Good Pilates DVD's?


I am officially hooked on Cathe but am now looking for a good Pilates Mat DVD to balance out my weight training and cardio. From what I can see on this site, Cathe does not have one.

Can anyone recommend a quality Pilates DVD that would be worth purchasing?

also, I would love to hear feedback from anyone who has seen a real change in their body after doing Pilates for a while. I have heard a lot of amazing things, but am slow to trust that it can be that amazing!

Thanks everyone!
I absolutely love Karen Voight's abs and back pilates. It depends what you are doing pilates for. I have found it has strengthened my back and core and flattened my tummy some. It didn't happen overnight though, and I still have some work to do. But I have noticed some change in about 6-8 weeks of doing this dvd approximately twice a week. I also do one or two of cathes ab work segments a week when I do PUB, PLB or MM.
I also want to add that you have to really focus on technique with Pilates and do it well each and every exercise cause they aren't long and repititous.

MTV Mix is my favorite--it takes your basic pilates moves & shakes them up a bit, very creative & fun. Ana Caban's pilates for abs is another favorite, it really makes me burn. :p

I've been doing pilates for about a year & a half & have definitely noticed a difference. It hasn't necessarily given me more cut in my abs as most people will tell you, but it's made other parts of my workouts so much better. When I do things like squats, pullups, etc. I can literally feel my core lifting the weight. I don't know if it's b/c pilates strengthened my core or if it's b/c it's increased my core awareness, but it's been a very valuable addition to my routine.
i love denise austin she is good she is tough and very nice i didnt do the pilates many times but i have noticed a change in my body since the 2nd time i did wasnt something big the way i stand was taller my stonach was more tight.if your body respond fast to changes u will see the change very fast.:)

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