For those of new to cathe and going on the trip in July



I'm just curious...
Is there a way to kind of work thru her videos in some kind of order
from the more basic moves to her tougher moves? I've got Basic step and body fusion, and the Classics vol #1 and Cardio hits and Imax 2 soon to have Imax 3, Low max, SJP, and Step blast(I'm excluding the ones with the weights even though I'm doing those too). Is there a rough kind of plan I could have so I could feel semi-prepared going to the classes in July? This would be a big help!
Thanks in advance!
Hi Mary and welcome to the world of Cathe. It's a bit tough to answer your question without knowing your fitness level. Basic step and body fusion were designed for a beginner or as an introduction to Cathe. So, I would definitely start here. I would then go to either Classics vol #1 or Cardio Hits (my first Cathe was Step Max). The IMax and those in the Body Blast workouts assune you already are familiar with Cathe's moves (which you will learn in the earlier workouts).

Hope this helps!
RE: For those of new to cathe and going on the trip in ...

I should have explained myself better, sorry. I'm a runner and cyclist by trade,(anywhere from 5k's to marathons and I've done the MS 150 a couple times), did all my weight lifting at the gym and used to do step reebok back in the day. So basic moves are about all I know, though I seem to pick up the different ones fairly quickly. I seem to be kind of jumping around with all the different cathe dvd's I've purchased seeing that I want to try them all(I've gotten so many to choose from and they all look great, some definitely more advanced for me at this time but when you get into this buying frenzy(lol) you just can't help it)so I was looking for some type of progression and what you recommended sounds just perfect. I know that July isn't too far away and I'm not pressuring myself to try and be an upper level "stepper", I'm just enjoying these workouts and would like to improve a bit more before I come in July. Thanks so much for the
help--see you in July!
Mary :)
Hey Mary, one more suggestion...

Lorrayne's advice is right on the money. One more suggestion for you -- if you go to the "VHS" and "DVD" sections of Cathe's site, you'll see that her workouts are listed in chronological order, with the newest being at the top of the page and the oldest at the bottom. Through the years her step workouts have built progressively on choreography that began to appear in her earliest videos. So, if you have access to some early and then later Cathe tapes (and you do on Cardio Hits and Classics), you'll find that you can easily learn the choreography "in order."

Just a suggestion, take it or leave it. ;-) Kathy S.
RE: Hey Mary, one more suggestion...

You know, I didn't even think about that, though I did notice the difference in the outfits and such on the covers of them on the website. I'll have to scroll back thru and compare them to what I've already purchased, scary that I have 18 of her DVD's though it looks like with the classics, basic step and body fusion and the cardio hits that I already have will give me plenty to practice with and I'll just progress from there. Time to get steppin'!!
Thanks for your help!
another new-to-Cathe question

I'm relatively new to Cathe, and also to stepping. Is there a place to see the step/moves diagrammed or something? I'm doing the moves, rewinding the tapes many times, but might learn faster if there were a diagram or instructions for the (embarrassed to say it) A step, for instance. I like the suggestion to start with earlier tapes, but sometimes I'm just stuck on a move and would like to study it, either in a video clip or a diagram of some kind.


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