Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes rotation

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Hi Paula:

First off, congratulations on losing 40lbs, that is a wonderful accomplishment.. way too go....You dont have to do cardio 2x a day like i did.. if you are eating clean, you will be fine.. but an extra cardio will help.. Cathe has plenty cardio dvd's that are long and are sufficient.. here is what i mean by "eating clean"... in order to get the results you are after you almost have to eat clean and by this i mean CONNSISTENTLY eating high quality foods that are basically free of all unnatural additives. Clean foods are those without man-made sugars, hydrogenated fats, trans-fats and other unnecessary ingredients. Clean eating is not sexy and can be very boring BUT if you can sassy and creative (you dont have to be a cook cause i'm not) you'll be surprise on how yummy the foods can be...

The basics of eating clean consist of consuming a portion of lean protein (fish, white meat poultry, seafood, etc.) in combination with complex carbohydrates (yams, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, etc.)... we cant forget the fresh fruits and vegetables, if you have them as a snack or dessert you will be left full...

I have been successful by eating my meals or snacks at two or three hour intervals throughout the day. Since i started eating clean, I find myself eating more not less, but i'm eating more healthier foods. Oh i also eat foods that are rich in fiber :)

you can have condiments.. i have mustard (no mayo) and i use the fat free butter spray, fat free salad dressing and i make a yummy shake using whey protein drink (100 cal and less than 5g of sugar), i put my fruits, ice, 1cup of soy milk adn mix... YES i admit, it is alot of work and planning but hey if i'm putting all this effort into my exercises, then i mind as well do the same w/my eating.... consistently eating clean and exercising is a perfect combo for getting lean....

one more thing, if you have a bad day, shake it off and start again.. its a process..

sorry so long, hope that helped

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Thank you so much for this explanation! This will really help me in planning my eating strategy. I had no strategy last week and gained 3 lbs. (Was too busy and ate too many cheeze itz (':eek:') )But like you said I'll just shake it off and do what I NOW know to do. Thanks again for your help. (':D') See you on the boards.
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

For those of you who have done this rotation, I'm about to start week three. Does Cathe basically mean two workouts when she says, "CTX upper body plus Body Fusion"?
Isn't the CTX upper body pretty long (50 min. or so?) and THEN a circuit workout? Holy smokes! I don't have Body Fusion, so will any circuit work?

I have to admit though I'm on week three and this rotation has worked magic on my legs, butt, and darn saddlebags. I've pushed myself super hard and have been eating 99% clean. I figure if I'm going to do Legs and Glutes PLUS a cardio workout (I didn't do the 20 min. run. Did the drills from Drill Max instead), that I'm not going to waste my time and will give it all I've got!!

Thanks :)
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

>I have to admit though I'm on week three and this rotation has
>worked magic on my legs, butt, and darn saddlebags.

Do you mind sharing your results? I started Cathe's September rotation and really debated about doing this one instead.
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

I don't mind sharing my results at all. :) This might get long.

Some background info.:
For the past two years, I've been very inconsistent. My life was so very stressful that it was hard to even go to work. I would attempt to work out, but emotional I was drained, resulting in physical exhaustion. This June I decided that I was worth it. Enough was enough. So, I totally cleaned up my eating, started to work out as hard as I could six days a week. I've always been thin, with low body fat. If I gain any weight, it goes to my butt and the side of my thighs.

This is my 4th rotation that I've followed consistently. In the past I've been REALLY bad about starting something and flaking out. Seems like for me, it's after two weeks! Guess I expected to see drastic improvements after that time! I've always been semi-activity (running, tennis, even worked out w/a trainer about 8 years ago), but the past two years, life got in the way. :(

The first rotation I completed was Cathe's Intermediate one. I found after one week I had to up the intensity, because it felt too easy. I did circuit workouts, PUB, PLB, total body, and one Imax or something like that. After this month, I felt like I got my "wind" and motivation back.

