Good Morning -
Roselyn - Good leg workout this morning. I hear you on the cold. 7 below when I took DS to school
Teddy - Have fun with cardio
Theresa - You inspired me. I haven't done Providence in awhile. Wanted to do it yesterday but couldn't get it in. I'm going to try to fit it in this evening. You're getting in good workouts
How is your shoulder doing?
Debbie - That adjustment period is always tough with a new family member. Nobody is really happy for awhile. I hope it goes smoothly and (relatively) swiftly for you and the monkeys. Enjoy your rest day.
Yesterday, I tried to print out the exercises from workout manager for STS Total Body. I usually do set up the night before, but have been kind of disorganized this week. Anyway, when I tried, a screen came up (twice) that said "Fatal Error ... (something something)
" That's a pretty extreme way to put it, whatever it meant
I didn't have time to write out the exercises and I didn't want to just wing it with the weights. Running short on time, I just went ahead and tried Insanity Cardio Core and Balance. This is a much less intense workout than the others (recovery week), but it does include enough of the moves I was worried about bothering my leg. It was a good test and went fine. I was very happy/grateful. My workouts have been pretty sparse the last couple weeks -- both in time and intensity. Maybe it's a good thing (I shall get fancy and call it my deloading phase
Yah. All part of the plan
). I did set up STS TB last night - still couldn't get it to print. Theresa got Providence stuck in my head, so I'd like to get that in too. So much has been going on (in addition to my wonky leg) this past week plus, I just don't know. Today will be busy too. Need to spend some time on a schedule/rotation in the next day or so.
Have great day everyone.