FitPrime...on the fence

Hi Amy,

I am brand-new to Cathe's workouts and this forum, but as an observer, I have to say that you are behaving quite defensively and you're getting pretty upset about this. Why? It's just workout videos! It's not that serious. There are more serious things in life to worry about.

Have a peaceful day,


I don't really know what provoked all of this. If my long reply was never read, then why the need to bother to reply to it? My replies were meant to be sarcastic, tongue in cheek. There are topics on this forum (the DVD one comes to mind) where others offered their advice and she behaved in the same defensive manner, and I honestly could not see why from the responses that were given.

My career path in fitness is completely different from Cathe. I am studying kinesiology and hope to someday work in rehabilitation. I manage a corporate fitness center with members who are quite happy to achieve general health and fitness goals and don't give a lick if they ever enter the Fitness category of bodyfat percentages set for women and men. I see no reason to compete with Cathe at all.

If there is one thing I have learned in this business it's that people, when given a shorter workout time with less volume, will not put the effort into it that they would a longer workout with more volume. When I teach classes, many barely bend their knees or use their arms during aerobics, and do not pick up heavy enough weights to fatigue their muscles during muscle condiitoning. Manipulating intensity is harder than manipulating frequency and duration, and the latter is what most of us tend to do when we workout. So, after a shorter class, participants complain it wasn't hard enough. Cathe targets this market of people who need the intensity push, and that is a good thing. She also encourages rest periods and provides rotations that accomplish rest and recovery. Am I implying that all of you are lumped into the "need to be pushed" category? No! But I do feel that it is possible to work very hard in only 30 minutes time.

Hi Adrianne,

As a "newbie" you don't realize that many a time I have involved myself in spirited debate -- I have been around the Firm IN PERSON to know they types of people they are and how I was treated as a visitor to the Firm's studios. I could say more on the subject but will not.

Oddly, last evening I received an Email called "Fitprime Forum Probe" -- I did not open it because I am sick of Fitprime and of the Firm in general.

I have also been on two Cathe Roadtrips. You just can't compare the two fitness philosophies or Anna Benson and Cathe Friedrich. Anna is paranoid and patronizing; Cathe is down to earth and just an all around great person.

Since I myself am very educated and am practically a Doctor of Education with a Concentration in Health Care Education, it is normal I am going to respond to long, preachy posts the way I did. It is the nature of the rigors of earning an advanced degree. I respect Roe's grasp of exercise physiology and her obvious intellect. But I like to have fun -- because this is just -- fun!

As for worrying about life, I have been having a little fun. You are indeed correct when you say there are more important things to worry about in life.

But for everybody with an opinion like yours, there are others who are laughing themselves silly over this entire thread.

I think Roe and I have very similar personalities. As for disliking a person whom I've never met (Meaning Roe), I don't. That would be ridiculous.

But Roe, read the entire DVD thread -- it is obvious I am NOT the only person having problems with DVD fragmentation, etc. I, like you, have every right to express my opinion and will continue to do so. Have you heard of the First Amendment?

Adrianne this is simply tongue in cheek humor and a debate between two fitness philosophies. Obviously, Roe and I will never agree on Fitprime versus Cathe.

There is nothing worse than two graduate students (Roe and myself) who disagree on a subject. I daresay Roe and I would form an interesting academic committee and have lots of fun batting each other around!

But it makes the forums much more interesting to have some diffence in opinion.

So lighten up yourself and try to see the humor in this!

I found it a bit odd, but perhaps somebody else here has received the same message and can enlighten us as to what a "Fitprime Forum Probe" would be. It could have been a generic Spam type email. I don't know, but I DO know how paranoid Anna Benson can be. She about bankrupted The Firm with attorney fees over a comment in a fitness magazine. The reviewers took issue with the fact Vol. 3 of the Firm was aerobic. She sued the magazine saying Vo. 3 WAS an aerobic workout, lost the battle, and as I said The Firm about went under financially. If I had been her, I would have let it go......

I am sure some who have followed the Firm from the get-go (like myself) know what I am speaking of about this lawsuit.

Kind Regards,

I also received a "probe" from Anna! (Egads! Images of unfriendly alien visitors come to mind!) It is just her term for checking to see if people want to continue to be on the Fitprime mailing list. If you respond that you want to be removed, she says you will "never received anything from Fitprime ever again!"

