Four year old boy w/anorexia?

Do you actually believe this? Are you just playing "devils advocate?" Because I find it very hard to believe that someone could really be this callous.:(
and you would be the same one who dissed being fat? and now is upset that we blame society? Ummmm.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Don't run Melissa, I think this thread will remain civil

I want to chime agreement with all who say support and compassion are needed with topics such as this. I can see where someone who hasn't first or second-hand experienced loved ones with eating disorders (and they are many and varied) might have a difficult time truly grasping the reality of it all.

As a mother of an adopted child with an eating disorder from infancy, which was induced by pain, suffering and complete lack of love and nuturing, please let's show compassion for all others with whatever they deal with in their lives. Have you ever seen a child scream and cry when a spoon of food comes toward his mouth, or watch him gag and puck up all that enters his mouth?

JMHO, I am kinda close to this issue, too.
>Wow, I haven't even heard of this 4 year old boy who is
>anorexic. Sounds to me like he's being abused, no 4 year old
>would think to starve themselves for attention would they?
>Anyone have a link online about this?

Don't have a current link in my brain, but from first hand experience I can speak to the devastation -mental and physical- an abused child experiences. They NEVER are free from the harm inflicted upon them.

But thank God, my little guys (I have 3 adopted) give so much love to our family. Bad things can turn into really good things! :)
>I'm convinced that LauraMax drops these little bombs on us
>every now and again to keep us on our toes... *winks*

Hi Christine!

Even so, what would be the point of posting in such an ugly manner? Why would anyone want to "drop bombs" on fellow Catheites? There are many women on the board who have mentioned their struggles with food and disordered eating so why not open a topic for discussion in a dignified and classy manner, instead of being insulting and mean-spirited? JMO.

> I don't look at anorexia as
>whining. I look at it more as a way to gain control over one
>part of your life when you do not (for whatever reason) feel
>that you have control.

Nicely said. I agree 100 percent!!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
> My God, your story sounds heart breaking! I don't think I
>want to hear it;(
> Lori:)

Oh yes maybe the beginning, but 99% you would really want to hear. It is beautiful. Just a clue, the 1 DS I referred to was not SUPPOSE to ever walk or talk or have any measurable intelligence. Hey, just try to catch him when he runs or get him quiet for 1 min; and you'd find yourself struggling to keep up in an intelligent debate with him.

Love works wonders.:7
If this boy has problems, I blame his parents. The reason why I said this is because a while back, I read Dear Abby written by an aunt of this boy complaining about his mother. His mother is anorexic and bulimic. He was 2 years old and she fed him baby food. Those small jars of baby food. Only one or two jar per meal. She was COUNTING his calories. WTF is my thought. She would NOT feed him regular food. She only fed him baby food. She was so afraid he'd get fat. He was very small for his age. I felt SO bad for this boy. I'm wondering if this is the same boy.

>Love works wonders.:7

I have never heard anything more true than that. Love covers a multitude of sins/wrongs and heals anything.

Bless you Melody! I have a deep respect and admiration for anyone who would take a child into her home, especially a child who has issues. You must be one heck of a special lady. Your story makes me cry - in a good way.
That is so true! I am off topic here but my SIL's dad is dying of cancer.And he was an o.k guy.Not a prefect father, never hurt them (intentionally) but he was a alcohloic so he had his prioritys. Not that this would make his passing any easier.But when I got off of the phone with my mom I thought about how hard it is going to be for me when my parents pass.I had a wonderful life growing up.No one ever hurt me or touched me in any way,and I always knew I was loved and I had loving parents who showed their love for each other and still do.It was truely a wonderful home to grow up in to .And then this got me thinking about all the people out there who don't have what I had.There are kids and children being hurt every day and you have to wonder what is normal for them?

But its b/c of people like you that can make a difference in this world.Giving a troubled child a real "normal" life,sticking out the tough times and making them realize what love really is.Every child and person needs to know that they are special and when you show someone that you love them...I think amazing things can happen.
Eating disorders existed in the 1960's, but they did not have a name for it (at least not to my knowledge, or at least it was never written about). I was 12 years old in 1963 when I was afflicted with anorexia, and believe me, it is a VERY real disorder. I would suggest that you reserve your judgement until you do more reading on the subject.
Just Do It! :)
Aaaaah, you wonderful ladies are gonna make me cry. Thanks for your kind words. BUT, please don't praise me. My adopted sons, and they are sons just the same as my biological son, have inspired me to be a much better person. THEY w/God deserve the credit for what they accomplish and believe me, upon meeting them, you'd never know they carried so much baggage.

