form tips for stbility ball


After the Intensity Series was released, there were some good posts on the forum regarding the lack of form pointers for using the stability ball. A few members rightly were concerned about the fact that there really wasn't a section of two devoted to tips or info regarding the use of the stability ball on any of the videos/DVDs.

Will any of the new workout tapes/DVDs have a short section on them illustrating and explaining form tips and pointers for using the stability ball safely and successfully?

I would find such information very helpful and encouraging.


Susan G., who still has not mastered pikes on the ball
I don't know of any videos with stability ball tips, but I just got a book called "Bounce Your Body Beautiful" by Liz Applegate (who is a nutrition professor at UC Davis, as well as a fitness expert, ACE certified, etc.) that is all about using the Stability Ball for fitness and shows 30 different exercises for all body parts, with pictures, great descriptions, and pointers on how to make the moves more difficult. I'm on a Stability Ball kick right now and am loving this book (as well as the ball segments on the Pyramids).

One more thing -- I don't think it's been released yet, but there is a Stability Ball for Dummies Workout on some websites for pre-order. It may not be that advanced or as thorough as this book, but I'd imagine it would have some good form pointers.

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