Giving up junk for one month.......


I am going to seriously give up all sweets, and junk for one month, and see how I feel. I do eat pretty good, but not good enough. I went away this weekend with a bunch of ladies, and all they did all weekend was eat CANDY, and you-know-who dipped her fingers in there also. I had more chocolate this weekend than I had for a whole year. It seems like when I have a little, I want it more, more, and more. Ice cream is my biggest threat. I can eat it forever, and non-stop. So, starting today, no more junk. Feb. 28th I will tell you how I feel.:)
Lori S.
Hi Lori,

Just wishing you all the luck. I tried to do this as my
new years resolution. Guess how long I lasted? Three days,
yup. I was a real grouch for those three days too. My kids kept asking if I was mad at them or something. Now I just let myself have two small treats a day. I buy myself a low fat frozen yogurt or ice cream and I buy a seperate all out fat laden ice cream for the rest of the family. I agree with you about the more you have it the more you crave it, but if I totally forbid myself, it is even worse. Hope you do better in your endeavor than I did.

Good for you! I did the same thing starting last Sunday, the 19th. I really am pulling for you. The first few days are hard! It felt like coming off a drug, but now I actually crave veggies and grains. Here's to you! You can do it!!!
I know these hips would go down, and the roll around my belly if I would just clean up my eating. I can not stop at just a little, I overdo it!!!!
Lori S.
I stopped eating junk and starchy carbs about 2 weeks ago and I feel great! I no longer crave those afternoon pretzels or sweets like I used to. I feel more alert and energetic. I get all of my carbs from veges and some fruits. I've been eating a lot more protein(about 120 grms per day). I've lost almost 5 pounds and my definition has increased. You can do it. The first 2-3 days are the hardest but if you don't give in you can succeed!! Best of luck and let me know how you're doing! :D Susan
Good luck!

You know that now that you've announced this to us all, we WILL hold you accountable!

You can use this time to explore some healthy snack alternatives whenever you crave junk. For some odd reason, I find that when I have a general craving for "something", a banana will often fill that craving, even if I thought the original craving was for something crunchy (weird, hunh?). Apples are sweet, but contain fiber, and can help satisfy sweet cravings.
I just read in a magazine that most diets fail because people don't stick to them long enough. The fitness pro said that you'll see a lot of the results in the 2nd month. So don't give up!

Keep us posted on how you're doing! I think eating sweets/junk are why I have an extra 5lbs. I wish I could give them up. Not yet though because my Girl Scout cookies were delivered today :)

I am going to do this starting from tomorrow !!!!!!!! :) I am sick of eating junk, especially before TTOTM !!! :p I have eaten enough crap over the past week to sink the Titanic again :eek:
And I am NOT gonna do it ANYMORE !!!!!!

I too will look forward to your post Lori in a months time :)

G:) :) D LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Lori S.
I'm just like you with the ice cream. I love ice cream. It's hard for me to pass by a Culverts without stopping.

Especially when they have carmel cashew! I find that if I have one piece of something, the little voice inside says, 'Screw it Jill - you already messed up!' and then I eat the whole thing. So I have gone cold turkey into no sugar or white flour. But I'm kind of wondering about cheat/treat days, etc. The past has taught me that if I restrict all sweets for a length of time (which I've done before) then once I finally 'give in' I can't stop eating! (which I've also done!) So this time I just want to find that happy medium.
On the flip side...there are such things as trigger foods. You just cannot have a little continue until you are busting at the seams! My trigger food is pizza! I hardly ever order it any more. The best solution in this case is to avoid those trigger foods like the plague!!!! }( [Also, those school fundraiser chocolates. They are sooooo good!] Ok. Enough of that.}(

I am actually trying to control my own cravings. I am glad you posted your one month resolution. It makes me want to try harder this month because I know you and others in the forums are struggling like me and trying your best.

Definitely keep us posted girly!:7 :D

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
Just Exactly how much candy is everyone eating each day? I ask this as I eat extremely healty; cottage cheese, fruit vegetables cereal oatmeal, soyburgers and fish (everyday). BUT, I have an incredible sweet tooth, I would guess that most days I average 2-4 gingersnaps and 4 to 8 tootsie rolls. On the weekends I allow myself 2 candy bars on both Saturday and Sunday. I don't eat pizza, bread, pasta ice cream or any of that stuff, and I don't have a weight problem. I do wonder if I cut out the sweet stuff if I would look more cut. So how much candy is considered too much?
>On the flip side...there are such things as trigger foods.
>You just cannot have a little continue until you are
>busting at the seams! My trigger food is pizza! I hardly
>ever order it any more. The best solution in this case is to
>avoid those trigger foods like the plague!!!!

Chips of many kinds are my trigger foods. I could go through an entire giant bag in one sitting! And we Americans seem to love those Extra-Large-Super-Humungous bags of snack foods, don't we?

Now if only my trigger foods were apples or celery! (Can't eat too much of those, can one?)
My daughter has had a Hershey's Kiss sitting right on the counter for 3 days. I have almost blown it, but I am determined to give this a whirl. I don't even eat junk everyday, it's just when I do, it is very destroying. I guess we could say BINGE!!!!

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