Ok, sorry to sorta drag this thread off course. But now I've got to go and figure out how to post pics of my beautiful boys so you guys don't envision little pitiful creatures!
I have to chime in and say that I think I understand what LauraMax is saying. It is extremely annoying to see rail thin actresses all over the television. People like Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Lindsey Lohan, Kelly Ripa, most of the women from Desperate(ly thin)housewives, Calista Flockhart,Kiera Knightly, ANY model...I mean the list goes on and on and on.
But I must say that I believe eating disorders are a real thing. Sometimes they are non intentional and sometimes they are. I've heard of a recent trend where girls are actually *trying* to develop an eating disorder just to keep up with their friends(a la Nicole Ritchie). This is what really annoys me. In fact, there are even websites out there that support those with eating disorders by offering support in their "endeavors" and giving them advice etc. It's just disgusting. There are people out there who do this to themselves and go into it fully knowing what they are doing.
That being said, there are thousands of people out there who struggle with this problem on a daily basis. For those people, I have compassion. I can't imagine feeling guilty everytime I put something in my mouth. And for those Catheites out there who suffer, I feel for you!

First of all I have serious doubts about the accuracy of this story. I never saw anything about it. I tried to google it and came up empty. And were they saying the boy was anorexic or that he had anorexia nervosa? There is a BIG difference between anorexia and ANOREXIA NERVOSA.

Anorexia simply means a loss of appetite for a prolonged period of time. It is not neccessarily indicative of a deeper psychological problem. It just means that for whatever reason, a person isn't hungry. It may be related to some other physical condition such as a digestive problem, or it could be a side effect of medication, or some other disease process like cancer, etc. In children, failure to thrive is a possibility as well. Abuse and neglect are often related to anorexia in kids.

Anorexia Nervosa is characterized by a pathological fear of weight gain. It most commonly (but not exclusively) affects young women in their teens and early 20's.

Just something I'd like to throw in here. It always amuses me somewhat when people have "opinions" about things that are, well, that ARE. For instance, I may have an opinion that grass is purple. We all know that grass is green (or maybe brown but I digress). I can believe with all my heart and soul that the grass is purple but that doesn't change the FACT that it is green. My opinion is, you need to make sure you gather all the facts before you start spouting your opinions so you don't end up looking like an a$$.

>I'm convinced that LauraMax drops these little bombs on us
>every now and again to keep us on our toes... *winks*
"Laura, Do you actually believe this? Are you just playing "devils advocate?" Because I find it very hard to believe that someone could really be this callous."

I believe that Laura has an opinion. I also believe that she has a right to state it. She didn't bash a "fellow Cathe-ite" specifically. Instead, she described a very precise group of people.

Like it or not, Laura made a point that she believes in and opened a discussion. Those that disagreed can state their opinion. Those that needed it received support. That is what life is all about, ladies.
"and you would be the same one who dissed being fat? and now is upset that we blame society? Ummmm.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"


"Frankly, I find the original post incredibly obnoxious. Laura aren't you the one who is disgusted by fat people as well? And the idiot women at your gym? And the smelly men who have the nerve to sweat while working out? What is with these posts that denigrate others?

And, BTW, you're incorrect about eating disorders existing only in the last few decades. Instances of eating disorders have been recorded for centuries, particularly amongst religious women and girls. There are several well-regarded books on the topic. I suggest "Fasting Girls: a History of Anorexia Nervosa" and "Holy Anorexia."



Well, isn't it interesting that people like you focus only on what you view as negative things I've posted, & completely ignore the voluminous amount of positive & encouraging information I've written on here. That says a great deal about your personalities. And you have the audacity to call me obnoxious & judgmental? Better look in your own backyard before you start name calling.........And Sparrow, religious fasting is hardly the same as starving yourself to be thin. What an utterly ridiculous comparison.

This forum used to be a really friendly place where people could post their opinions about health & fitness without being called names, ridiculed and judged. My how things have changed. I'm saddened by the outright anger & hostility that is clearly emanating from the majority of members who now post here. You'd think exercise would alleviate some of that, but maybe you're not real exercisers--you're the typical quick fixers looking for the easy way out.

I suppose I'd be better off finding another place to discuss health & fitness. This forum has become nothing but a bunch of self centered, egotistical know it alls who can't stand the thought of anyone else thinking differently than they do.

Adios former amigas!
Oooh another name-caller. They should really put a mental age limit of, say, 12 years old on this forum. And require proof......:D
>Oooh another name-caller. They should really put a mental
>age limit of, say, 12 years old on this forum. And require


The statement at the end of my post was rhetorical and not directed at anyone in particular, but if the shoe fits...

I have read and enjoyed many of your posts, but I have raised my eyebrows at more than a few. When you post inflammatory comments you have to expect a certain amount of negative feedback. I guess you can't take it quite as easily as you can dish it out.

My SIL died as a result of anorexia nervosa at the ripe old age of 27, leaving behind my brother and their 2 year old son. Yes, your insensitive remarks struck a nerve!


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