Francine and Maribeth

Hey Ladies,

I've been missing seeing you around lately. Rumor has it someone (NOT CATHE or CHRIS or ANYONE WORKING FOR SNM) has asked you to "get your own forum" because so many of us come to you for advice when we know Cathe is just sooooo busy that she can't answer all of our questions. It's been revealed that there have been trolls & other unsavory types wondering around. Maybe this person(s) didn't know what he/she was talking about.

I wanted to come out here & let you know that personally, I think anyone that would do something like that obviously doesn't know Cathe. I want to ask you to come back & start sharing your wealth of information with us again.

This post is not meant to start trouble & if it does I am terribly sorry & will personally ask Chris to delete it. I want some of the people that have been chased off OUR forum to come back to play again. I know I'm not alone in missing the information you both shared so freely.
Is this a joke or did I miss something? I did read the post about the trolls but did someone really ask Francine and Maribeth to get their own forum? I can't people have the time or energy for that kind of immature behavior.

Sadly, much earlier this year I received a private e-mail from a forum participant asking me to assist her in gently "suggesting" to Maribeth that she find or create her own forum rather than contribute to the Cathe forums as she had. I think this person was threatened by the amount of knowledge Maribeth had. As it was I who asked Maribeth to start contributing in the first place, my response to this person was decidedly in the negative, but I did notify Maribeth of this person.

I don't think it was that that has caused Maribeth to contribute less here; I do know she is exceptionally busy at this time. I can't speak to Francine's situation, but I do hope the same thing did NOT happen to her or about her; I too value all informed posts here.

I'll let Maribeth know she is missed.

I can't believe someone would do that. Wait, no. I actually do believe it sadly enough. Boy, it must have been a thankless job for Maribeth and Francine to take their personal time to write out those long, detailed and very informative posts in response to people who asked them specifically, by name for the most part. I have never met Maribeth, but I have met Francine and can say that she is incredibly sweet, energetic and obviously very selfless when it comes to helping others. Anyone remember that thoughtful package she sent to Donna (getnfit@39) after she was burned by someone she was helping?
That's pretty sad. Maribeth was a wealth of information and I still have every single post she wrote here printed and saved in a notebook. She inspired me to read voraciously about kinesiology and I learned so much from her posts. I miss her contributions here enormously.

If the person who wrote that email to A-Jock is reading this, unless you are a certified fitness professional, you would not know that exercise video instructors without degrees or advanced training in the field are not always the most informed even if they do give you a great kick butt workout. Many even violate the standards and guidelines set forth by the certifying organizations in their exercise video/DVD productions. The guidelines apply to the apparently health adult population - which probably comprises close to 100% of the members on this forum. If the guidelines were more strictly adhered to, perhaps so many of us would not be suffering from joint (particularly knee) stresses.

Hey, All!
I'm still here!! As A-jock mentioned, there was a poster who did get her nose a bit out of joint with the fact that I replied as often as I did, but I'm a hard headed chick and that doesn't dissuade me from posting at all. Actually, to the contrary--it makes me want to post all the more!

This has been a hard spring and summer for me. In mid-April, my previously healthy mom got up one morning with shortness of breath. She went to the ER and was admitted to the hospital. After a really tough week, she was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. She was a real trooper and went through two rounds of chemo, which did nothing for her. Sadly, she died eight weeks later without ever being able to return home.

I'm still not quite able to believe this has happened. Strangely enough, she died on Father's Day, almost exactly 26 months following my dad's death--both at age 64.

During this time, I was having some ongoing back problems--long story short, I had an epidural, ended up with a dural puncture, leaked spinal fluid, had a terrible headache for 5 days, then ended up with cranial nerve palsy for a month--the cranial nerve involved in my case were the occular nerves, leaving me with 4 weeks of double vision.

That and a few other things have kept me away. I do need to get back regularly--it's a very pleasant distraction and tons of fun. I've missed you guys!:)
Maribeth, I, too, have missed your very knowledgeable posts. I had noticed that you were not around anymore and was wondering what had happened.

