Free Weights - Survey & Feedback Requested From Women O...


I know everyone here are pretty much fitness junkies like me, however, I've noticed in my gym that I'm usually the only woman in the free weights section. Oh, once in a while, a gal will come back and lift a couple sets with 3- or 5-lb weights, not venturing out of the corner, and then leave to head back toward "safer ground" in the cardio area. I'm writing an article about this phenomenon of women avoiding free weights and would like your help in gaining some data. Of course, if you have first-hand experience, please relay it to me.

First, if anyone knows of any statistics/surveys/research that looks at why women avoid free weights (or any related info), please post it or forward it to my email. I've found a couple of magazine articles, but could use more.

Second, any and all are invited to fill out the following survey and/or have your friends fill it out as well (I can provide a Word version to anyone who wants to set a few out at the gym - keep in mind, this is a women-only survey, though, and we'd have to work out a way for you to mail me the completed surveys - scan and email, perhaps?):

1) Do you regularly use free weights and resistance training (dumbbells, barbells, cable apparatus, weighted lunges/squats, etc.)?

If yes, go to question 2; if no, proceed to question 6.

2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?
a) once a week
b) 2-3 times per week
c) 4-5 times per week
d) Every day

3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance training sessions?
a) 5-15 minutes
b) 15-30 minutes
c) 30-45 minutes
c) 45-60 minutes
d) longer than 60 minutes

4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a guide only)
a) I lift light (5-10 lb dumbbells)
b) I lift moderate weight (10-20 lb dumbbells; unplated bar)
c) I lift heavy (20-25 lb dumbbells; plated bar)
d) I'm superwoman! (25+ lb dumbbells; heavily plated bar)

5) What body parts do you work with free weights?
a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes, etc.
b) Just upper body (biceps, triceps, shoulders)
c) Just my core (abs, back)
d) I'm all about the butt and legs!
e) Does my pinky finger count as a body part? (Okay, that was for comic relief only)

6) For those who don't work out with free weights, why not?
a) The free weights section of the gym is too intimidating
b) The men in the free weights section of the gym are too intimidating
c) I don't know how to use free weights
d) I'm afraid of getting "big" muscles and bulking up
e) Working with free weights isn't part of my fitness goals
e-1) What are your fitness goals? [fill in a brief answer]
f) Other - please fill in.

Additional Comments? Please include them.
Okay, I have to bump since I haven't gotten any responses, yet. Does anyone at least have any stories about women who avoid lifting weights (and why)?
I hate the machines at the gym but do avoid the free weights like the plague there as well. I am simply not comfortable going in to that area alone as is it is standardly being used by the muscle head types. UGH! LOL If I had a man to work out with I would go there no problem! That being said, I only do cardio at the gym and lift at home.

Now on to your questions!

>1) YES!

>If yes, go to question 2; if no, proceed to question 6.
>2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?
> > b) 2-3 times per week
>3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance
>training sessions?
> c) 45-60 minutes

>4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a
>guide only)
> c) I lift heavy (20-25 lb dumbbells; plated bar)
>5) What body parts do you work with free weights?
> a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes,
>6) For those who don't work out with free weights, why not?

See above for why I don't work out with weights at the gym!
>Additional Comments? Please include them.

OK, since you chose a subject close to my heart, I'll play.

>1) Do you regularly use free weights and resistance training
>(dumbbells, barbells, cable apparatus, weighted lunges/squats,
>etc.)? YES!
>If yes, go to question 2; if no, proceed to question 6.
>2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?
> c) 4-5 times per week
>3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance
>training sessions?
> d) longer than 60 minutes (usually about 75 minutes)
>4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a
>guide only)
> d) I'm superwoman! (25+ lb dumbbells; heavily plated bar)

>5) What body parts do you work with free weights?
> a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes,
I workout at home exclusively. When I did belong to a gym, I didn't go in the free weight area either. It felt too intimidating. I do however use free weights at home.

1. yes
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
I also only work out at home, but when I was a gym member I hated the free weight section. It seems like men love to make those weird grunting noises when they lift!! I mean, come on, how many women do you know who do that?! I also hated the TERRIBLE form they used! I would be sitting with my 10lb dumbell thinking "that 40lbs you are curling is not working when you swing your arm like that"! LOL!

1) Yes
RE: Free Weights - Survey & Feedback Requested From Wom...

>I workout at home exclusively. When I did belong to a gym, I
>didn't go in the free weight area either. It felt too
>intimidating. I do however use free weights at home.

I agree with sunshinegirl's statements completely -- the gym free weights area was too intimidating.

Here are my answers:
3.C/D - depends on the workout
RE: Free Weights - Survey & Feedback Requested From Wom...

1) Do you regularly use free weights and resistance training (dumbbells, barbells, cable apparatus, weighted lunges/squats, etc.)?

2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?
c) 4-5 times per week

3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance training sessions?
c) 45-60 minutes

4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a guide only)
d) I'm superwoman! (25+ lb dumbbells; heavily plated bar)

5) What body parts do you work with free weights?
a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes, etc.