And, I'm sorry, but I don't see the "tongue-in-cheek" humor in your posts. I know you've been around this forum for at least as long as I have, and it's only in the last several months that I noticed your posts seeming more aggressive, defensive and attacking. I was beginning to think that your name was being used by a troll that was here for a while but is thankfully gone.
I just wanted to say I agree with Roe. Not everyone will do it right no matter what. Cathe's cueing and explanation may be crystal clear but people can still do her workouts wrong. Unless you've had a gym experience before doing Cathe with a good personal trainer, then you know what you're doing. Cathe is not the only wonderful instructor out there. There are many of them. I'm not too crazy about some of Cathe's moves because they're too old fashioned and YES, YOU CAN GET HURT. I'm not crazy about The Firm either because I honestly don't think they're all that safe even for an advanced person.

Roe wasn't slamming Cathe. I seriously think you have an obsession with Cathe. She may be a wonderful person in person which is great. Just because you were a dancer doesn't mean your form is topnotch. Therefore take a chill pill. You repeated a lot of things in your posts which made me tired. Many of the women on the forum are over 35 and they're acting a lot more mature than you. So what if you don't like Roe. I think you don't like it when people have intelligence.

Where do people get the notion you can't get hurt doing exercising?? Yes, you can get hurt. You may not feel it now but you will in the future.

Anyway, can we please move on? Don't you have work to do for your so-called school??
Let's see:

I am not a troll -- cheap shot -- but I am only 5'1" -- so I am close to Troll Height I suppose!:)

So-Called School? You try going through a doctoral program!

I have a right to my opinions!

I don't like it when people have intelligence? That is absurd because anybody writing here is very intelligent.

I have never said I have topnotch form, but I will say Roe is quoting a lot of her textbooks. Let's see, open up a book and copy text. Easy.

And I will stand by my words.

However, I think it is high time to put it to rest -- which I thought was done last evening.

Thanks for explaining the Fitprime Probe to me -- I should have deleted my name from their mailing list because Roe has made me DESPISE Fitprime. I am trashing all their videos. I never feel worked out with them, Annna Benson is a wanker, and I flat out don't like them.

I would not even give Fitprimes away -- they are that bad -- and dangerous to do.
One more comment before I move on:

Whose Freaking Website is this: Cathe's or the Firm's?

If you all love the Firm so much, go and PAY to join Fitprime's Forum.
I agree with that comment. Any exercise video can be dangerous.

But the Firm's Fit Primes are just too much crammed into one move at too fast a pace.

And I hardly break a sweat with them and I use pretty heavy weight.

I have had personal trainers and feel they are necessary before a person can learn correct form and technique.

OK, this is my last post for this thread -- from now on I am sticking to generic questions like my loaded barbell question.

I do not appreciate being called mentally ill or a troll -- this is ridiculous -- and juvenile and yes, I've helped agitate it.

I'm ready to go back into adult mode now and hope some of you will do the same.

Insulting one another just isn't right.
No need to bash eachother because we have different opinions. That is why I like these forums. We should be able to respect one another for our different viewpoints.

Let's not drive people away from expressing themselves openly. If someone has a strong view about Fitprime I am interested because I don't have any of their videos and have always wondered about them.

Thanks for your input and honest insight.
Gee, Stacy...I bet you didn't expect to get this much of a response to your very sensible question. ;-) ;-) ;-)

Wouldn't it be great if people got this passionate about something like saving the rainforest.
stacy I really like fitprimes and they are totally different than any other tape I have done.But feel they are nothing like the "old" firms.And I love the old firm, but not the new ones. I have tried to like them but I just can't they don't have the same zest as the old ones.I say get one try it if you don't like it get rid of it.I have steamin cardio,up and down ,fast c,and strong bear and love steamin cardio the best.
I think the Fitprimes are great workouts and have what the new Firms don't have. Anna was smart to take the best Firm
instructors with her to make the Fitprime videos. How can you not love Tracie, Susan, Carrisa and Heidi? The only thing that bugs me is that on the video covers they put little testominal comments by Fitprime forum members... why would I want to see a name and comment by someone who I don't like and who doesn't like me? That kinda discourages me from picking up a Fitprime as often as I should be.
For the person who can't get into doing Weights First, I'd say give it a try or 2 this is one of my favorites.
I like FitPrime videos myself. I also like Cathe.
I use them for different purposes. I like FitPrime as it works on my flexibility, balance, and strength. I like Cathe for strength and step workouts. I also feel Cathe is the best at creating chaptered DVDs. The two styles are quite different. I am glad there are so many options available so that individuals can find something they enjoy. This way they will keep exercising.

My favorite FitPrimes are:
From The Ground Up
Strong Bear
Fast Cheetah
Susan's Time Crunch Workout

I actually like them all.
Fast Cheetah and Strong Bear seem to have a lower body focus.

