Ghost caught on tape



[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog:
:7 :7 Happy Halloween! On serious note, we have a ghost in our guest house. I will go in there and stuff will have been moved around, pillows look "squished" like someone was laying on them. A woman, friendly, but I sense her there alot. In fact when we moved in our house, the first painting I did was of three "ghosts". Strange, never was my subject matter before, but it was kind of a homage to their existence here.

Our house has a rich history, lotsa stories about folks who lived here before us.:) Does not scare us or anything, I have always believed in the other world or whatever, we cannot be the only ones tripping around planet earth right? Now that you all think I am totally nutso...:7
Tneah - I don't think you're nuts at all...probably because I live with a "roommate" as well. It has never bothered me and, in fact, she (we have a feeling it's an older she) actually saved my house from going up in flames last year! Long story short...I accidently left a light on, the lampshade fell down on the bulb and started to burn/scorch while I was at work. She shut the light off...actually turned the switch on the lamp. I live alone, all doors and windows were locked, and I NEVER turned the switch to turn this light on/off. I would unplug the extension cord it was attached to because it was easier. I made sure to thank her, repeatedly. In fact, whenever I go down to that room in the basement I actually say "Thank you" to her outloud. Now that's nutso :p!

She's made her presence known in other ways but nothing unsettling. It's kind of a relief to know that she might be looking out for me and the house. I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't bothered by things like this. Although, I have had other experiences in other places that I would not like to have again, but that's a whole 'nother story :eek:!
Nah you're not nuts. I can be skeptical and have not had much in the way of personal experiences but my mom has. When I moved into my house (which was built in 1868) one of the first things she asked was if I thought we had ghosts. As a matter of fact, we don't. I feel very comfortable in this house and don't have an inkling of anything unusual here with us. I even told her I never even get those "tingling on the back of your neck" weird sensations that someone is behind me when I leave an empty room. I have had those before in other houses. We have a very un-haunted house for it being old. She, on the other hand, felt she had a presence in her house which is now gone.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog:
We had a spirit of some sort in an apartment we lived in in Houston years ago. I liked to think it was a male spirit because the toilet seat in the guest bathroom that we never used was always being lifted and the toilet flushed. We would be sitting watching tv and the toilet would flush. We'd go in to check it out, and the seat would be lifted! We always kept the door shut and the seat down because our daughter was just a toddler at the time.

He (the spirit) also liked to open the two sliding closet doors in my daughter's room. I kept the doors closed since she was small, and I kept quite a bit of storage in those closets. I would go in to get her up from her nap, and the doors would be wide open!

I never had a bad feeling in the apartment, so I figured whatever it was was friendly and liked to flush the toilet. :) I did ask "him" repeatedly to please not open the closet doors, but that never stopped.
Bill - You crack me up! Don't worry, Diane Sue will protect you. :)

We've had some weird things in our house. And it's a new house - about 4.5 years old. But we live in Wyoming outside of town on the plains. Lots of things may have happened back in the wild west days. Our dog Gizmo sees something quite regularly. One night he was curled up next to me on the couch and he saw something come around the corner from the kitchen. He watched it as it approached us on the couch. It got closer and closer and he was growling and looking up - like you would be looking at someone approaching you. I swear I thought I was going to go into cardiac arrest! "It" got right in front of us on the couch and Gizmo's tail started wagging, like that scared sort of wag - the "please don't hurt me" one and he was looking straight up like it was standing right above us. I think I was ready to pass out. Then he just stopped. It must have gone away.

I see things out of the corner of my eye a lot, but I always think my eyes are playing tricks on me. The other night I saw something bigger than normal. But it was quick. It went from our computer room to my sewing room. Later that night I mentioned it to DH. I'd never mentioned any of the other things. He told me he had also seen the same things, but just flashes and never a whole image. Weird we never mentioned it to each other.

A couple of weeks ago I was in the shower and when I turned off the water the faucet in the sink was on full blast. Now there is a chance I could have left it on b/c I was rinsing off a hair clip after coloring my hair before I got in the shower.

Oh, and we have parrots. Since we've lived in this house, one of them, in the middle of the night, will say "Hi" as clear as a bell. She normally doesn't say this unless she's talking to somebody. Most words she'll say just to say. But "hi" is a word she uses to address somebody. And they sleep through the night. The other weird thing is that I wake up just in time to hear this. Hmmm...

That same night I thought I saw something larger than usual, our parrots all freaked out in the middle of the night. Parrots can have "night frights" and ours are no exception. They don't have them very often and usually it's only one of them. Sometimes one will set of another. But this night I went out to try to calm down the one and all three of them were clinging to the side of their cages. After I tried to calm their little birdie nerves I went back to bed. About 30 minutes later they all freaked out again. Somewhat (but not totally) unusual for them.

Who knows? Could all be coincidence. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
I don't think you are nuts. My sister lived in Portland, Oregon until just recently, and she was in a 100+ year old house. When she first moved in, her husband had to go out of town, leaving my sister and her two and a half year old son behind. More than once, my nephew would ask my sister, "Mommy, who is that man over there?" and he'd point to the hallway. My sister never saw anyone, but my nephew told her that he saw the same man a few times. Needless to say, my sister was totally freaked out.

Have any of you watched Ghost Hunters on SciFi? My husband and I are addicted to that show. Some are more exciting than others....especially the Stanely Hotel (from The Shining) and, weirdly enough, a baby store in San Francisco. Creepy!

Kelly - Yeah, we watch Ghost Hunters. No wonder we think we see things. :p I always tell my DH that stuff's not real b/c they hardly ever reveal anything but then we just saw that one where they asked the spirit or whatever to lower the room temperature and it did! Freaky.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

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