The second rotation was a modified one of Cathe's that used GS. I made sure that I had two leg workouts per week and either KPC or LowMax to also help w/legs. After this month I saw some great results. I saw really good results in my arms and shoulders.

My third completed rotation was another modified Cathe rotation. I alternated one week of PUB and PLB with one week of SH. (Used both series twice). Again, I made sure to have two leg workouts. I used LowMax and KPC two of the four weeks.

Now, for my 4th rotation, I'm doing the Legs/Body Fat rotation. I don't run too much these days (runner's knee), and have been subbing the runs with 1/2 of an Imax (today I did the 6 drills from Drill Max).

From 3 1/2 months of being consistent with rotations, I've noticed drastic arm and shoulder definition. My abs are really popping (this is the area that genetics has helped with and has never been a problem, my saddlebags are almost gone, I have the side cut on the quad area, and my butt has not only gotten a ton smaller, but has really lifted. I have a bubble butt, and now it's much smaller, firm, and really lifted. (Prob. too much info. for you!!)

As far as eating goes, I eat the same thing every morning- Old Fash. oatmeal w/some type of fruit, coffee, and 1 cup of fat free milk.

Lunch is always a huge salad w/tomatoes, and a tiny bit of low fat dressing- I like the Good Seasoning Greek Dressing (the fat free kind has HFCS in it, so I get the lowfat version instead). Then I'll have leftovers (turkey spag. w/whole wheat pasta, turkey loaf, grilled chicken, turkey taco, chicken salad using ff sour cream and green onions on a ww English muffin....) I don't eat red meat or "white" stuff.

For dinner, see above. With dinner, I always have a veggie and sometimes a salad. I watch my carb intake at dinner, and will up the veggies to get full vs. eating a lot of say, turkey spag (even though it is ww pasta).

For snacks, I eat ff yogurt (I like the Blue Bunny Lite kind), lowfat string cheese, ww crackers w/natural peanut butter, apple w/peanut butter, protein shake or bar... I try to make sure that I have a mix of carbs and protein. If not, I will be hungry about 30 min. later. I have the occasionally diet softdrink, about twice a week. The rest of the time I drink water. Tons of it. I don't use a lot of salt, and I'm not a butter or condiments girl. When I eat veggies, I put some veggie seasonings on it (Mrs. Dash, Garlic Powder...), and that's it. I have one treat a week (Skinny Cow's vanilla w/car. yogurt cone). When I eat out, I request no butter or oil used on my veggies, and I typically order chicken. I never eat fast food.

I read labels CAREFULLY. I won't buy things w/HFCS. I was shocked to see that my favorite Dole canned tomatoes (the basil kind) had HFCS in it!! I eat the purest form of foods that I can, and I listen to my body. Some days you just need more food.

Sorry for the freaking book! I just wanted to help. I wish someone would have told me some of this back when I thought eating cream of tomato soup with a ton of white bread was good! Two things that have contributed to my results- clean eating and being consistent (with the eating and working out). I haven't missed a workout in the four months. I make the time.

On a side note, my husband is always a very clean eater. Makes the cooking and staying on track a lot easier. He's on his 4th month of P90X, and his results are amazing. He could be a spokesperson for P90X.
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Thanks so much for the info, and no, it wasn't too much! I love to hear what works for someone.

Your life sounds similar to mine. I had a baby in 5/06, my third:eek: , and my body just hasn't bounced back the way it used to. I wasn't able to workout at all while pg, and it seems like all my "stubborn" fat is on my butt and upper thighs. My upper body looks great, even my abs, but from the belly button down...

I have a hard time following rotations, too. I've tried P90X twice and haven't made it through the third week (although your husband's results had me thinking about it again.) I'm going to follow through with Cathe's September rotation, mainly because I'm not a big circuit fan and just want to be "forced" to do workouts that I wouldn't normally do on my own.