Right now my favorite Cathe is the Terminator DVD. I like the mix of cardio and weights.
I love Cathe, and I love FitPrimes. I get great results from both, but maybe that's the body type I have - it doesn't discriminate, just appreciates when I exercise regularly. :) I have NEVER hurt myself using a FP, but I have with a Cathe, and that was not Cathe's "fault;" it was solely my own "fault." My favorite FP is a three way tie right now - FTGU, G-Force, and Crunch Time.

I am a graduate student, in the final days before my Ph.D. is completed, and I don't feel the need to use that title in order to be patronizing in my opinions on workout videos.
Why does this always have to get so nasty?

I very, very rarely come to anymore, particularly because the posts always seem to get so nasty about other workouts/instructors. And I hate to say it, Amy, but I mostly see your name leading the charge on these angry, defensive threads. Why are you so angry and upset that others like other workouts besides Cathe?? Why is is that anyone who likes FP, The Firm, Slim Series, CIA, etc. are not allowed to like those other workouts? Just because they like other workouts, does not mean that they won't keep buying Cathe's awesome workouts, and thus, not allowing Cathe to make more workouts because people aren't buying hers anymore. I think the exercise video market is bigger than ever and growing, and the more variety out there, the more it will attract more people with varied tastes, thus, allowing Cathe to produce even more great workouts in the years to come!

Cathe is awesome, but so are other workouts/instructors. People are allowed to have their opinions and give their opinions in response to someone's question, "What do others think of this workout" - that is why that person is asking the question - they want feedback that will help them! Amy - you are free to give your opinion that you don't like FP - we all respect that. But why do you have to attack or insult those who answer they "do" like FP or the Firm?

In answer to the original question, I think FP's workouts are great - particularly G-Force, Fast Cheetah and Strong Bear and Weights First. Strong Bear really hits the inner thighs. Weights First has some of the best music, and really hits the glutes and the upper thighs. Heidi's FTGU is one of the most well-rounded - the core work on Heidi's is very tough - those threads get me every time! JAC in U&D is more fast paced (so, it is tough to keep with on the first or second time, but I really like the cardio bursts in this one, and JAC is so cute and just shines!

I can't wait for Cathe's new Body Blast workouts! But, I also look forward to Anna's Just Right series. We are so fortunate, you guys, in that we *can* have both!
RE: Why does this always have to get so nasty?

Chris, you said it well.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon

Dear Chris,

Go back an re-read this thread. I pointed out Fit Primes were "too easy" and I did not like them.

Roe then went off on a diatribe in res ponse about how is "cracked her up" when people say Fit Primes are too easy.

And it went from there.

It's all over now, so why are you dredging up flaming?

Do you like to agitate?

It appears you do because I said I am going to act like an adult.

I'm off to post a question -- not offensive.

I have been flamed to death here, called a troll, mentally ill, and Roe made a smart assed comment about a 25 dumbbell hitting me on the head.

Well, I did not appreciate Roe's diatribe right after my post about Fit Primes and I did not appreciate her condescending atttude toward the rest of we who she deemed "average exercisers, so HER opinion would be different."

Nuff Said. I said exactly what I thought.

Stop bringing up the past and move on, Chris.

I have.

This is exactly why I hate forums. Expressions, what people say or mean get mistranslated and all heck breaks loose.

I gave an honest opinion about the Fit Primes -- and because I do not agree with EVERYBODY ELSE I am chastized.

I could give a rat's butt who else likes what I DO NOT find Fit Primes challenging.

However, I did go back and do "Cardio Burn" and "Maximum Cardio" and they were challenging. Especially since I used a 4 pound med ball instead of the 2 pound they show.

Can we please put this flaming to rest, Chris? You are now as guilty as me.

I am unsubscribing to this thread. It's become too lame for even me.

I really like FitPrimes. I like Fast Cheetah, but I traded Strong Bear. I think I'll get it back tho. Of all the FitPrimes it was my least favorite (I LOVE Up & Down), but it's still a good workout.

I used to turn my nose up to the FitPrime workouts. Then, I got the right kind of ball and changed my "but it's not like the old FIRM and that's what I wanted--WAH! ;( " attitude. :+ Now, I'm loving them.

Everyone is different. I, for one, MUST have a variety of instructors, workout types/styles/lengths, everything, or I'd never stick to any exercise program. To each his own. :7
RE: Why does this always have to get so nasty?

hey Chris T. isn't one of your comments on the Fitprime boxes? Any idea why Fitprime started adding comments from the Fitprime forum on the boxes? My Weights First case doesn't have any, so just curious.

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