Halloween Greetings!

Cathe Friedrich

(Boiling bubble noises)
Just finishing the last of my spooky morning java freshly brewed in my black kettle....insert witches laugh (for real this time:7 )

Before we hit the shipping again today, I just wanted to wish you a fun and festive day. Go ahead and enjoy a piece of candy...you're workouts will be in your hands soon enough. Heee hee hee hee heeeeeeeee!
http://bestsmileys.com/halloween1/2.gif[/img] to you Cathe! I hope you and the boys have a very festive evening...:)

Hope you have a fun time tonight }(

I'm looking forward to taking my Gypsy, Vampire, and
little Pirate out for some spooky trick or treating fun.
Happy Halloween, Cathe! My DVDs arrived yesterday!! I thought I'd start out 'easy' so I did Low Impact Circuit. Not as easy as I thought it'd be - my biceps are still sore!!!

EXCELLENT JOB on the new DVDs, Cathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Halloween to you too! Great picture on the Blog.

I'm suppose to get my DVD's today - What a great treat!

Hi Cathe! Happy Halloween to you & your 2 little guys! What are they tricker treating as? My son, Craig who's 14 is simply wearing a wolf's mask. Teenagers don't dress up anymore. All the teenagers in my neighborhood had "mischief" night. This morning we found toilet paper strung all over fences & trees. What a sight! They also went around ringing people's doorbells & leaving a ghost bag on everyone's front stoop. I suppose we were supposed to leave candy in the bags for them! Who knows? Kids!

Enjoy the day w/your boys! What are you going as? hmmm? Kathy:D
Happy Halloween to you and your family!

I think after my Body Max workout this morning I can afford a piece of candy or two. I love raiding the boys' bags for Sweet Tarts. I am doing the room mom thing for my 10 year old's Halloween Parade/Party so I will have to watch out for all of those goodies! At least I will get some walking in with them tonight - it's going up to 72 here so it should be nice. :D

I think your Count Cathula is such a great costume. We all needed a little laughter.

Have a Happy Halloween.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Happy Halloween Cathe!!!

Are you taking your boys trick or treating this evening? What are they dressing up like?

Have a great evening!!

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