GWF and BodyBugg ?'s


I keep looking at all the threads on these and am curious . . .

1. Do you keep it on in the shower and during sex? Serious . .

2. One is more expensive than the other yes and why? - worth it?

3. How is the on line logging compared to WW, Cathe, Sparkpeople, Myfitpal etc.

4. What happens when you reach your goal weight - wear it only occasionally?

Thank you . . . .
I keep looking at all the threads on these and am curious . . .

1. Do you keep it on in the shower and during sex? Serious . .

YES! :D My DH tries to use that as a lure...burning extra calories etc:eek:

2. One is more expensive than the other yes and why? - worth it?

I have the bugg and paid $350 for the armband/digital display. The bugg had better software at one point, but that has changed since I purchased my bugg. I would go for the GWF today given the option.

3. How is the on line logging compared to WW, Cathe, Sparkpeople, Myfitpal etc.

Very easy to log food. Although, I don't log food on the website. I jot my calories down on paper and use the readings to keep me where I want to be.

4. What happens when you reach your goal weight - wear it only occasionally?

Thank you . . . .

I'm wearing mine for maintenance. I need to get an idea how to maintain.
Before, I was all over the map.
For me, this tool is more than just an aid for fat loss. It is helping me move more and think twice about how I spend my calories.
Another thing....embarrassing to admit. In the past, if I cheated on my diet, I had the mindset I blew it for the day and kept eating bad. Now when I have a slip up, I straighten up and fly right the rest of the day knowing I didn't completely blow my calorie burn with a piece of cake. Hope that makes sense.:p
THANK YOU for replying. I think I am sold.

The answer to the first question had me on the floor laughing! My DH would be NO different . .

Anyone else want to add please feel free . .
Thanks for posting this and thank your fit44 for your response. I really want one as well. I have to wait a bit to save up since I finally ordered CLX and the TRX, both should come this week!!!
Also, they don't ship to Canada yet!
I'm wearing mine for maintenance. I need to get an idea how to maintain.
Before, I was all over the map.
For me, this tool is more than just an aid for fat loss. It is helping me move more and think twice about how I spend my calories.
Another thing....embarrassing to admit. In the past, if I cheated on my diet, I had the mindset I blew it for the day and kept eating bad. Now when I have a slip up, I straighten up and fly right the rest of the day knowing I didn't completely blow my calorie burn with a piece of cake. Hope that makes sense.:p

My GWF saved me from myself this weekend. I took my DD to see a movie and indulged in some candy and then waaaaay too much popcorn. Before I had the GWF, in my all or nothing mindset, I would have then proceeded to eat anything and everything, but when I logged the calories for the popcorn and candy I still had a deficit. Therefore, I got right back on track before any damage was done. This is something that very rarely happens with me and I owe it all to the GWF. It is one of the best gadget purchases I have ever made, ranking right up there with my Garmin 305 and Classic 80gig Ipod.
I got a GWF for my birthday next month. It came in the mail on Friday, but I have to give it to DM to wrap and keep safe from me until next month, whaaa. You said that the armband is not waterproof, but is it sweat proof?? I want to be able to wear it during spinning, kb and bc and any other workout I can dream up.

. You said that the armband is not waterproof, but is it sweat proof?? I want to be able to wear it during spinning, kb and bc and any other workout I can dream up.


It is sweat proof, the moisture from your body helps conduct the readings.
You can't submerge it in water- swimming, showering, bathing. HTH:)

Happy Birthday Shayne:D
The Difference

I finally discovered the difference between Bodybugg and GWF. The same company (BodyMedia) makes three different versions of these, the BodyBugg, GWF, and SenseWear. The BodyBugg was designed to be used through a gym like 24 hour fitness with a trainer (though it works great without it -gym not necessary or required), GoWearFit for individuals, and SenseWear is for "clinical/research solutions." Now that the GoWearFit seems to have (from what I have read on these forums)a great online tracking program, GWF, is definitely the better buy. That's what I'll be getting.

Hope that helps.
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Hi guys,

I posted this in another GWF thread, but thought I might get a response here too, so am posting it in here as well :)

My gym at work let us borrow a BodyBugg for a week and it was great data for me--but my biggest pet peeve about it was that it wasn't exactly discreet. It was obvious under long-sleeve clothing and when I was wearing short sleeves, people would constantly ask me what I was wearing.

Is the GWF any smaller/less noticeable than the BodyBugg? And if not, how do you minimize the constant stream of, "Hey, that's that thing on your arm??" questions??

Hi guys,

Is the GWF any smaller/less noticeable than the BodyBugg? And if not, how do you minimize the constant stream of, "Hey, that's that thing on your arm??" questions??

There was an earlier thread with funny answers to these questions but unfortunately the forum software does not allow to search (three letter abbreviations such as) GWF (which is a pet peeve of mine).

I always answer this question by saying "It's a conversation starter." Then I explain what it is (the length of the explanation depends on the circumstances/interest level of the person who asked, etc.).
Hi guys,

I posted this in another GWF thread, but thought I might get a response here too, so am posting it in here as well :)

My gym at work let us borrow a BodyBugg for a week and it was great data for me--but my biggest pet peeve about it was that it wasn't exactly discreet. It was obvious under long-sleeve clothing and when I was wearing short sleeves, people would constantly ask me what I was wearing.

Is the GWF any smaller/less noticeable than the BodyBugg? And if not, how do you minimize the constant stream of, "Hey, that's that thing on your arm??" questions??


I wear short to 3/4 length sleeves. It doesn't really show under my clothes that are a bit looser and have a pattern. I notice an indentation where the band is but that could just be my fat arm. I wish it was more of a nude color instead of black (at least the band). No one at work has asked me yet.
I just tell people it is a pedometer- it's sort of true. If it is someone like my mom or my MIL, I tell them the whole story. But strangers in the grocery or someplace like that, I try to keep it short.

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