? for Francine!!


Hi Francine! I'm hoping you can help me. Since I've been doing the Intensity Series especially the ab sections using the medicine ball I've gotten thicker in my waist I've gained an inch in my waist. So you know a little background on me. I'm 49 yrs. old, 5'2" weigh 110#s & my waist is 24". I did have it down to 23". I don't think this is muscle I can grab a lot of fat now on the sides I never had this problem before. Also I'm into menopause & it could just be my estrogen has dropped even lower. I'll have this checked out w/my dr. on 7/29th. My question is what can I do to get my curvy waist back again? Should I just do stability ball oblique work instead? I eat clean all the time so this isn't my problem. I consider you an expert so looking forward to your reply. Thanks, Kathy:D
Hi Kathy...I'm curious about this too, since I've noticed exactly the same thing! I'm an Intensity Series junkie too, just love them! The thing I've noticed too is that my hips have gotten smaller...I've lost about an inch, maybe more off them (which is a good thing, lol) but my waist does seem bigger and I too can grab more fat on the sides! I'm 46 and pretty sure I'm perimenopausal...so maybe this could have something to do with it! I'm curious if you've lost inches in your hips too...maybe that could be making our waists look bigger?
I'm thinking its b/c my estrogen level is even lower than before; I'm not suffering any longer from hot flashes or night sweats. My hips I think their 32" I don't have my notes here at work. But my waist was well let's just say I had one; now I don't have one anymore just straight on both sides. I'm hoping for Francine to maybe work on a different rotation for me to blast this sucker! :7 Kathy
Working abdominals with weights might lead to an increase in width or thickness, but it wouldn't cause fat to accumulate in that area.

Even if you are eating clean, any excess clean calories not used for energy will be stored as fat. Are you eating more than you did before starting the intensity series?

You are correct that hormones could be wreaking havoc on metabolism, so having it checked at the docs is great. Please report back too. I am 43 and really feeling the effects of hormones and (lack of) fat loss.

Do some experimenting and don't use the medicine ball. That might help as well.

Thanks for asking this question, ladies. I am 34, but early menopause really runs in my family. In the past 10 years, my waist creeped up 4 inches(my weight is about the same, perhaps even lower than it was then-& I have much better muscle tone). The good news is that my hips & even legs seem to be maintaining...it's just this darn waist (& my stomach is even pretty flat, too!). Urghh!!

Would low dose birth control pills (ortho tri cyclen lo) help or hurt my thickening middle. I am perplexed; decreasing estogen that occurs in perimenopause is the cause of the thickening waist, right? So would low dose BCP (or HRT) decrease this tendency to thicken? (there are of course many other factors to consider re HRT & BCPs, but re the thickening of the waist would this help?) TIA!
I noticed the same thing after a prolonged Intensity rotation. However my hips got smaller, so it was kind of a trade off ;)

I read in FitnessRx mag (either the most current issue or the one just before that) that any side bends, especially if done with weight tend to add muscle to the obliques. Which is kind of funny if true, because when I first started to do the series, my entire torso seemed to slim down.

I'm curious as to what Franci has to say too!

Hi Kathy!

Most definielty Hormones can do "Mean" things to our bodies! Whether it's the pill, premature menopause or menopause itself! It can happen early in the 20's and up! It happens because hormone levels are shifting. Lower levels of estrogen cause a variety of physical side effects. First, because estrogen is stored in fat, when you enter menopause whether naturally or through surgery, your body responds by holding on to fat cells in an effort to boost the lagging estrogen levels. The result? It’s tougher to lose fat and much easier to keep the pounds on. Second, as estrogen levels drop, your level of androgens the "male" hormones increases in relation to the estrogen. Unopposed by the higher levels of estrogen your body used to have, the androgens produce male characteristics in this case, the shift in body fat from your hips, thighs and buttocks to your midsection, resulting in the "apple" shape that is more common in men and in postmenopausal women .
As for your main concern dealing with menopause it is a known fact that as we get older our muscle mass decreases and bodyfat increases leading to a decrease in our metabolism and a redistribution of body mass especially the thickening of the waist! It's inevitable but controllable!

