GS Legs


Active Member
Dear all,

I do not have GS legs, but read all wanderful words for it and I would sure order it soon.
But, please, can somebody explain me what kinds of exercises are:

 Tibialis anterior toe pulls
 vertical outer thigh press w/band
 outer thigh raises w/band
 slow motion lunges w/dumbbells

Thank you in advance for your help.

Here is a list of the exercises in the order they are done:

Barbell Squats
2nd set
3rd set plus bonus reps
Front lunges w/dumbbells
set #2
Rear lunges w/dumbbells
Plie Squats w/dumbbells
2nd set
Leg Press w/band
2nd set
barbell deadlift w/toes elevated
barbell stiff legged deadlifts on high step
slow motion lunges w/dumbbells
standing calf raises
Tibialis anterior toe pulls
Glute squeezes on the ball
One legged Roll Outs on the ball (this goes right into glute presses)
Glute Presses on the ball
glute tucks w/step and band
Roll In's on the ball
Inner thigh squeeze on the ball
Inner thigh lifts w/band
vertical outer thigh press w/band
outer thigh raises w/band

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Thank you Susan,

but I was wandering how the specified exercises are performed.I mean I can not imagine what exactly are the moving in the following:

slow motion lunges
Tibialis anterior toe pulls
vertical outer thigh press w/band
outer thigh raises w/band

Sorry, may be my English is not good enouh (I am from Bulgaria,Europe) and I have not explained my question right.

But thank you for your replay! You all are so kind and nice people.
slow motion lunges - done with light weights- 4 sets of lunges on each leg, slowly down for 4 counts, hold at low end for 4 counts, pulse for four counts, hold at low end for 4 counts and slowly up for 4 counts. Then repeat 3x on same leg before switching. These produce a good lactic acid burn.

Tibialis anterior toe pulls -Sit with legs straight out in front (slight flexion in knees) and bottoms of feet on stability ball for resisitance. You push your feet aginst ball to point foot and come back again. This works muscle over the shin.

vertical outer thigh press w/band- lying on back, legs extended in air at about a 90 degree angle to floor and with resistance band around feet. You open legs away from each other using the band as resistance aginst the outward movement and then come back to starting to position. Repeat a gazillion times.

outer thigh raises w/band- lying on side and with band draped around feet for resistance, lift the top leg slowly. The band provides resistance aginst the upward movement of the leg. Come back to starting position and repeat. There might also be pukses in these.

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