Gym vs Home Workouts

The cybex machine is durable and easy to use. I don't get to gyms much except at resorts, and Cybex is BETTER than what I most often see. We have had this since 1999 and my husband an son really like it. I like it but just prefer Cathe weight videos most of the time.


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
>is really keeping me from
>deciding to join a gym
>is that I already spent
>money in some videos and
>equipment and feel guilty if
>I don't use what I

Hi Mariela,

Hee hee! That's a whole 'nother ball of wax. :)

It does sound like it's tougher for you to work out at home. The gym is great if it is easier for you to use. You can always use your home videos and equipment when the kids get older, and nothing goes to waste.

I forget was this was like because my boy is 15 now. :) I remember worrying that my son would get in the way and that I'd bean him with a dumbbell.

After having my son 2 years ago, I have been strictly home based. We have a gym membership but the morons and fluffbrains that "watch" the children don't inspire any kind of confidence in us. And one of the gyms in the "chain" we use was convicted of child molestation, so we really turned paranoid after that one.
I get sporatic in working out but love working at home. Cathe tapes are really great, I'm looking forward to the new ones, I can say every line in CTX :)
I use to be a gym rat and do sometimes miss the variety of equipment, I find that just getting in a workout and some weights make me feel better (now for that diet stuff :)
Maybe when my son is older I will reconsider but right now, home is best and most comfortable, even if I do have to watch Garrett more than Cathe to keep from beaning him :) He sits on me during situp and pushups, so that is a real strength workout now.
My daughters do exactly the same: they sit on me during crunches and push ups, and any floor exercise. hahaha
I like a gym primarily for the weight machines, and they are Cybex at my Y. I learned on weight machines, so I guess I'm partial to this method. Now that I'm experienced, I prefer free weights for upper body, and machines for legs. If you really stubborn leg mush, like me, nothing works like the machines, IM (humble)O.

It's good to have a gym to try out the different classes, too. If I didn't have a day job, I'd be taking a lot more classes. I also like having a place to go to use elliptical trainers, too.

What you can live with forever is something you LIKE to do, and that takes experimenting. And if nothing else, you can always walk until you're WAY older than even me. ;-)

Just Do It! :)
The main reason why I would want to go back to the gym would be to work my legs, as I feel that I really can't go any further doing squats and lunges. But then again, I detest standing leg work! The only standing leg work I can tolerate is S&H Legs. I'd much rather sit on my bum and push and pull the machines. It's a lot easier! Hmmmmmm, maybe I'll invest in a leg curl/extension machine for my home. It would probably be cheaper in the long run.
I joined a gym a little over three weeks ago for the first time in my life. I did it for a little variety, but certainly not to replace Cathe. I love what her weight workouts have helped me to achieve and so far, no classes at my gym can compare with Cathe's kickbox and step bench routines. By the way, I took their "advanced" step class. I was the oldest one in the class and also the only one on an 8 inch step. Everyone in the class was sucking wind and there I am, twirling and hopping. I kept saying to myself, "they think THIS is advanced? Compared to Cathe, this is a walk in the park." I don't think I will partake of their classes too much.

I just felt I was getting a little burnt out exercising my myself all the time, plus I wanted to have a different type of cardio to turn to, such as treadmill and elliptical trainers. The elliptical trainer, by the way, kicks my butt. I like picking the program I want and then watching my heart rate fluctuate on the screen. I am mesmerized by it. But, let me tell ya, 36 minutes on that thing (the length of the interval program I selected), leaves me dripping.

I am lucky to have an amazing facility eight blocks from my house. Door to door by car is 6 minutes. At the time I use the gym, around 7 AM, I practically have the place to myself. No waiting for equipment whatsoever. If the gym was not so close and if it was too crowded I would never have given it a thought.

I only go Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. I do cardio each day, chest, back, shoulders on Monday, legs on Tuesday and bicep and triceps on Wednesday. Cardio with Cathe on Thursday, legs with Cathe Friday and upper body with Cathe on Saturday. I am enjoying the diversity.

If joining a gym is not an option for some of you, have no fear. You can get absolutely incredible results working out at home with any Cathe rotation. She has taken me so far and if the gym does not yield any further improvement, I am okay with that. I will never, ever stop using Cathe in favor of the gym's equipment. But it is nice to be able to step out of my comfort zone and try new things.

