Gas Prices

It is 2.09 to 2.15 per gallon for regular unleaded, I drive a dodge mini van and it gets worse gas mileage than my huge chevy astro van I used to drive! I hardly go anywhere because who can afford to drive. They said on the news they are putting out more oil and oil prices have gone down $5 a barrel but our prices continue to climb, why? because it is close to summer and every, well almost everyone travels. price fix if you ask me!!!
It's $2.19 a gallon at 2 gas stations, at another it's $2.29. Needless to say they don't have any business there, since it's across the street from the $2.19. I have a Infiniti Q45, and it requires premium gas, my last fill up was last wednesday and it cost me $47.50!! that was when it was $2.09 a gallon, GULP! I don't want to fill up this week.

2.23 here it goes up daily anywhere from a penny to 7 cents.I don't like it either but what can you do anybody know?I travel for my job so I have to have it-I guess I'll buy a horse and buggy:* I know other country's have had this problem -my fear is everything is going down hill fast(money wise)-the cost of everything will be rising due to gas prices.:eek:
Okay, I checked out my "cheap" gas station on the way home from work today. The one that I bought gas at this morning...regular is $1.98...ETA: I'm in monmouth county NJ.


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
I'm in California, San Francisco Bay Area and it's $2.45 at the cheap stations and up to $2.89 for name brand }(

Same in northern NJ, Wendy- about $2 for regular. I suppose that's not too bad relative to the rest of the country.

Anyone else wish the prices on more fuel efficient hybrid vehicles would come down?
I know Gina!

To think that we are the LUCKY ones with the CHEAP gas! Scarey! lol


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
>I'm in California, San Francisco Bay Area and it's $2.45 at
>the cheap stations and up to $2.89 for name brand }(

HOLY COW! I think I'd be walking!;-)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
I filled my van up yesterday at $2.09 and about a few hours later it was at $2.14!!! up 5 cents in just a few hours!! wish there was a way to protest these prices!! I would be first in line in the protest LOL
Ours has been around $2.19 or more since last year. Makes me glad that I'm a Honda Civic driver. I get about 35 mpg. My next car will be a hybrid. I don't even consider a car if it gets less than 30 mpg. It's just a waste of money, in my eyes.
I DREAM of $2.50. Ours is a whole dollar more than that. It's awful. And it makes me mad. What other industry can change their prices 5 times a day and get away with it?
I drive a diesel pickup *gulp* and diesel here is currently $2.44. This month it will cost me $250 to buy diesel and drive to work.}(
I am soon planning to get a car with good gas mileage. I can't afford to drive this pickup anymore!
I paid $2.45 a gallon at Costco yesterday in San Diego. Brand name gas in walking distance of my home in San Diego is $2.57! They said on the news we'll be over $3 a gallon this summer!

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