H1N1 WARNING:I got the vaccine 4 weeks ago and I was just diagnosed with H1N1!!

Why don't you consider your own tone before you preach to others and jump on their thoat, Ellie?

I saw nothing wrong w/Ellie's post, I didn't get any mean spirited tone out of it like I did out of Fit Fairy. FF should of maybe asked some questions before posting as she did to clarify the OP reasons for going to ER.
She apologized. All is well.

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I love these smilies!!

FWIW, we all read different tones in what is posted. You say potato, I say potahto, you say tomato, I say tomahto....:)
and now that I am positive (falsely or not) I am now home on Tamiflu because Brenda in Indiana

I just want to comment on false positive and real positive. If you had a flu test done in the ER or your Doctor's office the test they use tests for seasonal flu A & B. H1N1 falls under the A category. The only way to be absolutely sure it is H1N1 is to do a PCR test. This tests for the specific RNA of the virus. You can not get a false positive result using this method. You may get a false negative only becasue the specimen was not obtained properly. Therefore, unless your hopital did a PCR test for H1N1 and it was positive then Yes you have H1N1 otherwise you may just have seasonal A flu.
Hello all,
Just wanted to check in and thank everyone for their well wishes and also for a very interesting discussion. I absolutely enjoy informed discussions and once again, this thread has proven that Catheites are savvy intellectuals :)

As far as my flu experience, it has been a very mild case and the feeling among the "powers that be" ( Infection control and various doctors) at the hospital where I work is that the vaccine may have protected me from getting more severe symptoms. I have experienced a sinus headache and occassionally cough, but have not had any other flu symptoms. I will return to work after the thanksgiving holidays. In the meantime, I am cleaning my house and working on various organization projects at home.

My apologies to all that my initial post did not contain a full picture of my particular situation. My point for posting was to call attention to the fact that the H1N1 vaccine does not necessarily protect against getting that strain of flu, just as a regular flu vaccine doesn't guarantee one would not contract the seasonal flu. Fortunately, in my case, whatever it is I have is mild, but given my work circumstances, I am off work to protect my patients.
After I am finished organizing my office space and kitchen junk drawer, the next order of business on my aganda is to peruse Cathe.com and see what downloads/ equipment I must have for my home gym!!

Brenda in Indiana
Sorry, but I'm very skeptical of website with doctors pitching their products for such information. I'd recommend people check for scholarly resources to help form an opinion on whether or not they want to get a vaccine.

I didn't see anyone pitch anything???

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