its easy to find out, get your FSH levels and your testosterone levels checked as well as your fasting glucose. What you are looking for is low FSH and high testosertone and or high insulin. If you are insulin resistant you can have the androgenization (hair in places it shouldn't be and hair loss on the top of the head) without the cysts or even a waaay low FSH level. I have that.
I use horsetail for the hair on the top of my head and I use saw palmetto to help with the hair on my belly/chin/throat area. It does make me softer/more feminized so that means its a little harder to lose fat and gain muscle, but I was looking like a hairy fat dude anyway.
Ickles. The other side effect of saw palmetto is that it does slow down the bowels (sorry to be gross
) Both of these are over the counter herbs you can buy at your health food store or drug store or even online. With your thyroid issue I would be hesitant to have you try something before you get your hormone tests. Sometimes fixing one gland can fix the other issues as well. Another yucky symptom of PCO is fat deposits like a dude with a beer belly and depression. Laser hair removal only works on dark hair over light skin and even then its expensive and you have to get it done more than once- mine was not permanent. They may want to put you on birth control pills which can even out your cycle but do induce insulin resistance.
Food: Hydrogenated oils induce insulin resistance. High Fructose corn syrup is especially potent in me, it blocks the hormone that tells my brain-stop eating stupid I'm full!
I even have to watch it with fruits. And aspartame gives me major headaches. You may want to avoid soy and estrogen sources like yams if you are estrogen dominant because in women excess estrogen is converted to testosterone. That means no soy protein. And most whey proteins have soy in them.
PCO is a cluster of symptoms that are a result of bad insulin receptors. The best way to bring down some of the symptoms is to lower your carbohydrate intake. I aim for 60 grams a day but often see 100 grams. When I have too much sweets I take gymnema sylvestre, which is known as 'the destroyer of sugar' it is a potent herb and not to be taken lightly. Some people respond well others can go hypoglycemic (low blood sugar). Never take that without food.
I have insulin resistance, the thinning hair on my head, the sensitivity to sugars, I'm prone to hypoglycemia, I tend to have too low blood pressure, and I was obese. I found that cardio exercise was key. Turns out that the one thing which immediately improves insulin resistance is cardiovascular exercise. I was told this by Kaiser at my pre-diabetes class. This is why I'm a little over zealous with the cardio. I do six days a week. I don't freak out if I miss one but I do try to get it because it seems to make a major difference in how I feel.
Sorry for the way long post.