The only reason I ever avoided free weights is because I didn't know how to use them. After I had a PT for two years, I used free weights more than I used machines. Sometimes I was the only woman in the free-weights section of the gym, but I didn't give a hoot. If I saw a guy just standing around, I'd ask him to spot me if I was doing a really heavy set and my workout partner wasn't around. I got very comfortable in the gym.
RE: Free Weights - Survey & Feedback Requested From Wom...

I don't go near the cardio machines-- they hinder my growth :)
I also do not use machines.. unless a little for inner thighs or back as they are harder to get with just free weights.


1) Do you regularly use free weights and resistance training (dumbbells, barbells, cable apparatus, weighted lunges/squats, etc.)?


If yes, go to question 2; if no, proceed to question 6.

2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?

* c) 4-5 times per week

3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance training sessions?

* d) longer than 60 minutes

4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a guide only)

FOR ME (very generally):
BACK: 15-50LBS
LEGS: 40-60LBS

5) What body parts do you work with free weights?
* a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes, etc.
I work out at home now but when I belonged to the gym, I did most all free weights. I belonged to a Women's only gym so wasn't intimidated.

1) Do you regularly use free weights and resistance training

2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?
a) once a week
b) 2-3 times per week

3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance training sessions?

c) 45-60 minutes

4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a guide only)

c) I lift heavy (20-25 lb dumbbells; plated bar)

5) What body parts do you work with free weights?
a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes, etc.

6Additional Comments? Please include them
1. Yes.

2. C, 4-5 times per week.

3. D, longer than 60 mins.

4. Between C and D, depending on muscle group and exercie.

5. A, work 'em all!

I've never belonged to a gym. I have only ever used free weights at home. But if I did belong to a gym, I would use the free weights, no problem. I don't give a monkey's who is watching me or what they think of the amounts I lift. I would put on my headphones, get in my zone, do my thing and enjoy it.

>1) Do you regularly use free weights and resistance training
>(dumbbells, barbells, cable apparatus, weighted lunges/squats,


>2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?

c) 4-5 times per week (probably more like 3-4)

>3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance
>training sessions?

c) 45-60 minutes

>4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a
>guide only)

b) and c), depending on the exercise and the body part.

>5) What body parts do you work with free weights?

a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes,

>6) N/A

I work out at home. I have only briefly worked out at a gym, and it was just to use the cardio machines while I was recovering from an injury. I still lifted weights at home during that time.
>1) Do you regularly use free weights and resistance training
>(dumbbells, barbells, cable apparatus, weighted lunges/squats,

Ans: Yes - oh yes!

>If yes, go to question 2; if no, proceed to question 6.
>2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?
> a) once a week
> b) 2-3 times per week
> c) 4-5 times per week
> d) Every day

Ans : b

>3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance
>training sessions?
> a) 5-15 minutes
> b) 15-30 minutes
> c) 30-45 minutes
> c) 45-60 minutes
> d) longer than 60 minutes

Ans : d

>4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a
>guide only)
> a) I lift light (5-10 lb dumbbells)
> b) I lift moderate weight (10-20 lb dumbbells; unplated
> c) I lift heavy (20-25 lb dumbbells; plated bar)
> d) I'm superwoman! (25+ lb dumbbells; heavily plated bar)

Ans: d

>5) What body parts do you work with free weights?
> a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes,
> b) Just upper body (biceps, triceps, shoulders)
> c) Just my core (abs, back)
> d) I'm all about the butt and legs!
> e) Does my pinky finger count as a body part? (Okay, that
>was for comic relief only)

Ans: a

>6) For those who don't work out with free weights, why not?
> a) The free weights section of the gym is too intimidating
> b) The men in the free weights section of the gym are too
> c) I don't know how to use free weights
> d) I'm afraid of getting "big" muscles and bulking up
> e) Working with free weights isn't part of my fitness
> e-1) What are your fitness goals? [fill in a brief
> f) Other - please fill in.

Ans: not applicable

>Additional Comments? Please include them.

Ans: None

~* Vrinda *~
>1) Do you regularly use free weights and resistance training
>(dumbbells, barbells, cable apparatus, weighted lunges/squats,


>If yes, go to question 2; if no, proceed to question 6.
>2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?
> a) once a week
> b) 2-3 times per week
> c) 4-5 times per week
> d) Every day


>3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance
>training sessions?
> a) 5-15 minutes
> b) 15-30 minutes
> c) 30-45 minutes
> c) 45-60 minutes
> d) longer than 60 minutes


>4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a
>guide only)
> a) I lift light (5-10 lb dumbbells)
> b) I lift moderate weight (10-20 lb dumbbells; unplated
> c) I lift heavy (20-25 lb dumbbells; plated bar)
> d) I'm superwoman! (25+ lb dumbbells; heavily plated bar)

B & C (depending on rotation)

>5) What body parts do you work with free weights?
> a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes,
> b) Just upper body (biceps, triceps, shoulders)
> c) Just my core (abs, back)
> d) I'm all about the butt and legs!
> e) Does my pinky finger count as a body part? (Okay, that
>was for comic relief only)


>6) For those who don't work out with free weights, why not?
> a) The free weights section of the gym is too intimidating
> b) The men in the free weights section of the gym are too
> c) I don't know how to use free weights
> d) I'm afraid of getting "big" muscles and bulking up
> e) Working with free weights isn't part of my fitness
> e-1) What are your fitness goals? [fill in a brief
> f) Other - please fill in.


