GETTING IT DONE January 2016 - January 2020

Hi all!

Well, I'm feeling completely back to normal, finally. However, my DD is sick with the flu now.

Yesterday morning I woke up to a series of texts asking for us to come get her and make an apt with the family dr. So I was out the door and home before the sun came up, got her to the dr, then at work at noon. Worked later because I got in so late, back home to finish shoveling the driveway (warm today so wanted to give it a change to melt down to concrete), and dinner at 9, so no other wo.

Today, I worked all day, then took her back to school tonight, so again no wo. And I'm still trying to finish the last week of M1!

I'm giving myself a personal challenge to eat clean for the 28 days in February. Hey, if I can "do anything for a minute", then I can eat clean for 28 days - which should build the base of the "new" habit.

Belinda - You keep rocking it, as usual. Hope your DD gets better quickly.

Heidi - Hope you can hold it at bay.

Ladies - I need to get some sleep. I do plan to be back at it tomorrow.
Hi everyone,

I did Cheryl Burke Disco Abs I will survive cardio = 30 min. Had a blast! I love dance workouts, lol. I also did SBF Old School Arms = 20 min.

Sherry - I don't know how I missed you having the flu? Glad you starting to feel better.

Heidi - how are you doing today?

I will be back tomorrow. BBL!
Happy Thursday! Made even better because I finally did a wo!

D10 is done. Muscles are exhausted! Love it!

Belinda - How fun! Of course, you couldn't keep from sneaking in a weight wo, right? Yes, had the flu, but now, finally, recovered.

Heidi - Hope you are feeling better.

Plan tomorrow is to do D12 for legs to get me back on track. Until then.
Good morning,

SBF D26 Upper Glutes = 26 min. I also did Cosmopolitan Step Workout = 29 min. This one is an old VHS tape, lol. Remember those? I am glad I kept it, it was a lot of fun. I am going through all my VHS's next few month.

Sherry - it was a dance workout. So much fun! This is the dvd I did yesterday

This is the VHS I did today. This one was one of my first step workouts. It was filmed outside.

A few day's ago, I canceled KCM new workouts from Amazon. I have more than enough workouts. I still have workouts I bought in 6-8 years, never done them. I need to use what I have. Plus, it's fun going through old workouts. Boy, I have a lot!

That's it for me today. Have great Friday. Nice job everyone.
Hi everyone,

Caribbean Workout = 20 min + SBF Core = 20 min is done. That core workout was a touch :(

That's it for me today. Have a great evening.
Good morning,

For the next 4 weeks I will play around the Gym Style. DH and I just finished GS Chest & Triceps. I also did Core Cuts #1 (standing core) with Kimberly Spreen.. I will do SBF TB later, my arms are about to fall off, lol

Do STS in its entirety. DONE

Take one week off. DONE

Do Gym Styles for one month! Starting!

Do the low impact series for two weeks.

Do Four Day Split for one month.

Do Shock Cardio Series for two weeks

Do STS Meso two and Meso three

Can't wait to see the finish line :)

Have a great Monday and workout everyone.
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Happy Monday!

We went out of town to Chicago for the weekend to celebrate the 2nd birthday of my brother's twins. So, lots of time sitting in the car, eating bad food, and not walking about much because of the cold and snow. Got back late last night, and worked all day, so tonight has been laundry, cooking chili, and snow shoveling (since we did the bare minimum to get out the driveway this morning). Will be going to bed early tonight because we are just plain worn out. Tomorrow gotta get a wo in because I still have 2 dvds left of M1, and was supposed to be starting M2 this week. Might be a very exhausting week.

Belinda - Great job kicking off that next leg of your bodybuilding rotation. But how do you do a tb wo after doing an intense ub wo? As for VHS's, we don't have a player anymore, after that last one died. I got rid of all my wo tapes, but we still have lots of kid tapes with movies and tv shows that I have yet to part with. And I have plenty of dvds that I haven't done. Need to stay focused on STS right now.

Time to change laundry, and hopefully eat dinner soon. Hope you had a good one, and have full plans to sweat with you tomorrow.
Good morning,

Gym Styles legs + SBF UB/core is done.

Sherry - I am also doing a barre rotation + Cathe' Bodybuilding rotation. I think they balance each other nicely. With the barre workouts, she does mostly bodyweight workouts. The VHS's I kept are all out of prints. I like the aerobics better than the new stuff. Jumping doesn't give me a great step count, a good step workout from the bast does, lol.

