Francine and Maribeth

Maribeth, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I had hoped it was the troll thing & that you were lurking out there somewhere. I'm glad you saw this post & are doing better!!

I did hear from Francine privately--she's one insane woman! She's taking a bunch of certifications (again) & has been staying away from the forums because of that. Thank goodness. She said she'll be back soon!
Maribeth, I'm sorry to hear about your mother.

I mostly lurk here, but wanted to add that I to appreciated yours, Fancine, A-jock and many others advice. I love reading the posts regarding exercise and always print them out to keep in my folder for later reference. I've learned a lot from this forum. Keep it coming! :7
I wasn't trying to be negative. No offense, but I think it's really rude to say look at the number of posts someone has before responding to them. :-( I was really asking if this is Cathe's forum or what. The way FitnessGoddess said "OUR forum" made it sound like it belongs to her and the some other people? If this is a private forum then you should block new users from joining? Is it just the open discussion forum or the Ask Cathe and Video Comments forum too?
Welcome back. So sorry about your mom. I also always click on posts from you. I like your clear, concise pointed responses to questions, and your emphasis. Keep on postin'!

By the way I got certified by ACE for Personal Training. Now I need training- hands-on and everything. I know I still have lots to learn. I am chomping at the bit to start, but I'm keeping my day job.
I too, much appreciate the advice from Maribeth, Francine, and Aquajock. I imagine that Cathe appreciates these informative posts they have provided. And goodness knows their advice has helped me tremendously. Thanks ladies.


Maribeth - I want to extend my sympathies to you. The last time we had exchanged emails you had said you had a lot going on but I sure didn't know it was your mother. I hope your heart is healing from your loss and that your body is healing from all that you have experienced this year. I have thought of you often and have kept you in my prayers.

I am SO glad to see you back on the forums. I have been dying to ask you some questions but didn't want to bother you since you have been so very busy. So, let me know when you're up to some questions and I'll lay a couple on ya'! ;)

And... Hello from Missouri!
OMG...Maribeth, our prayers are with have had a year from hell and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy...trite, but true. Are you doing better? I don't know you at all, but I wish you the best and a better fall.:)
I'm so sorry! This is definitely an open forum, and new users are more than welcome. I hope you'll forgive me and that you won't feel unwelcome. I misunderstood your post and was afraid our "troll" might be back again. I was in hopes this thread wouldn't get ugly, as some have lately. We may even have lost some of our good friends here at Cathe because of that person or persons, and I didn't want to see it happen again, especially since so many people's feelings have been hurt. But I can see now that you didn't mean anything negative at all and that I probably hurt YOUR feelings. I do hope you'll accept my apologies. I was trying my best to be "tactful," but I can see I didn't handle that very well, either. Please, please know that you're welcome here!


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