>Additional Comments? Please include them.
I also work out at home. I have plenty of my own equipment, DBs up to 25 lbs, barbell, and piles of other stuff. I know when I used to go to a gym (pre-Cathe discovery) I never approached the free weights. When I had help from a personal trainer it was never even suggested. If I joined a gym tomorrow I think I would use the free weights there, but I also remember it being such a testosterone-dominated area that I wonder if it would intimidate me. I'm less self-conscious as I get older, though, so probably I'd still use them. Just a couple thoughts as to why women don't use free weights more.

ETA: Here's an article for you:

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog:
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
For those who said it was too intimidating to use the free weights at the gym, was it because of the men or just the area itself that was intimidating?
Trixie108 - I know what you mean about guys using terrible form and weights that are far too heavy for them. I see this all the time. For example, several weeks ago, this little tweeny (pre- or early teenager) was doing dumbbell flyes with 15-lb dumbbells. Now, I've been lifting for years and only use 15-lb dumbbells on flyes for my heavy set. But this little kid must have thought he'd be less of a man if he dropped to 8 lbers, which would have been more in line with his ability. His form was just atrocious! He couldn't lower the weights past a 45 degree angle (so, oh yea, he was really working his chest *insert rolleyes here*). What's even better is that he had a "macho" tweeny as a workout partner who obviously thought he just needed to stand there and look good rather than spot his suffering little friend. I looked over and said, "You need to drop the weight. Those 15 lbers are too heavy for you." Of course, he didn't listen...he knew better than I did, apparently. Sheez!

Then, last week, another teenager (older than the other two) was doing heavy reps of bench presses with a heavily loaded bar -- WITHOUT A SPOTTER. I was doing pushups and looked up in time to see him struggle through a rep, barely getting the weight up, and then the ding-dong decided to do another rep! He got the bar about halfway up before letting it fall to his chest. Trapped under the bar, I was the only one who ran to help him as he tried to roll out from under it. I offered to help, he declined, and I said, "You need a spotter" and turned and walked off. He muttered something as I left, but the idiocy that these buffoons display just angers me.

So, for women who are intimidated by the men, just know this...they don't know what they're doing most of the time. I bet most women know more than they do.
I did a reply that landed earlier in this thread, so I'm going to insert it here, as well, so that more of you are likely to see it.

Some of you mentioned that the gym free weights intimidate you, and I'd like to know if it was the men in that section who intimidated you or the area itself. I think one or two of you mentioned that it was the men, but for those who didn't mention what was so intimidating about it, could you elaborate? It would really help me with my article.
All your comments are great! Some actually have given me ideas for slants to my article. Many made me smile and laugh...I could really identify with some of your experiences with first-hand accounts of my own.

Someone mentioned that their trainer didn't even suggest free weights. I read a blog entry from a woman who said the same thing. That's a shame. I think that if you're a trainer, and you're not using free weights to some extent with your female clients, you're missing a tremendous opportuny and short-changing your clients.
1. Yes!
2. B - 2/3 times per week
3. C - 3o to 45 minutes
4. B - I lift moderate (but I'll use plates on a barbell as well)
5. A

I think that women tend to avoid weights in the gym to avoid being approached by men or "experts" that try to correct form (when often they are ones using the incorrect form).

I used to venture into this section while I still went to a gym, and inevitably, I'd have some meathead wander over and try to show me the "right" way to lift. This usually includes them jerking the weight around and using momentum to complete sets at a heavier weight than they could otherwise lift.

I just don't like the attention, nor the interaction. I work out to work out, not socialize with anyone else there, personally.

This is all why I just work out at home today.
I don't workout in gyms, but I've been to them in the past. Some of them segregate the 'men's' weights (heavier, iron weights) and the 'women's' weights (lighter, usually 'pretty': either colored vinyl-coated or shiny metal), though either gender COULD use either, I think many women are intimidated about going into the 'guys'' side of the gym.

>1) Do you regularly use free weights and resistance training
>(dumbbells, barbells, cable apparatus, weighted lunges/squats,


>2) How often do you use free weights/resistance training?
> b) 2-3 times per week
>3) Generally, how long are your free weights/resistance
>training sessions?
> c) 45-60 minutes
Usually, though some 30 minutes

>4) How heavy do you lift? (Use the included poundage as a
>guide only)
Depending on the workout, I lift moderate to heavy(and the weight ranges aren't really helpful, unless you indicate what body parts they are for. According to your weights, I would lift "superwoman" heavy, but I wouldn't consider my 'heavy' to be 'superwoman')

>5) What body parts do you work with free weights?
> a) I work 'em all, baby! Legs, butt, core, arms, big toes,

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