I have to chime in and say that I think I understand what LauraMax is saying. It is extremely annoying to see rail thin actresses all over the television. People like Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Lindsey Lohan, Kelly Ripa, most of the women from Desperate(ly thin)housewives, Calista Flockhart,Kiera Knightly, ANY model...I mean the list goes on and on and on.
But I must say that I believe eating disorders are a real thing. Sometimes they are non intentional and sometimes they are. I've heard of a recent trend where girls are actually *trying* to develop an eating disorder just to keep up with their friends(a la Nicole Ritchie). This is what really annoys me. In fact, there are even websites out there that support those with eating disorders by offering support in their "endeavors" and giving them advice etc. It's just disgusting. There are people out there who do this to themselves and go into it fully knowing what they are doing.
That being said, there are thousands of people out there who struggle with this problem on a daily basis. For those people, I have compassion. I can't imagine feeling guilty everytime I put something in my mouth. And for those Catheites out there who suffer, I feel for you!