There are three very basic things you can do to help fight the changes in your body brought on by changing hormone levels:
1) Boost your hormone levels through Hormone Replacement Therapy or natural supplements
2) Eat correctly
3) Exercise regularly

If you don't take hormones there are still ways to boost your estrogen levels and help reverse that weight gain. Phytoestrogens which are high in foods and supplements like soy and flaxseed can help you raise your estrogen levels the natural way. They're not as potent as replacing hormones. But they still can make a difference. Think about adding soy foods to your diet, putting ground flaxseed in salad or taking the early route and getting supplements like flaxseed or red clover capsules from your health food store.

As for your main question "what can I do to get my curvy waist back again?" You have to firstly get a balance in your hormones to get past the sticking point of getting rid of the stubborn fat that's been hanging around!

The hormones are "responsible" for the "disappearing waistline" that so many women experience. When you replace estrogen, your body reverts to its normal weight-distribution, which for most women means putting weight on in their hips, thighs and lower abdomen instead of the middle!

I hope this info enlightened you a lil bit about our bodies during hormonal changes, it really is important for us as woman to be educated on these changes in our bodies for mental reasons as well as physical! It's a part of life that we have to deal with and having body awareness will make the adjustment for us not enjoyable but slightly easier!

I'll go into your other question of ab exercises but I'd like to share a personal experience with you and others who are interested !

I been down this hormone road before when I switched birth control pills! I too got a thicker waist( from hormones) and I thought it was my weighted ab routine ! My dr had me going crazy trying to convince me that I was fine just because my weight was the same. Well I wasn't fine, my body didn't feel right, I knew it and still stuck it out for 3 months following drs orders! Now my weight was 2 lbs lighter BUT my bodyfat was up! I could pinch an inch and it wasn't because I wasn't eating Special K! I was doing everything right eating training,sleeping! Couldn't figure it out, of course I blamed the pills , I just wasn't feeling myself ! So, I took a pregnancy test (it was negative)! I had it with this pill, Now my dr gives me a new pill, and Oh my now my boobs got bigger ! The dr told me that's because I still have the other pill in my sytem and the new one also but I'll adjust in time, it made sense to me so i waited the 3 months again for this new pill to kick in as told by the dr and I still just didn't dig the way I felt so I just stopped taking them completely! I had to do what felt right to me and I didn't want to keep messing with my system experimenting which pill will work for me! I stayed off the pill for 6 months and let me tell you in 2 weeks I was back in the swing of things! All that water was out of me and the stress (which I know helped with the accumalation of the fat in my midsection- it was soo frustrating)! But Now, I am on a new pill and adjusted well, I personally had to attack this from a different angle! Knowing what I've been through , I knew I needed a change in what I was doing! Yes I was doing everything right but it wasn't TOTALLY right for what changes I was going through at the time, (since my body was changing with the hormones), I changed my workouts extremely and broke them up with am cardio to pm weights plus my eating was slightly different with more healthy fats(flaxseed) and more carefully planned( due to my different activities)! I breezed through this hormone phase and I personally believe it was from taking a positive approach and taking charge of what needed to be done to blast the fat before it stuck! So I know what you are going through , I've been there and got through it! Even though I'll be down this road again , I'm now prepared to make what changes are needed to maintain my fitness level! I hope you are too, We just have to work Smarter!

Now For others who have questions about thick waists and emailed me with ab questions and it's not your hormones there are soo many other factors that can contribute to this! Genetics play a huge role !

