Fun KPC/PUB combo


Hi. Although this combo was certainly not as easy as combining workouts from one DVD, I didn't mind the disc changes too much. I wanted to get in a little kickbox cardio, a little upper body, and a little lower body so I did this combination today. I got extra stretches in while I chaged discs...

CTX Kickbox warmup only
KPC combo #1 right side
PUB Chest (up only)
KPC combo #1 left side
PUB Back (up only)
KPC combo #2 right side
PUB shoulders (up only)
KPC combo #2 left side
PUB triceps (up only)
KPC combo #3a
PUB biceps (up only)
KPC combo #3b
Legs and Glutes Floorwork premix
CTX Kickbox stretch

This works out so nicely, because those KPC combos are listed individually on the KPC Mix and Match menu.

Have fun!
Wendy, this looks great! A full body workout with cardio and weights. I'm going to try this out this week.

My mish moshes are normally mix-and-match segments in only one or two discs. But with all these wonderful mish moshes that have been posted lately... they make me want to go out and buy a multi-disc player.:)

I discovered something wonderful about my DVD/VCR player the other night! Even though it doesn't have a program feature for DVDs, it does allow you to copy from DVD to VHS. This combo looks great and I'm going to make a video of it tonight!

Jees, the silly little things that make me excited!

Thanks Wendy,


Pinky I still can't figure out doing the mix & match on 2 different workout but just the one workout. When I go to the mix & match menu it just shows that workout but how do you mix & match say for instance the KPC&LG I want to mix different segements from each of these workout, can this be done and how? and can it be done on 2 disc and how? TIA
RE: Pinky?

Barbara, I don't use the mix & match menu. I never got the hang of that. When I use segments from the workouts in the same DVD, I just use the menu button and scroll to the parts I like. So when I did Step Blast warmup then challenge and intervals + SJP step and hi/lo premix this morning, I played the SB warmup, went to the menu, did the challenge and intervals, then went to the menu again, got down to the premixes, clicked on SJP step and hi/lo, skipped the warm-up, then got busy. This can be done in a matter of seconds, so I've never bothered with mix & match.:)

RE: Pinky?

Hi Barbara,

Are you referring to the Workout Blender, or the Mix and Match Menu? If you mean the Workout Blender, then the answer is "No, you can't mix parts from the two workouts on that disc."

If you are using the Mix and Match Menu--on most of Cathe's discs, the Mix and Match Menu looks exactly like the Chapter Menu. The difference is that if you select a segment from the Mix and Match menu, it will play that segment and then return you to the Mix and Match Menu; whereas if you select a segment from the Chapter menu, it will play that segment and then continue on with the workout. Mix and Match is useful if you want to do, for instance, the rear delt flyes from MIS two times in a row. You just select that segment from the Mix and Match menu, perform the exercise, and select the same segment again when you are automatically returned to the Mix and Match menu.

When I did the KPC/PUB combo, I would go to the Mix and Match menu of KPC and select the portion I wanted to do. After I had done that portion, the DVD would stop and take me back to the MIx and Match menu. At that point I would switch to the PUB disc, go to the Mix and Match Menu (actually, on this disc I just used the Chapter menu and performed the first three sets of the pyramid, because the Mix and Match menu is too detailed, and if I used it I would be taken back to the menu after each set rather than after the entire "up" pyramid...), then switch discs again, back to the Mix and Match menu, select, perform, switch, select, perform, switch, etc.

I'm sure that confused you, since I got confused writing it!

Is your player programmable? Check the manual that came with it. If it is , you can get a list of each chapter point on Cathe's DVDs from this site, and you will be able to program in segments from each workout on one DVD. In other words, you would be able to program any segment of L&G to be mixed up with any segment of KPC, since they are on the same disc.

Some DVD players are also programmable across discs, and let you program parts of, say, KPC with PUB. If I had a player like that, I could have got a chapter list of each segment I did in my combo, and programmed my player to play them in the order I wanted. MOST DVD players do not have that capability.

Anyway, I hope that answered some of you questions...and that I didn't make things worse! ;-)

Hi Wendy!! Thanks so much for taking the time to write all of this. It was really helpful:). Yes you did make sense. I do have a sony 5 disc player and I can program over mutiple disc. I did do it a few times but I just couldn't really understand the Mix&Match, so now I do. Thanks again.
RE: Wendy!!

What kind of DVD player do you have? I've got a one disc SONY that allows me to fast forward or skip to the next index but I can't program anything!!! the programing info in the owners manual is for CD's only and doesn't work with DVD's or if it does I just don't know how to do it.

I'd like the info on your DVD player so I can see if I can find one with the same capabilities. When I went to Circuit City and asked for a programmable DVD player, the sales clerk looked at me cross eyed, "I've never heard of such a thing".


I know what you mean when you ask the clerk because it happen to me but when she went to read the manual she was like your right, but anyway I don't think you can't program because you only have a 1 disc player where as when I program, i am programming from several disc mixing several chapters from different workout. Does this make sense? I have a Sony 5 Disc Player that I got about a year ago.
RE: Wendy!!

Yes you can program within one disk... mixing-n-matching between workouts in the same disk. You have to know the title and chapter number for the segment you are interested in. I think SNM posted these, or you can find them at the reader forum at (under "Combination, Rotation and Modification").
RE: Mix and Match

I just figured out the mix n match last week. :eek: I thought I was the only one that hadn't figured this programming out. But I'm glad to see that that is how it is suppose to work. I'm a little dvd illiterate yet. I just want to get to the workout and not have to futz (is that how it's spelled?) with programming. But I do like how the Mix'n Match works. Now, if I could just make sure the disc is clean, and not spend a half hour thinking it's shot, then I will have it goin' on!:+

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