My diet is my biggest downfall. While I don't gorge on junk all day, I love my snacks, mainly ice cream, and I KNOW that that's what's keeping me from seeing the results that I really want.

Just curious...did/do you have cellulite and have you seen an improvement since cleaning things up?

Thanks again for all the info!!!:) :) :)
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

I hate circuit workouts too! How funny. I don't really like mixing cardio and weights. I would rather do all the weight sections first and then move on to cardio.

I did have some cellulite on the backs of my thighs (at a low body fat % and 107 pounds!). That is pretty much gone now. I had this strange area. The only way to describe it is to call it a pocket of fat, which it was. It almost bulged out from the sides of my thighs. Great visual, huh?!! It is 98% gone. I can only see it if I scrunch the area together, which I try not to do. :) I've had mine since around 28. Genetics- thanks mom and dad.

I don't have any kids, so I can't say that's what got me out of shape. For me, it was just depression, horrible eating, and watching tv from 4-11 at night. I only moved to eat. Plus, every year of 30 (I'm 35 now), It's harder and harder to stay in shape.

Good luck on your journey.
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

I'm thinking you and I are built exactly the same. My cellulite is almost in the exact same place! I'm 5-5 and weigh about 120-125 so my weight isn't an issue and I think that's why I don't take eating well too seriously. If I was "dieting" I'd be more conscious of what I eat. I'm really trying to get that together more and more these days!

I did Body Max 2 for the first time today and have to say that it was really good, although a bit longer than I like to workout. That's the reason I'm going to stick with the September rotation. I have circuit workouts that I have had since Cathe release them but have never done!

I'm 38 (sigh...) and I agree that the older you get the harder it is! I use Cathe as motivation. If she can do it, so can I!

Thanks for all the info, and good luck on your journey, too!
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Hey guys! I'm just popping in here to add that I just started week 2 of this rotation. I really need a good ol' swift kick in the patooty, so when I started reading this thread over a week ago, I decided to take it on!

I LOVE working legs. I really do!

My problem, as with many people, is my eating. My workouts are stellar and awesome, and very very consistent...but my eating un-does all that hard physical work.

SO..........I've committed to clean eating and this rotation. I'll chime in with results as I see them!

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...


Congratulations on your results. I'm interested in the BFL plan also. Which Cathe DVD's are you using? Have you noticed a difference using this plan?

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...


I am almost at the end of round three now, and from the get-go, I have subbed workouts as needed. Usually I sub running for any of the step workouts. I didn't realize Body Fusion was a circuit - I've never done it. But I just wanted to say that I am still seeing good results even with substitutions, so I think you can safely do the same.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Ladies, i'm glad that you are all seeing results.. i start this rotation tomorrow after taking a break.. this is one of Cathe's rotation that has worked for me.. i will probably do it 3x alternating different dvds..

stacie- BFL is okay.. for me i needed more cardio to move this lower body..

keep me posted on your fantastic results

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

I'm so jealous of all of you!!! just kidding. I started this rotation to try to lose some weight in my hips and thighs (pear shaped) but then got sick (of course) and had to take a break. I'm feelig better so I am going to start again. My problem also is eating. I have been off the wagon with eating for a month or so and boy is it starting to show!!!! I just can't seem to get motivated. Even though I put my jeans on for the first time all summer and they were tight. Still, part of me would rather have that cookie than smaller jeans. Don't know what's wrong with me!!!!!
But, I'm going to try really hard.

I came to the boards tonight looking for a bit of motivation. And here it is!! I can do anything for 4 weeks, right? Well, with my recent inability to self-motivate, I'm taking it on a weekly basis (it's a mental thing ;)).

I know tomorrow is Tuesday, but I'm starting tomorrow anyway.

Thank you for the inspiration, ladies!

I am loving this workout but am wondering what to use as a sub for
CTX Upper Body or does this workout come on any of the other CTX VHS tapes? Thanks for any help......leigh:)

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