Full-Length Workout Clothes?


Good afternoon, Educated Crowd!

The Aquajock's land workout wardrobe is in serious need of an overhaul, and she was wondering if anyone had any opinions on the comfort of full-length workout leggings versus mid-thigh-high leggings.

Being a Cathe snob, and a serious sweater, I really get into the "heat" of the workout, and I'm curious as to whether or not full-length outfits make you feel overheated.

Any comments / insights would be appreciated!

Hi Annette, I only wear full length clothes when I run because it's chilly in the mornings. I get waaaaaaaay overheated indoors when I'm lifting with cathe. I wear a sports bra and shorts and - okay I'll admit - sometimes I take the shorts off and finish the tape in my undies! :) Especially if I'm doing S/H or MIS... I sweat like mad during those 6-count static lunges... hey it's my house, so why not? :) The lycra/spandex short-shorts are very comfortable by the way

happy thanksgiving - marnie
I too only wear full length clothes when I run outdoors because I get way to hot inside. I thought I was the only nut working out in my sports bra and undies but seeing that Marnie fessed up I too admit that's all I wear. I figure why get my shorts all sweaty when I know that they will be coming off half way through anyway.

My husband used to think I was very strange for working out in my undies but now he's used to it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Enjoy!!
Hi Annette,
I'm another one who wears full-length leggings when I run in the cold, but get way too hot indoors wearing them. If I'm indoors working out, the less the better because I get drenched with sweat!
Even in my chilly house, I end up too warm with full-length gear when I do Cathe tapes. I only use it for running, or winter tennis or cross-country skiing and all those obvious cold weather things. I like HIND pants, they are not as tight as leggings, have small pockets, ankle zippers so you can put them on over your shoes, and more room for air so you stay warmer. Much tighter than sweat pants but looser than tights. REI has them and so does Title9 Sports if anyone cares.
Caroline Knorr

I just had to comment because I too have been known to work out in my underwear. I have a friend whose mom used to actually GO RUNNING in their two-story house (more like a mansion) wearing jeans and a bra. My usual indoor workout clothes are long leggings and a sports bra, mainly because I hate my legs and don't want anyone to see me in shorts. I have some Nike bicycle-style shorts but they fit weird - too tight in the waist and too loose in the seat. But bicycle-style shorts are a good compromise if you're just experimenting to see what you like. Knee-length leggings are good, if they are still in style (?)
Hi Annette,

I have to add my 2 cents here because I tend to get overheated during workouts. But I do like the full length leggings (and I live in Arizona). The trick for me is to have a fan blowing on me when it's hot. I like the long pants because I sometimes have knee trouble and I find it keeps them warm and less prone to injury. I also drink gatorade or water during my workout and that helps prevent overheating. And I sweat like a pig, especially doing Cathe workouts, but have never had a problem overheating when I'm wearing the long leggings if I use the fan and drink plenty of fluids during my workout.

I hope this helps

I start off wearing a sweatshirt & full length leggings in the winter. After my warm up, I end up taking off the sweatshirt & wear just a sports bra or tank (one with a heavy support bra built in). Once stripped down to that level of dress, the leggings are ok for me.

Hi Annette, I recently bought a couple outfits from Reebok's "Hydromove" line. They are excellent at whisking away sweat. I have sports bras and long (oh boy, I cant think of what you call them) "pants" but they are tight but flare out at the bottom (like the style Cathe wears in Cario Kicks). the material is like a spandexy,lycra rather than cotton. They're great. I happen to have a Reebok outlet nearby, but I guess they would sell them at Sports Authority, or maybe online somewhere. I love to treat myself to a really nice workout outfit once in a while, (even though I workout at home) I guess it keeps me motivated. Judy
I love capri length pants but tend to wear a long jog bra with them or I do get overheated. We have no indoor heat yet although we are experiencing a cold snap! For gorgeous workout gear check out http://www.athleta.com
Tall sizes?

What are the inseams on the leggings out there? I would love to get some full-length ones with the flare, but I have a 32" inseam. Having the flare in the middle of my shin just wouldn't be the same look. :-rollen I was hoping, in an earlier thread, that Rhonda would turn out to be 5'9" like me, so that there would be hope to get those cute pants in a decent length.

http://www.plauder-smilies.de/pyth.gif Gretchen
RE: Tall sizes?

Yes, all the social pressure tells you to be tall, and if you succeed, where are the clothes? :)
RE: Tall sizes?

Mogambo, you are funny! I too have a 32" inseam, Gretchen, at 5' 7". Athleta is a great source but they are expensive!
Hey Gretchen

Have no fear! I am 5'9" and have the flared full length pants I have one pair from Rebok (as stated in my above post) and one pair of Marika (which I actually just measured the inseam for you and its 33". I found the Marika's at TJ Maxx, but I know they have them at Sports Authority (but much more $ Im sure) maybe Marika has a website?? The quality is great!!!But I hear ya girl, it aint easy to find long pants! Judy
RE: Hey Gretchen

Gretchen, if you check the sales outlet religiously you can get good buys at Athleta. Judy is right about T.J. Maxx. They have great buys also. And today I was at Target and they have a new line of great running pants and, boy. are they long. Cute too and only a fraction of the cost. I drool over Athleta, though! "Tis the season to treat yourself to something!

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