Hello Mariela,

I have to say that I don't go to the gym and don't intend to. I used to go to the gym because I didn't know about Cathe back then. However, I didn't get the results I wanted because I wasn't shown how to use the equipment and also because I wasn't following instructions like with a Cathe video. The good thing about Cathe videos is that you know how many reps to do, which part of the body you are working on and how much weights you should be lifting.

I thought about going back to the gym, but then I would only use the cardio machines and I don't think that is enough reason for me to part with my money.

I would say Cathe workouts are ten times better than the gym and if you use them regularly, you will see results. Increase the weights if you want more muscles.

Just as Marlene said earlier, you get to the point when the free-weights are not giving you the results you would like. It has been a couple of months since I've gotten sore from a workout. And, without a spotter, or a Smith machine, how many lbs can you hoist up on your back safely?

I workout at home using both Firms and Cathe weight and cardio tapes. On Tuesday, I finally joined a gym because I'm limited on my legwork in terms of poundage. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP doing Firms and Cathe workouts. I do have a workout room with a barbell, free weights, treadmill (which is now broken) and a leg curl/extension machine, but I just need to change it up a little. Besides, my certification exam for ISSA is next month and I need to get the low-down on the machines and see if I can get a job in a gym!
Marlene 123---are you the famous Marlene of the Tank Top Rotation?! If so, you're brilliant! And THANKS. It's a great rotation.

I have to agree that for legs, the gym is hard to beat for variety. But in terms of routines I will actually do, and routines I will actually stick with for the long term, Cathe is hard--no, impossible--to beat for home workouts, in my experience. ;)
Dear Atgood:

Don't know about the "famous" part but yes, it's me. Glad you liked the tank top rotation. It did a lot for me and I am thrilled that it worked for others too.

My beef with the gym I used to belong to was I felt like there was *a lot* of wasted time. I was going with a coworker, so we'd take turns doing sets with one of us just standing around while the other was working.

Then there was the problem of demand for the machines - especially after the first of the year when everyone gets all fired up about post-holiday weight loss. You often had to wait your turn or work in with someone - more standing around.

On the other hand, if you have access to a gym that's not crowded, I think it can be a nice addition to home free weight work outs. We have a gym in the basement of our building here at work that no one ever uses - go figure - so I can squeeze in a workout anytime and can get alot done with no interruptions. I don't feel the need to do upper body work on machines, but I use the squat machine, leg curl and leg extensions to really challenge my legs without back or knee strain.

Before I had children, and before I found Cathe, I loved going to the gym. I liked using the weight machines and the aerobics classes. Then came Cathe. Her tapes were sooo much better than the step classes, I just couldn't see paying for just the machines.

That was eight years ago. I feel I'm in as good a shape now as I was then. I work out in one room and the girls play in the other. They may "show" me something while I'm working out, but they know its mommy's time and are very good about leaving me alone.

For me, Cathe tapes keep me really focused. Sometimes at the gym, there was just too much socializing which wasted time, or time spent waiting on equipment. I'm sure I could get a more built or muscular body with the gym, but I guess I'm happy with the results I'm getting with Cathe.
The other thing about working with Cathe (especially the strength training) is that she counts the reps and sets for you, she keeps talking all the time so you are guided through the entire workoutm and she goes into pules, negative and positive moves: you don't get that when you are just using the weights machines, all I ever did was lift the weights up and down. The only thing that gyms have that come close to Cathe is the Body Pump classes - you don't get S&H, PS, MIS, BM, MIC and if the classes are not scheduled at the time when it suits you, you miss it for that day, week etc.

We have a Weider weight machine in our basement, and I don't use it. I do my tapes. I got really bored with my tapes, and too anxious for the Intensity Series, that I bought the FitPrime tapes. No, they do not compare to Cathe, but they work my legs in different ways, and my buns have been very sore!!!! I just Fast Forward thru all the UB stuff, and do Cathe for UB, and those for my LB. It has been working out nice for me, and hopefully it is working!!!! With Cathe, my legs were always more sore, with these it is my buns. They have curtsy squats in them, and table work, something Cathe never does. Maybe just a little change up will give your legs what they need???
Lori S.
I have to agree w/Lori above. It's just a change up that your muscles need.

