Fun Topic - Pet Names


Some of my 10 cats have weird names, but here we go:

Norench: a cuddly calico, the oldest of the bunch. Not related to any of the other cats.

Kiki: an enormous and fluffy Maine coon cat. We adopted her about a year ago. Not related to any of the other cats.

Arlo: a feisty short haired gray and white kitty. We adopted him several months ago. Not related to any of the other cats.

Puss: a fluffy grey cat who lives to make my moms life a living hell.

Chester: a grey and white short hair, son of Puss and brother to Keyser.

Keyser: another fluffy grey haired kitty, sister of Chester

Tubby: a gigantic grey puffball, yet another son of Puss and half-brother of Keyser and Chester (Tubby and Patches are from a different litter)

Patches: a cute little tortoise shell calico with green eyes, sister of Tubby and half-sister of Chester and Keyser.

Callie: a chunky little calico. Daughter of Patches, sister of Speckles.

Speckles: a cute little tortoise shelled calico. Daughter of Patches, sister of Callie

He's a really, really mellow cat. But I was also surprised that it was that easy to get the hat on him.
Great thread, Punky!

We have just one pet and will not be allowed (by him ;-) ) to ever have another. Our one and only is a Bichon Frise named Eddie, and our claim to fame is that (aside from being the cutest furball on four legs) Eddie is the world's biggest purebred Bichon. I kid you not -- we have never encountered another one even close to his size. Eddie's parents were 14 and 17 pounds and the breeder thought he'd be the biggest puppy in the litter -- she predicted 18 to 20 pounds. Well, he hit that and kept on going. He's a 30-pounder -- and for those of you who think Bichons are little bitty dogs, yeah you read that right -- 30 pounds! Eddie's also tall and long, although perfectly "Bichonly" proportioned -- he's just like the Yao Ming of Bichons, ya might say! The vet thinks he's about three pounds overweight for his overall size, but even at "ideal weight" he'd just be a real big guy.

Our big boy is a marvelous fellow to look at and touch and snuggle(he goes to the groomer once a week and so always looks like a Gund stuffed bear), and he has a frisky, intelligent, playful, spunky and pretty dominant personality to match that world-record size, I might add. We wouldn't trade him for all the money in the world!

P.S. edited to add -- My sons named Eddie after Frasier Crane's dog (on the TV show), and our Eddie has the personality to match that adorable Jack Russell who plays Eddie Crane! Kathy S.
Fun Thread!!

We have currently 3 Old English Mastiff's. Victory, Maggie, and Shekinah and we have been searching the US for the perfect stud dog for the past year. We are expecting to get one from the upcoming litter of a good friend of mine who has the nicest Mastiffs in the United States (of course this can be opinion:) ). We have had occassional litters in the past, but this is a very costly endeavor usually requiring c sections and very expensive uterine implants, but well worth the effort as we follow our puppies for life.

We also have a orange winged amazon named buster, some registered dairy goats, a dexter cow (miniature) named Adeline that the children ride more than the horse, named Rocky. We were just saying that ALL of our animals have incredible personality, (not always the greatest, but LOTS of personality).

I have a black male lab who is 2 years old. His name is Petie. We took him from a family a year ago. We think he was abuse, well I know he had to been abuse because he is so scared of my husband. When we got him, he was only 57lbs now he is 67lbs. I remember when we did get him you can see his back bones so I wonder what this family did to my poor baby. He is great now always following me where ever I go, I have to watch where I walk sometimes because he is right there.
Another Lab lover here! We have two, Abby, a nine year old chocolate and Bailey, a three year old yellow. Abby is the mature top dog and Bailey is the oh so annoying younger "brother". He pesters her to play constantly, and good natured lab that he is tolerates him so sweetly. Bailey is Mommy's dog....I have never had a dog follow me around....sit at my feet all the time....We are planning a puppy purchase soon to make our color collection complete. We are in search of a black male and we have already named him Corbin. It is my kids' plan to work our way through the alphabet....Duffy and Evey will not be far behind!
I have 3 akitas, Coty(9 1/2)who looks like a coyote just shortened it, Natasha(9) who is like a debutant,just simply gorgeous, when she walks in the rain she trots,and Niko (8 1/2) was a name I loved from Steven Segal's movie! Now these names are there original names , but over the years their pet names stuck with them, Coty is Kitty(he thinks he's a cat,Natasha is Boo Boo(always getting a cut somewhere) Niko is Moo Moo cause he looks like a cow! When they here there real names their ears go back, like they are getting in trouble, you know like when you hear your full name and middle name,(Francine Michelle) you know something's up;) I also have 2 bearded dragons,Bruce and Leigh, and a sulcatta turtle Zoey!
I have a horse, a Friesian/Morgan gelding, 2 1/2 years old, named Levi.

I have two cats, Sadie, who's 11 (I've had her since she was 4 weeks old) and a tortie named Luna. Luna is about three.

I have a Florida yellow-bellied slider (turtle) named "Adagio". I don't know how old he is.

Susan G.
Hi! I have two cats, a very silly 10 month old female kitten, white with orange tabby markings named Poppy (Pop, Pop-Pop, Hop on Pop or sometimes Poopy when we're having litter box issues) and a 3 year old black and white female who I just got two months ago, named Frances. She doesn't have any nicknames because she gives me dirty looks when I call her Fran. She is definitely a "Frances".

