Getting through IMAX2


I have viewed IMAX2 and plan to attempt it for the first time later this week. I am a relatively advanced non-interval aerobic exerciser but I have never done interval aerobic training. What is the best way to do this tape... give it may all from interval 1 and go for as many intervals as possible the first time and work up until eventually one day I get through the whole thing or instead should I take it somewhat less intensely to make it through the whole thing the first time and add more intensity each time I do it. I am curious as to how others worked up to their full potential on this tape. Thanks!:)
Hi Cathy, I know some ladies who did it one half at a time -- intervals 1-5, then 6-10 until they were comfortable with them enough to do the whole workout. Me, I did the whole thing with as many rests as possible:) and at a lower impact and intensity. So for my first several tries, I made many modifications. These days the only modifications I do (on good days) are those plie jacks (I do 4 plie squats instead of 8 fast ones) and those power squats in interval 10 (I do power squats but laterally across the step). You'll have great fun with this workout.

I'm with Pinky. Whole thing, rests as needed, lower intensity until I knew the moves better and could go for it.

It depends on your personality i think. I'm not a half measures person. I'm a whole hog person and can never stop at a half of anything, whether it's workouts or chocolate bars.

Whatever you choose will work. Just enjoy it, aim to do it and enjoy, and the intensity can be added on later.

I was lucky to be familiar with Intervals from running and also having Imax1...I usually try to go all out, but there are always moves that baffle me. It always depends on the day if I modify any of the intervals. Interval 9 in this one is a killer. I would say just maybe do the first 5 Intervals one day and the next 5 another like Pinky said. Good Luck!...Carole
The first time I did this one I just went for it. Tried to do the whole darn thing. But, interval 6 had me baffled, so I pretty much skipped that one, I tried to do it with them, but I had no idea how. Finally after about 2-3 tries of doing that workout I got it. I think back on it now and wonder how I did it the first time all the way through with minimal alterations, but I think that interval 6 was kind of a resting spot for me. I would personally just go for it, because the first time you will find yourself stumbling just a little through the first time she runs through the step routines, so you won't be giving it your all anyway. It's a great workout, very fun. You won't be sorry you tried the whole thing. Oh, and the most fun parts are in 5-10 anyway! Love the step routine in interval 10..If you like Pina, la ,la!:D

Great tape. I did it last night and had a great workout. I can do all the intervals. The first time I did it right after Christmas it was at a lower intensity and thought the workout was easy until interval number #5. That when I started breathing hard and huffing and puffing. But I kept at it doing it once a week. I also do the terminator video and aerobic capacity has really increase so I am not dying at the end. But start slow and you will be thinking in no time that the workout is not that bad.


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