I sura am sad to hear about your mother, father and your back.

I am glad to "see" you back at the forums. :p

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
Maribeth, I'm sorry to hear about your mother and about your health problems. I've also appreciated all of your knowledge and have missed your posts.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. And on top of the emotional pain, you're having to deal with what sounds like a great deal of physical pain too. I hope things begin to look up for you.
>This post is not meant to start trouble & if it does I am
>terribly sorry & will personally ask Chris to delete it. I
>want some of the people that have been chased off OUR forum to
>come back to play again. I know I'm not alone in missing the
>information you both shared so freely.

ummm.. I thought this was Cathe's and SnM's forum?

we love ya girl and you have all our support in this and other future trying times. Most of us have nothing but the deepest respect for your hard-earned knowledge and the friendliness with which you share it with the general crowd.

You never preach, never pontificate, only dispense clear, hype-cutting scientifically-documented research that others have requested from you!

Anyone who tells you different needs to go get their own forum!

Hi, Maribeth--

Just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about your Mom. I lost my Mom to lung cancer almost five years ago. It's really brutal; you're in my prayers.

Sorry about everything else that's going on, too. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon. One great thing about exercise, it really helps make you feel better when life is throwing difficult things your way. I hope you'll be able to get back to it soon.

Take care,


I'm sorry to hear about your mother and your health probs. Anyway, just want to let you know that I value your knowledge here. Come when you are not too busy.

As for others who have been contributing, I hope they will continue so (Francine, A-jock, Roe, Kathryn, etc) because I do enjoy your opinion. Just don't let one/two person keep you from posting!

I think you guys are an asset to this forum!
Maribeth, so glad to see you here for the first time in ages! I've missed you! I'm so sorry about all the bad things that have happened to you recently. You deserve better. Francine, hope you're still here, too. You guys are terrific! Thank you for everything you've done for all of us.

And to anyone else--please notice the number of posts a participant has before responding to anything negative. This is a great forum!

You all are great!! Thank you for all your thoughts, kind words and support!

Luckily, I have had very little in the way of limiting factors where my workouts are concerned--only the week or so immediately around my epidural fiasco.

When Mom died, exercise was what kept me together. Over the past 10 or so years, she had really become a fitness nut, beginning with aerobics and progressing to weight training. She had been at the gym the day before she went into the hospital.

Take my mind to something fun--any hot topics on which I might jump in? Catch me up, please!:)
Welcome back, Maribeth! I am so very sorry to hear of your Mom's passing and your own health setback but glad you are doing fine and ready to join us again.

Looking forward to reading your new posts.

>As for others who have been contributing, I hope they will
>continue so (Francine, A-jock, Roe, Kathryn, etc) because I do
>enjoy your opinion. Just don't let one/two person keep you
>from posting!

Gee...did I miss something while my network was down? Did some troll ask me to leave, too? If so, I feel honored to be in such esteemed company!

well recently we have been debating karen Voigt's boob job, BMI reporting on student report cards in Alabama, what mums can do to get their abs back, whether you are an afficionado of the bard, and generally drooling over the pictures of the new workouts that are producing reactions ranging from falling into unconscious bliss to freaking out with panicked hysteria at even the possibility of a one arm push up!

So, take your pic(k)! And as always, have fun


Its great to see you back. I too always made copies of your posts and learned a lot from them.

I'm glad to see you weren't dissuaded by the email you received. I know how busy Cathe is and I'm sure she's very happy to have all these great people contributing to the knowledge on her website - and for free at that! She has never struck me as the type to worry about something like this.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother and also the problems you had with your help. That sounds like it must have been horrendous.

Well, just wanted to say thanks for coming back and I'll be printing your posts with a passion again.

I'm so glad to see you back again. So sorry to hear about your parents and your own health problems. Lost my father-in-law to rectal cancer that had moved into his lungs in 97'. I don't read all the posts due to time, but you, Francine, and A-jock always have awesome advice. You ladies are the best and I truly appreciate all your time, effort, and patience answering all the great questions out there in Cathe Land. .....Sami

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