Had to stop in the middle of Power Max for the 1st time!

Muffin Top

Hi Cathe,
I'm not sure if you can answer this or not. I've been doing Power Max for a while now. Last night, I got so winded and tired after about 30 minutes that I actually had to stop. Before stopping, I tried modifications to continue, but it didn't help. I was just wondering if this was likely due to not enough water or sleep...or even eating unhealthy? I am a little worried that I've lost some cardio endurance for some reason. Also, I was wondering if anything like this has ever happened to you.

Thanks for your wonderful videos and DVD's and take care of that knee!


I know that my workouts are totally affected by my sleeping and eating habits. In addition, I usually feel a littel weak around TTOM. Could you possibly be coming down with a cold or something?

In Power Hour, Cathe says somethign along the lines of...Some days you are stronger...When my little guy is up crying all night, I have no strength the next day.
Our humidity rose tremendously today and it sure affected my work-out. I know a body takes a couple weeks to acclimate to humidity changes. Could it be that?
If it makes you feel any better I tried a cheesy Firm DVD and thought I was going to die. This was due to a lack of sleep, working a long day, and not having eaten. After getting some sleep and eating properly I was able to do High Step Training all the way through, huffing and panting but completing the workout nonetheless. Some day ya got it. Some days you don't. That's why we're all human! :p
My energy levels definitely fluctuate dramatically based on sleep, eating, and overall mood. There are days when I can get through Cathe's Boot Camp wihtout a hitch and then there are days when I feel like I am going to die after the 5th circuit. So...this is why I have different workouts for different energy levels. If I am feeling particularly tired for some reason, I will do a less intense workout that day.

So don't be so hard on yourself - just make sure you are getting the right sleep and food and then select your workouts based on your endurance level that day.
Is it possible you are overtraining? Not being able to complete your typical workouts due to fatigue or getting too winded is one of the signs, and always happens to me when I am in overtraining territory...
Well, I managed to do all 68 minutes of KPC Sunday, so I am pretty much convinced it was due to lack of sleep/not enough water. I'm doing Power Max again tomorrow and hopefully, will make it through the whole thing! Thanks everyone for the feedback. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.:D
There are just days that we are not our best - lack of sleep, poor eating habits, not feeling well, a tough workout the day before - there are many reasons that it can happen. If it happens once, don't worry.

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