I seem to be going in the opposite direction w/my workouts than most of ya. I've been lifting heavy for about 5 years, on my own, no tapes. I would go thru phases of muscle gain then get all shredded (usually in spring for summer).Lately I've realized I need to add some real muscle endurance rather than the same old heavy or moderate weight I've been doing in cycles for years. So, I've been lifting with some of Cathe's tapes and WOW, I'm lifting lighter but because it's different to my muscles they're really sore. I find it hard to push myself when lifting for muscle endurance and Cathe is the best!! I've used her cardio tapes for years. I find the leg tapes to be what I really need cuz I have no trouble w/high reps for upper body just on lower.
I have always used only free weights with awesome results. If you buy some bodybuilding magazines, books or sites you can find all kinds of ways to mix up your weight workouts to cause muscle confusion or failure. Like drop sets, compound sets, negatives and staggered sets. Then you can challenge yourself. I don't feel you have to have a spotter or machines to properly & safely lift heavy enough weights to cause muscle growth. Actually from what I have read lifting heavy on machines is not a good idea. Studies I've read have shown that these machines can put your body in unnatural positions that can lead to injuries. Machines are best for lighter isolation moves. You don't need a squat rack either, learn some simple power lifting moves like a high pull snatch to get the weight up over your head. This will help increase your whole body strength and make you more "functionally" fit. I was lucky enough to have a DH who was a trainer in the air force to show me the power lifting moves but again there are sites book or mags you can easily learn these from. And on these practice w/a light weight is extremely important. Then you can really hoist some weight up there and squat away. Besides using a BB & DB's I use a simple weight bench w/the leg extension/curl and a preacher curl pad thingy and a full length mirror. A pull up bar is an excellent investment. Doing chin ups and pull ups have really helped with that V taper that makes you look less bottom heavy. The bar can also be used to work your abs. They're cheap and can be hung in a doorway. Once you make a little investment in time (learning moves or routines for your needs)and some more home equipment you don't have to keep paying the Gym membership.
Like someone said in an above post, The best workout is one U will stick with or do. I forget now. lol.

If any of you have any bodybuilding/heavy weight lifting or nutrition questions that you would like answered by real personally experienced women weightlifters an excellent site is It has a women's forum w/some very friendly, helpful ladies. The site also has tons of workout and nutritional info.

Sorry so long.

I have done your T-top rotation for 12 wks with great results..
Was wondering what are you doing now? I am ready for a change
Hi Chuee,
I'd like to hear a few hints on that high pull snatch. I try to imitate Cathe when she does it but it's just guessing on my part. I don't have confidence because I don't really know what I'm doing.

Furthermore, snatching a heavy barbell to my chest, overhead, and onto my shoulders is easy, but when I'm done doing squats I suddenly am out of energy to reverse the process. Is there a trick to getting the weight back down? Currently I sort of pull my head out from under it, without reaching fully overhead. Something about it feels unsafe!

The other day I had to call my hubby in and ask him to spot me there.

I will check out the site you cite! :)
Hi Connie,

I used to do the same move to get the weight up off my shoulders and Hubby saw me and said, "Oh, No." It is unsafe and just weird. What I do is in the lower part of the last squat you really power up thru the legs and it helps thrust the weight up over the head so you can lower it safely. This comes with practice w/light weight moving to moderate weight. I think the time it takes to learn proper form is why some just want to go to the leg press of hack squat. I also do jump squats with light BB and wave squats (quarter squat 4x and then on the 5th one, go down into a full squat and power out of it with a jump squat) these will help you build the explosive power to thrust the weight on your final set. Also, lots of BB upright rows with an real concentration on the negative move. I used to cheat the weight up if I had to and work on slowly lowering it to my waist then into a deadlift to lower it to the floor. Military Press (overhead press, w/BB behind head) is another to work on to help with your BB squats. I don't usually do these too much for shoulder work but to get stronger for squats they would help you with get the lbs. back up off your shoulders.

I'm not saying this way is the best for us all. It's just what I like best and works for my body type. I've built all the muscle I feel is right for my frame but some of you may have different goals and you're body may need different stimulation to build muscle. Just like no diet fits all.

Before on my old puter I had some good power lifting sites bookmarked with charts to show the moves and all. I'm going to do a search and try and find those. Another site that's totally for women by a woman weightlifter(full of info)is
There's also

Hope that helped some. I'll try and clarify if needed.

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