Gift ideas for friends


There are a few other couples that my dh and I exchange Christmas gifts with. Nothing too elaborate, but something decent. I'm looking for some ideas what to get another couple ~ not separate gifts for each of them. Any suggestions?
I know it might sound cheesy...but instant lotto tickets. They are fun to scratch off and usually you end up winning a few bucks.

Just an idea. I'm trying not to give "clutter" type gifts this year. I've asked for gift cards (including cathe's) and workout stuff.


If it were me, I'd want a gift certificate to a restaurant. Or, like Michele says, wine or food gifts. I agree with Jeanette, I don't like gifts that collect dust.
I usually do this with two other couples during the holidays. One couple loves tea, so we usually get them a gift basket with an assortment of teas, which sometimes comes with a decorative teapot or cups and saucers. Another couple loves chocolate and nuts, so we get them a gift basket full of those.

I guess it depends on what your friends like to enjoy as a couple. Costco has lovely gift baskets. I also just got an e-mail from They have a variety of gift baskets for less than $25. I yet have to check it out. Hope this helps.

I will tell you a few gifts that we have received throughout the years that we have enjoyed:

Cookies in a Jar
Wine or Cookie Basket
Movie Basket (DVD, popcorn, candies, cute popcorn bowls, etc.)
Gift Certficates to either a favorite or a new restuarant
>I will tell you a few gifts that we have received throughout
>the years that we have enjoyed:
>Cookies in a Jar
>Wine or Cookie Basket
>Movie Basket (DVD, popcorn, candies, cute popcorn bowls, etc.)

I like the basket idea. You can fill it with thematic items (like the Movie Basket, or maybe a "romantic basket" with massage oil, scented candles, a book of poems--depends on the recipients' tastes).

A gift certificate is also nice.
i am all for gift baskets. i usually make them myself doing a particular theme the other couple might enjoy. i like idea of a gift certificate to a resturant. that would nice to get as well.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I love to send the bread of the month club. I read about it one of my fitness magazines and people love it. Every month for 6 months they receive a fresh loaf of interesting bread to revive (ie. cinnamon raisin, farm bread, chocolate sourdough, french mountain, san francisco style bread and pecan raisin). You can also choose a less expensive 3 month plan. The prices may "seem" high but all shipping and handling is included (most places don't list or even include them). Now, who doesn't love real bread and have time to use their breadmakers? Yum...I even sent a gift order to myself this year:).

Bad happy Robin:9
I'm giving a couple of our friends these wine wetsuits from Built NY along with a bottle of wine. They have other products as well if wine isn't appropriate. I got the one for soda and it really does keep my diet Pepsi cold longer! There are quite a few web vendors which carry them but here is the link to Built:

Also for cell phone users, you might consider the "Charge 2 Go" cell phone chargers. They charge the cell using a AA battery. I am also giving these as gifts especially to family back east who often looses power. I had to use mine last week when traveling and it worked great! Several web vendors sell them, I got most of mine from:

Hope this helps and have a Merry Christmas! Sue
One year we received a 3-month Netflix gift certificate. We thought that was a WONDERFUL gift. Otherwise, bottles of wine. (DH grew up in Napa so it's kind of obligatory...) I'm a sucker for a basket, too! We also have a place nearby that is kind of like a spa, where they have hot tub rooms and you can rent by the hour and give certificates. I did that one year, but you should probably know the couple pretty well! ;)

I like all of these suggestions. I WANT CHRISTMAS!!!! I'm ready!!!

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