I'd have more but I'm only allowed 2 where I live :(

After about 5 tries, I now have the perfect dog. A Shih-tzu named Rogo. I waited about 2 weeks to name him because I wanted the perfect name. I was watching The Poseidon[sp] Adventure and the guy on there reminded me of him. Ernest someone maybe. His name in the movie was Rogo. He never barks. I think he thinks he's a cat. Don't chew and never did. Can't bite. Just follows Mommy around all day. Linda

I have a cat and a dog. Our cat is named Bugsy, because when we got him at 6 weeks old he looked like Bugs Bunny. He did grow into his ears and now is so fat he must lean himself up against the wall to lick himself. We also have a black lab mix we got from the humane society. She looks like a black golden retriever. Very sweet, but also can be hyper! But my kids and I love her. My hubby says he doesn't ( and guess who the dog loves the most), but can be found giving her treats and playing rough! We named her Jessie after my niece and my sister was very unhappy about that. So we sign every card to them Jessie the dog!
Oh, here's a funny one. Not mine, though, my father-in-laws. The dog's name was I.C. Ruggins, Rugg or Ruggins for short. He got that name because the first time they ever took him in the house, he pooed on the rug, thus I.C. Rug and poo.
Ok, I think I win the boobie prize for the most unoriginal names EVER. Here goes:

black and white long haired cat named Kitty
orange colored guinea pig named GP
white and tan hamster named Hammy (this is the 5th hamster we've had - they've all been named this)
2 gold fish with no names

Somewhere I've lost all originality. The cat name is non comittal because he was a stray who has been here for a year, but at first I thought he'd go back to his owners, so I just called him Kitty. The guinea pig name, GP was actually a code name my DH used when we first got him, he was a surprise for the kids and when my husband talked about him he would use GP.
I have Julietta, a rare-breed St. Germaine Pointer (looks like a fine-boned English Pointer, pink nose, green eyes, red-and-white coloring),

Zippy, a fat little yellow bastardina italiana (apologies to the Italians on the board- that's our family's way of calling her an Italian mutt, which is what she is),

and Bob, a cat with no tail. He is apparently an American Bobtail and is the cutest cat ever.

Both dogs are vet-specials. I got them almost nine years ago. Zippy was going to be put to sleep if I didn't rescue her, and Julietta is so neurotic that I think she would have driven anyone else nuts. Bob came to us three years ago from a friend who was out hunting when he found Bob and another kitten in a box. Both kittens were spoken for within hours.

We also have a turtle that my mother-in-law found as a hatchling and gave to my son. I would have set it free, but my research showed that that was bad for both the turtle and the environment. So, we have a three-year-old painted turtle. When we buy a house, I'm going to build an enclosed turtle pond so it can live outside.
We currently have a 1.5 year old cat named Ben. We named him "Gentle Ben" because he so adoring and wonderful with the kids.
We have 3 fish, 2 koi named Goldi and Spot and a snaked skin gorami(sp?) named Stripe.
We are Labradoer lovers! We are in the process of looking for a new puppy. We had a black lab named Widgeon(named after a duck) who had to be put down after 8 years. She had severe hip dysplasia and was in a lot of pain.
We also had a Choc. Lab named Cedar. We had her for about 7 years until she had to be put down. She bit our daughter then our son and was very aggressive with others. We wouldn't have felt comfortable giving her away(fear she may bite).
Now we are searching for a Lab puppy that can grow with our children. My son just this morning said "Daddy,I want a black labradoer puppy!! Let's name her Smokey!". Hopefully by the end of the summer we'll have one! Susan
I have a 3 year old cocker spaniel. Her name is Sadie. She had been abused before we got her at 6 1/2 months old. She is still skittish around children and our almost year old son, but with a lot of love and affection she is a wonderful pet. We had so many bad habits to break. When we first got her she would not wag her tail or sit. She would run around trying to get away from everyone. Also when we would pet her she would squat and go to the bathroom. It took us 3 months working with her and LOTS of patience before she realized that we would not hit her. She is as much a part of our family as our son.
I love reading about everyone's pets!

I had (still have) 2 cats whose names form my username:

Bob which stands for "Big Ol' Boy" who is a grey and white tuxedo cat. He's a bum who is always outside but always comes home at least once every 12 hours or so to eat and get some pets. He's so beautiful he takes my breath away!

Doo, short for Doohickey because she's a little gadget who is always talking. She loves to be held and cuddled and lulls me to sleep each night with her comforting purrs. She's buff and white. Sometimes she looks gold, sometimes yellow, sometimes like I could jump into her fur and disappear!

So, I'm Bobadoo: BOB And DOOhickey!

My mother passed away and I took her cats:

Boots, who is a 15 year old black and white tuxedo cat who still gets around pretty well for an old guy! Once he starts eating he's an eating machine! But I figure he can eat all he wants since he's been around so long!

Mittens is so sweet, a Tabby striped and white girl with paws that look like white mittens. She has a lovely deep purr and can be such a sweet and innocent girl but she's always bringing home "gifts" of moles, mice, birds, a RABBIT and a chipmonk! I keep telling her thanks but no thanks but I'm beginning to think she may be bringing them to Boots!
We have 2 yellow labs.....
Maverick ( he will be 3 in August)
Dakota( he turned 1 in Januray)

These dogs are shedding machines.....Vacuuming is a daily event in our house......and I tell them everyday..." You are both lucky you are so cute...and I love you as much as I do"
These 2 dogs are more work than kids....;)

But how can you not love animals.....they are the most loyal beings on this earth....and they want to do is love you....Another one of God's great creations!!!
We have two adopted dogs.
Reba is an 8 1/2 year old Rottweiller who was a stray in Chicago. She was found by a friend of a friend who is a Chicago Canine Police Officer. Apparently, Reba saw the officer with his pack of dogs. She emmerged from a lagoon and followed him home. Although she is a rot, she is super sweet. Anybody could come rob our house.
Clover is a 2 year old Bernese Mountain Dog who we got about one year ago. We bought her from a couple who couldn't keep her.
Both dogs came with names.

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