? for moms - AM excercise?


Everybody has a different story. But I'm sooo frustrated! I used to be up to get it done before kid one, and kind of 2, woke up in the morning. Now I have 3 - ages 11,7 and almost 3. My DH lives out of town all week for his job. Things feel so crazy I can NOT seem to get up - because I can't get to bed! I am a SAHM, so that makes a huge difference. But by the time homework is done, dinner, dishes, whatever necessary showers/baths, reading, then moving on to making sure uniforms are clean, packing lunches ... I can only get to bed so early! My single sister ( no kids) - and props to her - gets up at like 4:30 am. But she's in bed by 9!! I still have dishes, lunches, backpacks ... and I just would like to sit for a minute before I collapse into bed :) I'm just frustrated because I used to have the discipline - and I know I'd loose those 8 lbs - if I could get up!! But the getting to bed earlier seems impossible! I'm not watching more than 1 hour of tv - then I read for 30 minutes.

Is this just me?? I feel so undisclipined but then I feel like it's not that much under my control! ANYONE??

I cannot workout in the mornings either. I've tried. I'm also a SAHM with three kiddos (ages 9, 6 and 2). Luckily, DH takes the kiddos when he comes home and I work out... But with soccer season starting, it's sucking up my workout time. I totally feel your pain. But look at it this way, we'll be total gym rats when our little ones go to school and the nest is empty... Until then, I'm just rolling with the punches and fitting workouts in whenever I can... Even if I do them with a 2 year old mimicking and giggling at me. :) Hang in there!
Oh boy do I feel for you! My kids when they were young the first two15 months apart and then another 3 years later. My exercise at that time consisted only of packing them all into a carriage and walking around my neighborhood loop which was 3.5 miles. :) I could do abs with them playing nearby too. They made it fun by wanting me to lift them at the same time. Lol!
You have to get clever and squeeze in a workout during nap times.

Remember they are young for a very short time. ;)
Best wishes to you!
I've always made it work for me. I only have one child though so perhaps I shouldn't even post here. :p

From the time he was an infant I would work out when he was sleeping-in the morning or at nap time.

I worked out while he was at pre-school. He started at 3 years old and I was only working a very limited hour p/t job in the mornings at the time so I could squeeze a w/o in after work before I had to pick him up.

When he was home with me, not napping, I started by having him play in his room while I exercised. Eventually I allowed he was allowed in the living room. He's NEVER been allowed in the room I work out in but when when I first started exercising without DH home and DS was awake, I would leave the door ajar so I could keep an ear out for him and ofcourse he was told to come get me if he needed something.

Once I got a full time job (about a year ago), that's when things changed drastically. I had to train myself to get up by 4:30 every morning to fit in my work out so I can get us off to work/school on time. He is in bed no later then 8:30pm and I have resigned myself to hitting the sack pretty much immediately after. I will watch tv in bed, read or whatever until about 9 and then roll over and go to sleep. It's the only way I'm able to get up the next morning.

I have always made time for my work outs. I need my "me" time. I can't go with out it or I will not be happy and you know the saying..."When mom is happy, everyone is happy.". It's an hour a day that I feel I DESERVE and my son knows nothing different. I have been exercising since long before he was born and he's grown up with it. At almost 6 years old, he knows, on weekends, weather daddy is around or not, mommy is going to go exercise at some point and he has to amuse himself for an hour or so and most of the time he's very good about it. :)
My 3 kids are grown, but when they were little I got up early to exercise. Perhaps you can arrange your exercise for a time when the older 2 are in school. You may not get a whole hour, but can you keep your 3 yr old close enough to keep an eye on him/her while you exercise? Like another poster mentioned, maybe you can put the little one in a stroller and walk.
I feel for you doing it all on your own during the week. that is tough and amazing. I always finished my workouts before 7am when I was a SAHM - but.... I wasn't doing it all on my own during the week so what worked for me may not work for you. I am like your sister now that I work - no matter what - i am in bed by 9pm and actually start shutting down by 8pm cos im up around 4:45am to squeeze in a workout. Maybe just keep working out whenever you can and enjoy cathe when you are able to fit her in and then one day.... it will all come together cos it sounds like you keep trying cos you do want it.
Thanks for the support! I do manage to get it in. Usually at least 4 - often 5 - days/week. I'm training for a half marathon so that's added to things! With my first I was still up at 5, but each kid - along with the kind of absent DH - has added to that challenge. I'm fine with them entertaining themselves for an hour while I do my stuff. Weekends they've even gone 2 hours while I do my long run! Mostly I'm frustrated about the early morning. I feel like I'm not disciplined enough and that just makes me mad at myself. I try to cut myself some slack given the circumstances. Being a "one woman show" has gotten old but chin up! DH has a job, which is more than he had for a year. But it's been 5 years and he's home every other weekend. There are times I think "I should just give it up and be 300 pounds and out of shape!" I'll just keep plugging away. All of the words of encouragement/sympathy helped. And I AM enjoying my kids. I always said I was done at 2 but I was having so much fun ... along came 3! I babysat a lot growing up and seeing those kids with kids of their own has put in perspective how fast this goes.

Can I get McDonalds for dinner now? Nooooo... I'll have that tuna salad prepared w/ Greek yogure on half a wheat pita filled with veggies. :)
I feel your pain, sister!! My ex-husband lives out of state and due to work obligations, he is only home one or two weekends a month. So, I raise my son on my own 95% of the time. I run my own company from my home office so I am fortunate to have flexibility.

I just wanted to give you MAJOR KUDOS for raising 3 kiddos on your own! You are just amazing!!!

I gotta hand it to the OP and all of you with multiple children as well as the ones who don't have DHs around much to help them...I COULD NEVER DO WHAT YOU DO! YOU ALL ROCK!
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I have one DS (16) and DH and I work outside the home. I trained him early to do all he could for himself. He's always happy to tell others about how much he can do around the house. Can you or have you started getting your kids to do some things for themselves? The oldest could make lunches and help with food prep. The middle one could help you with the youngest one - i.e. helping with clothes and snacks.

Just some thoughts to help you out. My son was feeding the dog and, taking out trash by 6 and cleaning his room at 4 1/2. Just some things to make your life calmer especially in the mornings.

But kudos for getting as much done as you do - and training for a marathan.
I feel your pain too - I have three kids ages 8, 6 and 3, and I am also training for a half marathon (why, oh why do I do these things to myself?)...however, my husband works about a mile away from our house, so he is able to handle things with the kids in the morning while I finish my workout. He is incredibly supportive in my 'athletic' endeavors, as he is somewhat of an athlete himself, so he understands the need to get your workout in. Frankly, I think he has selfish motives too and is enjoying the 'fruits' of my labor ;). Try not to be so hard on yourself, and maybe shoot for three or four days per week to workout. If you can squeeze anything in above and beyond that, then consider it a bonus.

I know how hard it can be trying to get your kids to help out more - we have our good days and bad days too. Sometimes the moon the stars and the planets are all in alignment and there is much peace and harmony in our household...other days I think someone else has inhabited my childrens' bodies, and the 3 year old is eating the dog's food, the 6 year old is pretending he's spiderman and climbing our living room wall and the 8 year old just remembered that he had to write a two page report on the Great American Buffalo...don't give up!!! We're all in this together....


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