As for the concerns with the intensity series, it's very" athletic" and provides functional training for everyday activities! There are alot of core trunk stabilization exercises and weighted resistance work to help build a stong core,back and improve overall posture! These exercises are beneficial in making the trunk stronger even though they do tend to make us broader! Ever notice an athlete with a curvy waist, yes there are some but the majority have a muscular midsection to help them with there overall performances! That's what the intensity series is training like an athlete!(JMHO)

Now when it comes to the ab training , It's not just the One thing you do, it's about EVERYTHING That you do!Very important, Remember this: The Best abs are made in the kitchen! This is the main bodypart that shows how hard you really work and shows areas where you can be lacking! To have a tight midsection you have to work on lowering your bodyfat levels, eat a healthy diet, do cardio and strength training for overall symetry and get REST along with staying stress free! If you think you are doing everything right and you are still accumalating fat, you have to RE-EVALUATE everything! Something is NOT adding up, (some things to ponder on)You say you eat well, it may not be what you are eating but WHEN you are eating it? Are you eating enough and frequently in small portions? Also are you as active as you were, have you been more sedantary than before and are still consuming the same calories? Have you been under stress? Lack of sleep? Are you really working in your target heart rate to get the maximum benefits out of your cardio workouts? Have you created a program that will reach YOUR goals? Have you been realistic in your goals and given your body a chance to respond to your training?Are you overtraining or not training enough? Just some questions to ponder, we should all do this when we are unsatisfied in our training or are stumped of why we are not having any progress or going backwards! We all have to step back, take a breather and re-evaluate our goals now and then! Keep a clear mind, stay in tune with your body and go from there! Again, If this is a hormonal problem, just knowing will give you a better understanding of your body and relieve stress! You can take charge of this, you'll just have to work harder at knowing what will keep challenging your body, a program that suits "your" needs not a one size fits all program! Stay active and keep eating right,& your body will adjust and balance itself out! Stay in Charge!

As for my suggestions on an ab work program ,(not knowing your full ab routine now) stop doing what you are doing for 3 weeks! Start with a different ab time, if you do your ab work after your workouts do it before your workouts for 3 weeks !Focus on basic ab work and focus on your breathing, nothing fancy, no planks,no weighted resistance, no ball, do high rep training for 6-10 mins 4-6 x a week (if you were only doing them 3-4 x a week) , do( 3 sets of 20 first week, 4 sets of 20 2nd week and 5 sets of 20 the third week) reverse crunches, & lateral ab moves for obliques and upper crunches. Each week change the order you do the exercises too! The reps are not done fast but with concentration ,focus and intensity! Use your mind to focus in on your goals! If you WANT the 6 pack, PICTURE that 6 pack and BELIEVE in that 6 pack!
Now for your Cardio ,(gotta do cardio to burn the fat) it is all about understanding your heart rate and where it needs to be for what your particular goal is. To get the most out of cardio , you need to understand your heart rate and know where it needs to be for your particular goal (in between 65 to 85% max HR for maximum fat burning)! If you have a HR monitor Try to Increase your intensity of your workouts now by 5% ! Some Great cardio options focusing on your abs are jumping rope,running, kickboxing, and shadow boxing!

Also you will want to crosstrain, or your body will quickly become very efficient at a given movement--meaning that it expends fewer cals per minute--which means you have to work much harder to burn the same amount of cals in a workout. The problem is that you can start tapping into muscle mass, which will slow your metabolism down. By Kicking up your cardio with "intensity" it will help overall tone and introduce metabolic improvements to burn bodyfat! Also Doing High intensity interval training can be demanding on our overall system so perform no more than 3x per week til you reach your goal and then switch up again with your routine. This will keep the body from acclimating to these cardio workouts, you should then alternate an interval session with one of lower intensity (longer duration) in between the shorte duration. Mixing up the intervals keeps the body from adapting!(There is "no "time limit for cardio, either shorter or longer.) Short interval training is not better than long slow cardio or vice versa for that matter. Truth is you need to do both. As you should cycle weight training, you should also cycle cardio efforts, both in time and intensity. Speaking of weight training, When doing weighted exercises go for compound exercises, high-reps if you were currently doing heavy and slow. There ARE all different applications for training programs but it should depend upon one's current fitness level. Remember, It's not a "one-size-fits-all" system. You have to have a goal, make a plan that suits your needs, know when you goal has been met and when it's time to challenge your body!

I hope this info was helpful in giving you a better understanding about our hormones and what our abs "need" to be there best!

