Getting A Little Mushy


Far be it from me to ever get mushy about anything, but I just have to say:
I love these Cathe forums. I love the sense of comraderie and fun. Most of all, I think I love that the women (and men) on these forums are strong, empowered, positive, people who are taking action (even if it's just stumbling along sometimes), to improve their lives. Most of all, I love the supportive atmosphere. And, oh yeah, the jumpy frog. :) What do other people like most about the Cathe forums?
I haven't been posting for long (even though I've posted 30+ messages, sorry everyone, but when a query jumps into my brain, I've gotta post it on the forum !) but I love it, just that sense of comradeship, we are all striving to improve, some of us have already got there, but the forums offer so much encouragement. And the advice I have picked up in such a short space of time is so appreciated in my little corner of England. I feel much more positive on my goals for the future ! (Oh, And I need lots of kicks up my butt, and the forum gives me that !)

Many Thanks Everyone ! :7 :7 :7 !

And thanks to Cathe for her wonderful forums !!!!!!!!!

Hi Nancy

Don't worry about getting mushy I post here and video fitness I prefer posting and asking for advice here because I find the advice at video fitness can be rather conflicting over time and due to that fact I find it easier to ask for advice here because we all share a love of Cathe's work and when you ask for advice its based on how it compares with Cathe.

Anyway love the forum.

How do I love the Cathe forums? Let me count the ways . . .

1. The lack of hostile rhetoric and flame wars (there's a mini-skirmish going on right now on the Video discussion forum but that'll die out soon)

2. The sharing of good information

3. The willingness to ask for information rather than strut one's stuff

4. The willingness to offer encouragement without feeling geeky

5. The willingness to share one's triumphs, trials and tribulations, that makes everyone else feel okay and human

6. The willingness to laugh at one's self and with one another

7. The shared love of Cathe's workouts, and the willingness to workhard to reach one's goals

Love you guys. Love ya -

Annette Q. Aquajock
I love that there are people here of all ages.We have all been through the same grulling work outs.If you post a question some one will most diffently answer it.I love it when Cathe answers to.Just checking in to see ehats new and what everyone else is up to.I don't know a lot of people in my town who work out and my sister in law always thought that it was hogwash, so it is nice to have people who I can talk to about excercising.
Thanks everyone,
Knowing that I am not alone as I drag myself out of my cosy bed before first light to struggle through those morning workouts. Somewhere, out in there Cathe world, there are others going through the same thing!

Thanks to all -- I appreciate the company!

Basically everything that Annette (Aquajock) already said, plus remembering back to my first days on the forum, I, like Anna asked a million questions, eager to absorb as much as I could, and the kind and supportive responses I received were overwhelming. :)
I credit my ability to lose weight this past year to this forum and all the loving support I got day after day, week after week. I honestly don't think I would have been as successful without all of you and this forum to turn to.

I think this forum is small enough there I really feel a sense of comraderie (I butchered the spelling of that, but you get the point). On other sites there are just too many people. Here are have quite a few people, but it's just enough that I feel like I can get to know everyone pretty well.

Also everyone here is very supportive and I agree, this forum does avoid some of the conflict that other forums have.

Thanks to y'all for being so welcoming and supportive!
I was kind of hoping the mini-skirmish doesn't die out soon! It's not the skirmish part that I like - it's the intensity of the feelings expressed. The original poster may feel that she is being bashed, but in fact she just happened to have hit upon something that is really important to us all, and we need to express how we feel. The Cathe forum is in some ways about appreciating ourselves for who we really are. A lot of the women on these forums were anorexic or bulemic or went through some other kind of phase during which they thought they would never measure up or drove themselves crazy trying to be perfect because they were surrounded by sleek,slick, impossible role models. Most of us have since learned to appreciate ourselves for who we are and to strive for our personal best rather than to look like a model or a movie star. (We've come to learn that not even models and movie stars really look like that anyway; it's all done with smoke and mirrors and lighting and technology.) We've done some painful growing up and have come out on the other end, now happy and proud to be fit, healthy, real women, and we are passionate about it! That's the kind of person that Cathe appeals to. You can see it clearly when you read that thread. There are a lot of wise and interesting responses to what was, well, (dare I say?) a maybe not wise and not so interesting initial comment. Or did I just add fuel to the skirmish? }> OOPS!!
I second Patricia. So many times I just can't be bothered (actually everyday) to work out, or think I must be obsessed. I think about the people on here who can motivate themselves to get out of bed at 4am to exercise, I just think "Shame on you" and do it.

Hi Yen:

Funny you should say that. I was this close to going back to bed this morning. Ah! The thought of a second cup of hot coffee on a cold autumn morning, and two lovely cats to snuggle with nearly won the day.

But, alas, Powerhour won -- the cats lost.

What time do you exercise?

