but today I was so thankful to meet my goal of a 10 minute mile (its slow but it's my new slow)
Very well said Jeanne...
Yes, I used to be faster, but hey I am still out there running and whenever I pass someone it does make me smile!! I saw this bumper sticker one day and thought it was so true: "The older I get, the faster I used to be"....
Kudos to all you runners! Fast or slow you ALL amaze me. I can't run. I don't know how you do it. My 16 YO DD wanted me to run with her this spring. Down to the stop sign and back is almost 1 mile ~ walk/run intervals? I have to walk most of it. I get sooo out of breath.I love Cathe and a good hard bike ride, but I just can't run! I look up to all of you.