PS if you do the mini ab program above it is just a 3 week cycle progressing in intensity, when complete do something else!

PSS as a recommendation of a fatblaster rotation
Sun Circuitmax
Mon Cardiokicks
Thurs Cardio guerilla **with MIS upperbody(focus on strength)
Fri-leaner legs
Sat Off

If you are unfamiliar with cardio guerilla it is a 12min intense cardio burst that helps attack even more stubborn abdominal fat! -It can also be used for~stationary bike~swimming~sprinting~jump rope~ treadmill~stepper~elliptical~etc~

**Cardio Guerilla fat blaster 12 mins
Do a "4 Min warm up" (stretching all your leg muscles, then arms, some waist twists and neck rolls)jump on the bike do "12 cardio guerilla~Minutes 1-4 warm up @50%of perceived maximum effort MINUTE 5 sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs~sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs MINUTE 6(same) sprint 20-rest 10 sprint 20 rest 10 MINUTE 7(same )MINUTE 8 (same) MINUTES 9-12 Cool down @50% of perceived maximum effort.
or (14 mins)
4 min warm up
30 sec sprint 10 sec recovery
do this 9xs total
4 min cool down (maybe throw in some walking lunges for a 2 min)
Next idea of upping the sprint
4 min warm up
45 sec sprint 20 sec recovery
do this 5 xs total
sprint for 30 secs(give it your all-last one)15 sec recover
4 min cool down
WOWSER! What a wonderful, thorough answer! I didn't even know enough to ask some of the questions you answered! )But I was looking for those answers and would eventually have gotten around to being able to ask those questions. :) ) Thanks again, Francine.
Hi Franci! Thank you so very much for all of this info & for sharing w/me your personal story. I had been on Mircette 28 (low dosage birth control pill) this is a very low dosage of estrogen. This little pill had done wonders for me for 2 years but then I had developed an over abundance of estrogen. Left my breasts very swollen & sore; couldn't even take my bra off. Had to go off of my little wonder pill there & from great advice from Diane Sue (WD) recommending AM/PM Menopause Balance by Natrol had helped tremendously; this is soy. I'm not able to take flaxseed any longer as I experience terrible stomach aches from it. For a few months now I've been off of these pills (the AM/PM) b/c have ceased to experience any hot flashes or night sweats anymore. Now I'm thinking of returning to them; can't hurt its all natural anyway. Personally I think taking these pills coupled w/your fantastic rotation will help the little thickness that I have. Will definitely do the ab routine. I just came off of a muscle endurance rotation & am now doing a slow & heavy rotation but you feel that I should stick to endurance work so that's what I'll do; I'll incorporate once again IMAX 2 as I had stopped doing that tape for a while.

Franci, I really do appreciate you taking the time & energy it took to answer all of my questions & for the fat blaster rotation.

Your the best. Take care, Kathy:*

Thank you from me too! What great info. I am battling the waistline thing right now too, so I will keep all these tips in mind. (And... apply them) Thanks for taking the time to write all this out. I copied it off and have reread it three times already. Very helpful!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Hi Kathy !
You are very welcome, It was my pleasure to share my experience with you(and others) and shed some light on how hormones effect us differently and how they can make slight changes in our bodies physically and mentally! We may be down temporarily BUT most definetly not out! Eventually we will get our balance as long as we take the right approaches and stay consistent and dedicated on our healthy lifestyles!
Thanks for the headsup on the Natrol! That's great to know! Is this a prescription?
I hear you on the flaxseed, it can be a not so comfortable crampy feeling if taken too much! I learned that too. I had to start with a lil pinch to get my system use to it but now it don't bother me at all!
If you already have plans for a strong and heavy rotation, go for it, That rotation is usually only 4 weeks, but you can do 2 weeks now for a nice mini break in between the 2 endurance rotations! Then pick up with the above rotation!
Good luck to you and stay in touch;)

Hey girlfriend,
Glad to hear you found this informative, it makes it all worthwhile when we can make a positive impact on each other!It is most definitely in sharing our experiences that we can learn and understand more about ourselves and our bodies!

