Hi Ya, Ladies!
I didn't post this morning before work because I didn't work out and I slept in good n late too!
After all the working out I did y'day, I am surprised that I can even MOVE this morning yet I'm not even sore!!! Meanwhile, 30 mins of kickboxing with weighted gloves on last week had me darned near crippled for like FOUR days!?!? WTH!?
Last night I trained a new person (new to studio and new to me too) and then I stayed to go over Turkish get ups with the owner and then to work out on my own after he left. I was there from before 6pm until at least 8:30 and was quite happy about it!
The training session with the member went well. Lots of form pointers/corrections needed to be made and I was pretty comfy doing it so it made me happy. I think part of the increased comfort level was knowing she was new so I didn't feel so much like a "substitute teacher" to her. I'm sure the experience I've been gaining as time goes by is starting to help as well though...I am working again tonight at 6pm.
No work out after though!
So I was just on FB and the studio owner posted to all of his members that I have recently "shed the intern tag" and am officially a trainer there and that he is happy to have me on board!
He tagged me in the post so I could see it. He didn't have to do that. So nice that he acknowledged me like that!
Wiggie:: I won't turn off the TV during a storm but I avoid water faucets as much as possible (no dish washing, showering, etc) until it's over. Some times I get in the throws of cooking when a storm brews and I have no choice but to use the kitchen sink. In these cases I just do what I need to do as quickly as possible and try to time it so I get it done between lightening strikes!
Tyvm re the sweet words regarding training.
I don't know that I am "awesome" quite yet but I am learning from the "awesomest" (lol) so hopefully I'll be awesome too some day too!
As for your brother and S90....better late then never!
Katie:: Yes, training MONO Y MONO is getting easier.
Sorry you are feeling poopish.
I hope you can grab some medicine that will take the edge off. Sometimes colds can be just as bad as running a fever! Great job doing Tabata Inferno despite not feeling 100%! You rock!