Great job everyone. BBL!
Happy Tuesday!

So today was TrafficMax, as I'll now call it, both ways. Argh! And when I finally got home, we went grocery shopping, so dinner almost ready, and there will be no wo tonight. :( I will get in D11 and D12 this week, then use the weekend to rethink if I really have time for STS, or if I'd be better off with shorter wo's fewer days of the week. This week's snow prediction are not helping my time management.

Belinda - That sounds like a great mix of rotations to do together. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. :D Older wo's seem to be a bit more steady state for a long period of time vs. the newer ones that are short and intense. I can see why you still have them.

Time to eat, then bed. Tomorrow. I need to get it done tomorrow. Be back then.
Happy Wednesday!

More snow, so wo wash ShovelMax. Really it was SnowBloMax because we wanted the circle drive done because even more is coming this weekend. For lighter purposes, we just try to keep in clean so we can get the cars in and out, but it was starting to get too deep, so had to bite the bullet.

Be back tomorrow. No snow, so might actually get in a wo.
Good morning,

I thought I checked in yesterday, but can't see my post? Anyway, I did IMAX3 + SBF D31 Barre 11 + 20 min stretching from Yoga Merge.

Sherry - the roads were icy yesterday. Couldn't go out with Brawler :( Hope you get your workout in.

I will be back later.
Happy Thursday!

No wo today. Not because of snow or traffic, either. Tweaked my shoulder sometime this afternoon, and can't lift anything. Very frustrated. Just taking it easy for the rest of the day, and hopefully it's functioning again tomorrow. And we're getting dumped on again tomorrow, this time 6-10", so I'm working from home.
I see lots of ShovelMax in my near future. ;)

Belinda - Dang! IMax3? That's definitely some intensity! :D How do Gym Styles feel after all that STS? Gotta be lifting more than you did last time. We're having trouble getting the dogs out enough, too. Can't have them out when we snow blow, so we try to shovel when we can, and do walks, but time/temps/wind are a factor. Not complaining. Ok, maybe a bit. This too shall pass, and until then I'll deal.

Until tomorrow . . .
Good morning,

Low Max and SBF barre workout is done.

Sherry - I am doing the Gym Styles this month. I think the last time I have done IMAX3 was last year or the year before? I need to check. I am trying to work through my collection and use what I already have. Hope your shoulder feels better soon.

Good job and have a great weekend, everyone!
Morning Sherry and Belinda!

Finally something today:
Body Fusion. :)

OI Sherry! Sorry about the shoulder. :/ Spring will soon be here! I have had enough of the cold and snow storms too.

Belinda: Great job on your Low Max WO! Loved that one! Will be awhile before I get to it again.

How is Brawler doing? Sounds like we are all in agreement with the snow/cold weather issues.

Work had me super busy this week. Plus caught another dang cold!

Off to work again...

Plan for tomorrow:
Basic Step and lower body add on

( I knees were wonky at the start of Body fusion this morning. I think all the stair climbing at work this week has made them sore.)

Happy Friday!
Heidi ♥
Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF core and SM #1. That's it!

Heidi - nice job getting your workout in. Be carful with your knees. Brawler is doing ok, considering DM. He has good day's and bad day's. Thanks for asking!

Sherry - how is your shoulder doing?

Have a great evening, everyone.
Happy Sunday!

My shoulder is feeling good, no after effects at all, so ready to get back to it. However, the white stuff is creating havoc with my wo schedule, between the longer commutes and the snow shoveling. So, I'm going to stop STS, in which I was struggling to get in (3) 1 hour wo's per week, and will do my RKS Kettlebell series, where the wo's are 15-30 minutes each, 4 days per week. I think that's a good solution to my time management problems right now. I can pick up STS when my commutes are interfering with my schedule.

Belinda - Hope you are enjoying a rest day. I love the HC series. It must be fun doing those again. I bet the barre work is a great compliment to those wo's.

Heidi - Yay, a wo done! Oo, hope you get over that cold quickly. Glad you are able to get something in.

Already rolling on house stuff, but need to get more done. Plus, it's the third day in a row for that white stuff, so heading out there shortly, too. Hope you are enjoying your day.

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