George Forman Grills...


Hi All,

Just wondering if any one owns one of these with the bun warmer ? Does the food grill quite quickly ? Does the fat REALLY drip out effeciently ? Are they easy to clean ????
What kind of things have you grilled on it ?


Anna :)
I don't have 1 YET! But my Mom loves hers! She says it cooks well, it does drain fat away from the food, it's easy to clean up, in short, a cooking miracle to her! She's been promising me one for a year now, perhaps this is my year!? But I've only heard really positive things about it.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-03 AT 09:27AM (Est)[/font][p] Hi Anna!

My stepson, who has just lost 80 lbs. in 4 months (!!), owns one and loves it. He said it was very helpful to him in losing weight. If you want, I can get more details about his experiences with it. Just let me know.

Hi Anna!

I have one and absolutely LOVE mine! I use it every weekday after work to make dinner (usually a chicken breast, tuna burger, salmon patty, etc.). It cooks food really fast (the burgers are frozen!) and does do a great job of letting the fat/oil run off the food. Clean up is easy too! The only caution I can give is that alot of things are hit or miss in the beginning. When I first got it, I overcooked a lot of things not realizing just how FAST it does cook something. So the first few times, I would lift the lid and cut into whatever I was cooking to make sure to catch it when it was done, but not OVER done.


Just wondering how you long you cooked the salmon patties for. I own a Foreman grill but haven't used it in ages. Also, how do you make a tuna burger?
I've had my George Foreman knockoff (I can't remember the name) for the past 2 years and absolutely love it. It is used at least 4 or 5 times a week. In fact, I will need to replace mine soon because the teflon is beginning to come off from its multiple uses. I grill almost everything and it is so easy to clean up. The cooking time is very quick and perfect for my family's weekday dinners. I recommend it to everyone.

P.S. I bought the knockoff because it could grill up to 3 or 4 chicken breasts at a time and it was 1/2 the price of the George Foreman Grill, but with all the same features. Why spend the extra money for something that does the exact same thing?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-03 AT 11:05AM (Est)[/font][p]Oops! Sorry, this was a double post.
The tuna burgers and salmon patties I buy at Trader Joe's. They're frozen, and cook up great on the Foreman Grill. On the stovetop they used to take about 8-9 minutes (you cook them from frozen) but on the Foreman Grill they only take 3 1/2 minutes!

I LOVE my GF grill. I don't have the regular kind, tho. I have GF's 'Infusion Grill'. It's round and has a glass top. It has a cup in the center for water or liquid with whatever seasonings you want. I usually just use water and garlic. This keeps the food moist and every comes out so tender, you can cut steak with a fork. I love to cook fish in it. The only thing that comes out dry is pork...which is good, cuz I don't want to eat pork anyway. I had a regular GF grill, but I gave it away after I got this one.

We have two! A really big one and the orginal. We love them! Use the big one for salmon, burgers, steaks, porkchops, when we have company, etc. and the small one for single burgers, grilled cheese and that sort of thing. My husband thinks it's the greatest invention of all time and yes it is all they say it is and more. We have bought them for gifts for at least 5 friends and both our mothers. We bought the bun warmer model for my mother-in-law and she loves it. I don't know anyone that doesn't rave about it.

We can cook a whole salmon in about 6 minutes! And yes, the fat drips off the meats and it's very easy to clean. You can't beat it.

Also, we've even seared vegetables on it.
Thanks Everyone,

My mind has been made up - DH and I are going to look into buying one, more for him than me. Because I am a veggie, I rarely cook meat anymore !!!!!! The poor man only gets a steak if we go out for a meal !!!!!!!

Many thanks for your input !

Anna :)
We love our George Foreman. It is not limited to meats. We grill zucchini yellow squash and other veggies. They come out so moist and flavorful.
I have a Forman Grill and love it...except when I grill my salmon it stinks up my house, oh well :_rollen. I've had great luck grilling veggies and chiles on it as well. dmd
RE: Salmon......

Hi Debbie,

Does a lot of fat come out of the salmon when you cook it on your George Forman grill ?

anna :)
RE: Salmon......

Ok, no one mentions this, but aren't these those grills that don't come apart for cleaning?? The grill surface has to be cleaned without immersing in H2O, right?? If so, I HATE this kind of cookware!! I always feel like it is still dirty...anyone know??
RE: Cleaning

Yep, they don't come apart. The trick is to warm it back up for a few minutes and wipe it off with wet paper towels. It cleans up well in this manner. HTH.
RE: Cleaning

I have a small George Foreman Grill and use it every morning to prepare my lunch for the day. I bag those economy size bags of chicken tenders that are frozen and grab 3-4 of those in the morning and put them on the grill and 10 mins. later I have a healthy lunch ready for me in no time flat. Cleaning is easy because all you have do is wipe it down and it is ready to go for the next morning.

I think I'm going to look for the one mentioned above that you have water in the middle. That sounds awesome.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-03 AT 11:58PM (Est)[/font][p]>Hi All,
>Just wondering if any one owns
>one of these with the
>bun warmer ? Does the
>food grill quite quickly ?
>Does the fat REALLY drip
>out effeciently ? Are they
>easy to clean ????
>What kind of things have you
>grilled on it ?
>Anna :)

I had a George Foreman grill and loved it but the cleaning, while easy, still kind of left a greasy odor and the drip tray has to be just right under the edge of the grill, so we switched to a Sunbeam. The grease drips right into a little square cup that has it's own slot (like a drawer in a cabinet or desk) that pulls out for cleaning and the non-stick grill covers snap off and can be hand washed or put in the dishwasher for cleaning. Wal-Mart and Target carry these for $30-35 and Dollar General now has them for $25. Well worth the $!

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