Fibroids are common within African descents. I have few small ones and I am told not to worry too much about. My sister
still has some, had her 4 beautiful daughters (including a set of twin) without any issue. A cousin had one which was growing exponentially. Her OBGYN had claimed having not seen such enormous fibroid. She got pregnant while the mass was pressing her uterus. The OBGYN
claimed she would loose the pregnancy because of the pressure. He advised an early abortion but she was not having none of it!!
She went through the full pregnancy, had the baby and requested a removal. Each case is different. She was fine and free
from horrendous constant pain.
I wish you the very best as it seems you have quite a lot --- plus cyst and gall bladder polyp. I suggest you get all those stuff
sorted. You must feel the pressure on your bladder big time
On top of all that I suggest you get in touch with both OBGYN
and the endocrinologist. I would embrace any aid to keep my mood sociable, keep a sustainable energy,etc... and keep my sanity!
For the sake of my well being I would NOT take all these side effect, feel defeited, not taking safe and healthy action. Hormones level need to be monitored and actions taken accordingly for the sake of our wellbeing.
My last word, we should not have to embrace complacent attitude facing such discomfort. It's not healthy, so get it sorted if you can.#insurance
All the best