Happy Holidays Everyone!!



[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-02 AT 07:09AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Everyone!
I wanted to take this moment to wish all of you wonderful ladies a very Merry Christmas and a super Happy New Year. I know it may sound a little strange but I consider you all very good friends of mine even though I have never met any of you. I feel very connected to you all through our common fitness interests. Some of you I have gotten to know a little bit through emails and I wanted to say "thank you" for allowing me into your lives just a bit. And also a big "thank you" to the rest of you for allowing a guy to hang out here with you. It's difficult being perhaps the only active male poster here because I know of course we are going to have differences of opinion on some things simply because of gender. I can only give my male perspective but I really love hearing the female side of things. It's really quite refreshing. I wanted you all to know how much I really care about each and every one of you. Every one of you amazes me with your motivation to be the best you can be while trying to juggle "real-life" stuff too. You all make this guy really proud to "know" you! :)
Trevor :-jumpy
GO 24!! Drive for 5 in 2003!
Good morning and "Happy Holidays" to you too Trevor. :)

I think of you so many times when we're posting on "sensitive" subjects and sometimes I laugh aloud thinking, "poor Trevor, I bet he's thinking,'too much information!' when reading this thread!" :)

My hubby cracks up sometimes reading the posts over my shoulder, and he constantly tells me, "boy, you people (talking about we women)just share too much information!"

I'm glad you're here, and I hope more men jump on the bandwagon, and maybe with the addition of the guys in the new series more men may get involved with Cathe workouts. I think sometimes men equate home workouts with being just for women, I know my hubby did until I got him his own workout. :)

Take care, and I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. It was nice to see your pic and put a face to your name.

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Thanks Trevor! How nice of you to think of us all. It's been fun getting to know you and I count you as one of my friends too. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you. This should be a fun year with Brandon. Looking forward to more posts from you.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Seasons Greetings Trevor! This is such a wonderful time of the year to share with friends and family! It's also a priceless gift having this forum !" We all share the same passion,we all keep it real,we all have our own opinions but mostly we all respect each other! It's been really great getting to know you--(in it for the long haul baby!) Have a wonderful Holiday and May all your christmas dreams come true!
Happy Holidays to you and your family Trevor! What a nice post. Have a great day.


Make each day count!
Happy Holidays to you and yours too, Trevor. And to everyone here, Merry Christmas.

Trevor, I love your add-on to Go 24, 5 in 2003, I totally agree. :D:D

Happy Holidays Trevor! You are such a sweetie! :D We ladies enjoy having a male opinion and you also make us smile!I hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday and that your new year is FULL of love and laughter! Stay healthy - Susan
Happy Holidays to you & your family Trevor!

Not only is it great to hear a male perspective on the forums, but your fitness knowledge & sense of humor are greatly appreciated.

Hi Trevor!

We don't 'know' each other. However I wanted to say I always enjoy seeing your posts and wish there were more men out there for selfish reason. Then I could use peer pressure to try and convince DH work out with Cathe as well.

Happy Holidays to you and your family.

~~ Sharon ~~
Hi Trevor,
It's funny, my husband & I were passing your health club the other day, & he suddenly yelled, "Hi, Trevor"! It amazed me that he even remembered your name.
We would both like to wish you & your family a very happy holiday. I'm so glad you're still here on the site. For awhile (a few months ago) I thought we had chased you away in disgust. Thank heaven you hung on!
You're a brave man who gives me a lot of insight into the way men think. (Good men.) I ALWAYS enjoy your posts.
Take care,
Ruth :)
Hey, thanks, Our Favorite Guy! Hope you and your kids and wife have a good holiday, and that Santa brings you everything on your list!!!!

Just Do It! :)
I thought I had heard someone yelling my name!!.......I just figured I had missed the curse words yelled before it!! lol!!
Ruth, stop in sometime one afternoon I'd love to meet you.
Trevor :)
Happy holidays to you, too! I love reading your posts. You are too funny! Have a great one! I for one am looking forward to the day AFTER christmas...:-tired .... :p
Right back atcha, Trevor -- we love having you around here! Like many of the other folks who've posted, I hold you up to my husband and sons as our "poster boy" (no pun intended :)) for the fact that Cathe workouts are male-friendly. I must say, though, that you have GOT to have more coordination in your little pinky than my DH has altogether. ;-) The thought of my dear fella trying a ricochet is mind-boggling!

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
Hey Trevor!
Merry Christmas to you and yours! Your posts are funny and it is interesting to "hear" another male perspective! Thanks for helping keep us in line when we're tempted to male-bash (Who, me? No, not me!)
Have a happy safe holiday season!

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