Happy Birthday, Bobbi!


I read on the "I Want to Know!!!" thread that your birthday's today! I hope you have a wonderful day and that your family cooks and cleans for you and makes you a great big birthday cake.

My birthday's tomorrow (42). A UPS package arrived from SNM the other day and I just know it's the 27-DVD-pack I've been begging for for almost a year! I'll let you know tomorrow after I open it.
Have a great and Happy Birthday, Bobbi! May you relax, reflect and be pampered!

Take care and have a great day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOBBI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Bobbi
Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!

Hope you don't mind me singing LOL
Have a great one
Thank you! I love birthdays! I am ordering pizza for the kids and they are mad because I decided NOT to pickup an ice cream cake but I pigged out on the most delicious Christmas cookies I have ever eaten today at the kindergarten holiday party! Hubby has to work late because his boss is on vacation but we are going to my favorite resturant and seeing Return of the King as soon as we can squeeze it into our hectic schedule!


We're not getting older, we're getting better; we're not only getting better, we are getting fitter. How is it possible that each decade gets richer and more rewarding while what makes me happy becomes more simple? The love of an incredible family, awesome and inspiring friends, many right here at the click of a mouse and Miss Cathe herself! Forty-one could be my best year yet!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi

Susan, that's a great birthday present. I hope yours is a happy one too! Did you laugh when Danielle said that about Christmas birthdays! I did! I remember my sister saying, "you know, they always just gave you one of your Christmas presents!" Liar! LOL!

As you know, I have nine sisters and 3 brothers and the night I was born, my mom was puttering around as the mother of a huge family must. She waited too long to leave for the hospital and guess who showed up? My sister, sixteen at the time helped her out and I was born before the country doctor arrived. Sharon even cut my cord! None of my older siblings have ever forgotten that night nor my mother for that matter! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/talker.gif Legend has it I spoke my first work just moments after coming into the world!

Thanks for the songs and the well wishes!
Happy Birthday Bobbi,

You are the best - So,you are 41 today - that is something isn't it? Our birthdays are only 4 days apart - mine was on Sunday the 14th - I just turned 48 - I love your response about getting better!

I definitely feel that way - my oldest child (daughter) just turned 30 this week, too - WOW!!! That is so hard for me to believe that I am even old enough to have a 30 year old. One good thing is people often think I am only 30 and I say "Yeah, I am 30 with a 30 year old myself!"

Cathe's workouts have helped me stay in shape after having ten children - so cheers to Cathe, also.

I hope you have a very good and happy birthday - you are such an uplifting person! Hey, maybe when you come to Michigan this next summer we could meet somewhere - I just don't remember where it is your mother lives - maybe you could refresh my memory. I live in West Michigan.

Hey Bobbi...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I agree....we are getting better and the forties have been fun for me....except for some injuries! I also love your little computer smiley...and so enjoy reading your posts. Nine sisters and three brothers? WOW! That is so cool about you being born at home. Hope the day is wondeful for you...:)...Carole
Happy belated birthday to you, Cheryl! I would love to meet, Cheryl! My mom lives in Lakeside which is in the South Western Michigan, about 60 miles from Chicago. One thing I know about women with many children is they have a built in workout! My mom turned 81 in July and she is amazing! My oldest brother is twenty years older than I so it's been great to realize that 30, 40, 50 are not old nor does 80 have to be if you do the right things! Cheers to Cathe from me too! Cathe is a gift I give myself most days!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
I have had a great day! I am extra cheerful on my birthday! The kids help willingly, no one can be mean once you say, "hey, it's my birthday! :) The only sad thing is it is not quite ten and I am ready to call it a day and tomorrow is not my birthday! LOL! But tomorrow is Susan's birthday so we can celebrate her birthday and it will be almost as great as our own day because she's a special lady and we are all going into our forties and realizing that "over the hill" is a heap of baloney and life at forty is better in so many ways!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
Happy belated! I didn't check this site until after midnight! Hope it was great and that the next year will be even better!
What a cool story, Bobbi. I wonder, do you and your sister have a special relationship because she helped bring you into the world?

Bobbi, You know I already wished you a Happy Birthday but wanted to make it official here! Love your humor, your feisty ways, your passion for all things important. Take it from me, you are not old! Wait until you get into your fifties and what you ate for dinner and bowel movements become a topic of conversation. Now that's old! You are my "shining star" who makes me laugh almost daily.

Shari, we do indeed have a special bond; how can you not with the person who held you first and gave you the report that you were plump and pretty with a headful of dark hair and and stuck a tiny hand into yor mouth, looking for food. Awwww! I don't roll over to the next year until I have received a birthday wish from Sharon so I am really only 40 because her card is late! Another sister sent me a Top Ten Reasons I Glad Your my Sister; My favorite has to be "Our frequent childhood fights kept me strong and limber" so fitness must have been important to me even then. She also says I made of sugar and spice and all that other crap" and I "never attempted to run her over with the family car.." I can't believe she's forgotten! But it was a truck! LOL!

Thanks for the birthday wishes and the hugs. Hugs are great!
Alexis, I am already in tune with the importance of regularity! Remember, my mom is 81! A friend of mine was saying she can't stand to talk to her mother because that's all she talks about; I thought that was pretty sad because the Bailey family revers the 4' 11" inch lady who brought us into the world and what's wrong with say, wishing someone a Merry Christmas and a happy and regular New Year? Your idea of prosperity changes as you age! I know mine has!

You make 50 something to look great, Alexis! There's so much inspiration right here. Time marches! I say bring it on!

When my thirteen year-old read my little legend, she asked me what my first word was!

http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi

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