Getting Off the STS Train...For Now



I decided to stop STS for now, in favor of a shorter workout. For now, I like 3 premixes on Cathe's 4-Day Split CD (Legs, Backs/Bi's, Chest, Shoulder, Tri's), each of which are less than 35 min. per workout.

Why? A shorter weight training period works better with my hectic schedule and my current need to do cardio on weight-training days, in addition to 3 cardio/ab days per week. I have 16 lbs to lose, and due to the length of STS (appx 50 minutes or longer), it was too difficult for me to get the extra 20 min. cardio session in after STS--so more often than not I'd skip the cardio all together on STS days, and this was interfering with my weight loss progress, even when eating clean.

Once I get to 120, I'll be picking up STS again, which I hope will be soon because I really love it!

I started the Legs premix from the 4-day Split CD on Friday. 31 minutes. Legs & butt STILL sore....perfect!
I don't think the 20 minute cardio after lifting is part of STS. Some people prefer to do a short, intense cardio workout after lifting, as it has been shown to be an excellent time to dip right into those fat stores. I do it twice per week after I lift upper body and lower body. On my third lifting day I do total body, so don't have the time left (or energy). I've had great results doing that.
Thanks Jessica. I'll be back doing STS in a couple of months hopefully.

Melissa, I never said that the cardio after the STS was a requirement by Cathe or the STS program. My needs presently require 5 days/week of cardio and my only way of fitting it in, aside from my cardio-only days, was after STS. Jansherman my goal is to do what you are doing, hopefully after a couple of months I'll get to that level and can get back to STS.

I don't think the 20 minute cardio after lifting is part of STS. Some people prefer to do a short, intense cardio workout after lifting, as it has been shown to be an excellent time to dip right into those fat stores. I do it twice per week after I lift upper body and lower body. On my third lifting day I do total body, so don't have the time left (or energy). I've had great results doing that.
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you could do 1 body part per day with STS. Each body part is about 15-20 minutes in length with the exception of legs. You could do this:
monday: chest; 20 minute cardio
tuesday: back: 20 minutes cardio
wednesday: legs (this would be your longest workout day)
thursday: bi's and tris; 20 minutes cardio
friday: shoulders; 20 minutes cardio
saturday: 45 minutes cardio
sunday: off

This would be about 40 minutes of workout time total. You could fit your ab workouts in at night when your watching tv or other times when you have some down time or you could do a set of abs inbetween weight training sets since you have a minute of rest there. The cardio workouts can be varied with intervals, HITT, or just steady state. I hope this helps some. This is just a way in which you can still do STS but make it fit into your schedule.
Oh this is a wonderful solution! And actually, on Sundays I have time to do a full workout (STS, cardio and abs). I really appreciate this suggestion.

you could do 1 body part per day with STS. Each body part is about 15-20 minutes in length with the exception of legs. You could do this:
monday: chest; 20 minute cardio
tuesday: back: 20 minutes cardio
wednesday: legs (this would be your longest workout day)
thursday: bi's and tris; 20 minutes cardio
friday: shoulders; 20 minutes cardio
saturday: 45 minutes cardio
sunday: off

This would be about 40 minutes of workout time total. You could fit your ab workouts in at night when your watching tv or other times when you have some down time or you could do a set of abs inbetween weight training sets since you have a minute of rest there. The cardio workouts can be varied with intervals, HITT, or just steady state. I hope this helps some. This is just a way in which you can still do STS but make it fit into your schedule.
Melissa, I never said that the cardio after the STS was a requirement by Cathe or the STS program. My needs presently require 5 days/week of cardio and my only way of fitting it in, aside from my cardio-only days, was after STS. Jansherman my goal is to do what you are doing, hopefully after a couple of months I'll get to that level and can get back to STS.

Whew! Thanks for clarifying, CynamonKis!! I thought I was missing something there for a minute! Although I kind of like the idea, I would never be able to squeeze 20 minutes in after an STS workout.

I like kariev's solution, though. That would work out great since you're only working each body part once a week anyway. Thanks kariev, I might have to try that!!!
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