Hello Patricia,

What time do you do it in the morning? I prefer to do it in the evenings after I come home from work. I eat most in the evenings that's why. I just had BK burger and milk shake today, so it's going to be BodyMax tonight to burn it off.

How did you stop yourself going to back to bed? That was an amazing feat.

Cathe and this forum has helped me so much in so many ways. I hated weight work until Cathe and this forum. I don't post very often (I don't have a way with words like for instance Aquajock) but I look forward to visiting this site everyday. Thanks to all of you.

I love the forums too. It's like having a bunch of terrific and smart friends whom I have never met outside of cyberspace but treasure so much.

I was rather depressed not too long ago. I abandoned the forums because I didn't feel like I belonged. I developed plantar fasciitis and had to quit running and could barely step. I quit strength training for a bit too, wallowing in misery. Then I started checking in and slowly, it all fell back into place. I am working out again, inspired by all of you. And Cathe just wows me over and over again. I got the Classics DVD's and am falling in love with her old stuff.

I must confess I was among the unkinder of the folks who responded to StepCrazy but she touched a nerve. I am neither insecure nor sensitive. I just think people should engage their brains before they open their mouths. I refuse to agree to disagree with anyone whom I disagree with strongly!

On a final note, and this is problably because of the 7 pounds I gained with my recent inactivity. I thought the subject line "Getting a Little Mushy" was referring to BEING mushy in a physical sense. Getting mushy is much nicer than being mushy. What a lovely thread! Chick's Rule! B bbi
RE: What time do you exercise?

Hello Yen:

I get up at about 4 a.m. to workout at approx. 5:30. Have to have coffee first, put my head under the tap, do some cat chores, apply my waterproof makeup -- in other words, wake up completely before working out. I go to bed at about 8:30 pm. I know, I know, I'm crazy! But in a way, it works out logically for me -- I find that going to bed early cuts out the late night snacking. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person thin, and exercise wise.

Tell you the truth, Yen, I suffer from pre-workout anxiety -- petrified!!! -- even though I've been working out to Cathe for the last 3 or 4 years, usually six days a week. In other words, I ALWAYS wanna go back to bed. I just know, though, that I won't get that feeling of accomplishment throughout the day if I don't workout. My job is also sedentary. Plus, I'm only 5 ft tall and was formerly 40-lbs overweight. I've struggled with my weight since I was a child and I put it on easily, as do the rest of my family. Alas, no BK burger or milk shake for me, but I do treat myself on Saturday and Sunday nights to licorice and corn muffins.

Enjoy BodyMax tonight. That's one tough workout and one that I would only do on Sunday, the day after my rest day. My hat's off to you if you're able to do Bodymax in its entirety! I've only done it a few times because I don't like mixing cardio with heavy weights. Far too exhausting!

Have a good one!

RE: What time do you exercise?

A little P.S. (that's post script, not Personal Strength!)

I firmly believe that in my last life, I was a white Persian cat complete with a diamond tiara, who got to sprawl around in a four-tiered bed, being fed chocolate bons-bons by Zsa Zsa Gabor's mother. "What?!!! Exercise?!!! I'd sooner cough up a hairball!"

Patricia (Catricia)
Hi Bobbi

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-02 AT 05:44PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm glad you are back. Sad to hear that it was an injury behind your disappearance. Remember we support each other through all sorts of interruptions.
RE: Hi Debra

I know, Debra but there's a moody, introspective creature living within me and I needed to let her have her way. I started going to bed at around 8:00 when I could manage it and the hubby said, "Ut, oh, you're depressed. DO something!" And I did and here I am! I am truly an optimist at heart and when I am down I get really tough on myself. But then I got sick of acting like a moron and got over myself. :) I didn't want to make things worse by exercising but once it became apparent that my foot was pretty bad regardless, I knew I had to exercise because it's the best medicine around. Then there was a handsome podiatrist and a corisone shot and looking at my calendar I realize I have worked out intensly 8 of the last nine days and I deserve a break tomorrow! I ran today in my new Nike's and all is well!

But enough about me! How are you doing? Chick's Rule! B bbi
RE: Hi Debra

I love how knowlegeable everyone is here. Plenty of priceless information!! Everyone is very cool and seems to understand everyone else. There also is not a lot of meaningless chatter here as there is on some forums. I post exclusively on this forum because of that. Very cool thread!!

I have to be totally honest here, I've never found a forum (exercise or not) that included so many intelligent, down to earth and dedicated individuals. I'm amazed daily at the focus and drive everyone has, and like you said, the sense of comaraderie and warmth.

I don't post a heckuva lot, but I did want to say that I really think all of you are so helpful and it's refreshing to find such open women who again, are so intelligent. The collective thoughts expressed here allow me to learn something new every day! I'm grateful for that. :)

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