I just Love the educated gang here!

As for your "battle" of the waistline, We must not surrender, cause we all have our own battles to fight }(
Don't give up and oh yeah don't eat too much kettle corn
RE: Kathy!

Hi Debbie! I think this makes 2,004 posts so far? LOL The AM/PM Balance by Natrol is over-the-counter. Kathy;-)
RE: Kathy!

Hi again Franci! I agree w/you that consistency is the key to staying strong & healthy. If I'm reading you correctly you would want me to do the Slow & Heavy rotation for only 2 weeks & then pick up w/your Fat Blaster Rotation? Yes? I'm a little confused. Sorry. Kathy:(
RE: Kathy!

Hi Kathy!
Sorry for the confusion, I thought that you already started your slow and heavy rotation, and I was suggesting to stick with it(since you started it for only 2 weeks) then go to the fat blaster rotation!
If you didn't start the slow and heavy then just go for the fat blaster rotation for atleast 6 weeks and do the ab routine above for just 3 weeks in the progressing cycle!
Have fun!

RE: Kathy!

Hi Franci! I just started on Sun. back w/Slow & Heavy. Do you want me to drop slow & heavy & start up tonite w/Cardio Kicks? or should I finish this week w/slow & heavy & start fat blaster on Sun. (7/27)? I don't have a problem w/dropping slow & heavy. You only mention reverse crunches & lateral moves for obliques which I'm not sure what you mean by that; what other exercises for the abs should I be doing? So many questions I'm sorry again! Thanks so very much, Kathy:D
RE: DebbieH

Excellent thread!!! As a young 51 year old and in full menopause, I can honestly say that HRT works for me. But don't think for a moment that its that cut and dry. I went through numerous types of hormones, tweaking them - increasing/decreasing, taking some during the day, some at night, etc. until my doctor and I found the right combination. A hysterectomy brought on menopause when I was in my late 30's. Suffice it to say that my body went through a complete metamorphisis. I gained a lot of weight, my ab area also grew - what was up with that?? Hips, thighs - YUK!!! I was not a happy camper. Up until a couple of years was I able to stick to a healthy diet in conjunction with exercise. Now with my body in tune, the weight is slowly coming off as well as the inches. My body is much more defined and sculpted and I'm happy with the results. It took a while until my body finally caught up with my brain. You see - in my brain I'm that young 30 something that was fit and healthy. Now in my 50's i'm still that young woman who is more fit and healthy and can arm wrestle my marine son. BTW after a year with Cathe and others, I can tell you that my waist, hips and thighs have come down so much - almost 28 inches!!!

Francine, as always you are right on with your explanation of what happens to our bodies without the proper hormones, etc. And ladies, remember our bodies are not the same - we all react differently. Find what works for you and go from there. Listen to your body.. it won't stear you wrong!!

Take care - hugs to all,

RE: Kathy!

Hi Kathy! Finish out your week with your slow and heavy rotation! Start fresh next week with

Sun Circuitmax *
Mon Cardiokicks *
WedPowermax *
Thurs Cardio guerilla **with MIS upperbody(focus on strength)
Fri-leaner legs *
Sat Off

* your add on of abs before workout(if you don't do that already, if you do them before already do in them in the middle of your workout or at the end!

Here are very basic exercises to do where the * is
Each week it's a different sequence and slightly different positioning!

1st week start with lower region by doing reverse leg lifts(feet in the air , hips raised and reach up towards the ceiling), then obliques, knees fall to one side then other side, upper crunch is basic with heels up

2nd week start with obliques lying fully on your side now (hands on your ears) your elbows will look like an L shape raise your upper body up for a side crunch , upper crunch with legs extended out(knees lsightly bent) and put one foot on top of the other, then for lower region reverse crunches with knees in and toes touch the floor

3rd week start with upper crunch(butterly leg position) w/ push through motion,lower abs do alternating leg walks( only go to about 6-8 inches to the floor), obliques do side lateral movement by having left hand behing head and right hand reaching for your ankles and coming back to starting position, then do other side!


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