Happy Thanksgiving to all my Cathe forum friends! It is a joy and a delight for me to be a member of this fun and supportive community, and I appreciate all the support and encouragement I receive from y’all. Thank you for loving me. This journey has been emotional and challenging for me, and I have a deep love in my heart for each of you. I am looking forward to sharing my journey with all of you in 2008! 
I have a special place in my heart for my beloved Road Trip sisters and all my check-in friends who support me, encourage me, and lavish me with love.
Shelley, thank you so much for encouraging me to step outside my comfort zone and attend the Road Trip. This has been a pivotal year for me in so many ways. I will remember 2007 as the year of being kicked out of my comfort zone, and you inspired me. I am still hoping to meet you next year.
Allison, you made me feel like a princess when I first met you in Jersey.
I will never forget your reaction! :7 Priceless! You are such a doll! 
A big thank you to the beloved Road Trip coordinators for all the joy they added to my fitness journey this year. What a dream weekend! :7 I am hoping to return again. Love and hugs to Debbie, Kathy, and Lorrayne. Thank you for all your support and encouragement this year. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Heather B.
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
I have a special place in my heart for my beloved Road Trip sisters and all my check-in friends who support me, encourage me, and lavish me with love.
Shelley, thank you so much for encouraging me to step outside my comfort zone and attend the Road Trip. This has been a pivotal year for me in so many ways. I will remember 2007 as the year of being kicked out of my comfort zone, and you inspired me. I am still hoping to meet you next year.
Allison, you made me feel like a princess when I first met you in Jersey.
A big thank you to the beloved Road Trip coordinators for all the joy they added to my fitness journey this year. What a dream weekend! :7 I am hoping to return again. Love and hugs to Debbie, Kathy, and Lorrayne. Thank you for all your support and encouragement this year. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Heather B.
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).