George Forman Grills...

Hey Gibbee, thanks for the tip on the Sunbeam grill. I love my George Foreman, but as another poster mentioned above, the teflon is starting to wear off on mine and I need to replace it. I *really* like the idea of being able to snap off the grill covers to wash (the GF is kind of a pain to clean IMHO), so I will be looking for Sunbeam this time around! :)

I'm glad to hear you think the GF is a pain to clean. Mine is too. I love the machine itself and what it does, but the not being able to immerse it, makes it hard to clean. Wondering if some don't clean as well as others???

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Sandie!

ANNA - before you buy an indoor grill - make sure you compare them.

I bought a non-George Foreman brand because the one we bought has these features :

The grill has actual holes in it, and it drips into a drip pan that is at the bottom of the grill, which is a little more efficient. You can pull the pan out and put it in dishwasher.

The grill plates on mine are removeable, I don't believe they are on the George Foreman grill. It makes a huge difference to me to be able to take those plates off and stick them in the dishwasher!!

Mine also have different temp settings, and you can turn it off without unplugging it, which I don't think the George Foreman does.

I believe my brand is a T-Fal. Make sure you check around and get the options that you want before you buy.

Good luck, these are very handy grills!
RE: Sandie!

Thanks Kay and everyone else,

I just assumed the GF grill plates came out, so I think I shall have a good look around, especially for the Tefal one :)

Anna :)
RE: Sandie!

Another good option would be the Black and Decker indoor grill. The grill is removeable which makes it easier to clean, there's a timer, and there is a grease compartment for easy disposal. The GF grill is good, but I like the B & D better.
RE: Sandie!

I have a GF too that needs replacing soon. Must say the cleaning part bugs me since it can't come apart so thanks for the tips on Sunbeam and B&D! Dishwashers were made for people like me! The T-Fal grill is awesome sister has one. It's a cute little thing and you can regulate temperature on it. It doesn't grill both sides at the same time though. But the plates change from flat to grill. I like cooking sunny side up eggs on it.
I agree with the others who said it works great, cooks great, drips the fat away, etc., BUT it is a real pain to clean. I am going to keep using mine though. I just got it!

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