 11

16 minutes, 1.6 miles, 201 calories

Total Calories for the entire workout was 455. I am happy with that calorie burn. Today I was very tired so I had to push myself to get going, but I did it!

Nice workout today! Good job on getting your treadmill in as well at the end! I am glad you had a great Mothers Day!

I will be back later to read the other posts.
Today I got up and showered just in case I could get my dog Gertie in early. No such luck. We have an appointment for 3:30. She won't eat this morning and keeps moving from her doggie bed to the crate. She did come upstairs later when I decided to workout and rolled around on her back and acted a bit more normal. She seems uncomfortable. I think she may have a UTI infection.
I didn't want to get too sweaty after showering so I did STS disc 1, I have no idea when I last did that one, 53 minutes, 210 calories, 101 average heart rate/ 160 max. I don't know where that 160 came from. I have been wanting to check out the Fit Tower Slim and Trim beginner workout so added that at the end, 36 minutes, 98 avg. / 129 max heart rate, 90 calories. Calories burned gave me 130 with that heart rate average but I didn't use it when I logged. I used 3# ankle weights and a heavier band for this workout and also changed up some things like the easy way Cathe did the push ups, I did them on my toes in normal fashion. I really did not need more push ups after that STS workout though. Also I did not take the rest breaks during the ab work and altered the moves to increase the intensity a bit. I think that it is an excellent workout for someone who is just starting to build up some strength. Total time was 89 minutes, 300 calories total,

Debbie, nice job on the workout today. I think I would find those low calorie burns discouraging, even though I know they have nothing to do with the results. Sometimes I think seriously? I could have had that many calories sitting on my backside.

Jolie, good calorie burn for someone who was tired. That was a nice calorie burn for those 16 minutes on the elliptical.

I will come back in awhile and post my weights. I need to track down Gerties short leash and take care of a couple of things.
STS Disc 1 weights
push ups standard 8, push ups wide 8, push ups standard 30
alternating seated overhead press 15's x15 r
barbell curl 40 # x 21r
incline chest fly 15's x 15 r
seated rear delts 15's x 15r
bonus band pulls 15
incline curl rotating at the top 15's x 15r
decline push ups 20r
incline front raise on stability ball 8's x 15 r
standing quarter stop curls both arms 12's x 8r
prone push ups on stability ball 20 r.
seated lateral raise both arms high ends 8's x 6 r
seated concentration curls 1.5's 15# x 12 reps
straddle push ups 18 reps
side leaning lateral raise on ball 8# x 15 r
seated curls alternating +both arms 15's x 16 r
chest flys 15's x 15 reps
seated overhead press 15's x 15 r
preacher curls on stability ball one arm 15# x 15 reps
core push ups boot camp style 16 reps
seated front press double arms 1.5's barbell 25# x 12 reps
staggered push ups 16 reps
incline rear raise on stability ball 8# x 16 re[s
barbell curl wide grip 35# x 21 reps
Today I did Run Fit wit Candace and had a great workout. Love this one, it's so fun. I love all my Cardio Coach workouts, I can't believe I'm not sick of doing them.

Workout was 52 minutes, ran 3.58 miles, burned 381 calories (TM said 492) and went 7308 steps.

Diane Sue - Yes, the low calorie burns are discouraging sometimes. I'm not sure why I have such low burns during weight training. These workouts are really short but intense when you do them. I sort of wish they were about 10 minutes longer. I want to order the original set in hopes that they might be a bit longer. I'm running out of workouts to do because I'm only doing the weight lifting ones, not the cardio ones. It looks like the original has a DVD for just Arms, just Chest, just Shoulders, just Back and Just legs. This one mixes them. I will probably order those soon. Nice workout yesterday!!!

Jolie - Nice workout. Amazing how your get up to 160's for your HR with weights. And your burns are fantastic!! Nice job!!!

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