FitPrime...on the fence


Yes, I think that was one of my comments on the boxes. It was weird - FP had never solicited comments for "testimonials" - my comments were in response to some thread that Anna and Tracy were down about some topic (I can't remember what now), and a couple of people responded with almost "pep-talk" like comments about how much they liked the workouts, and basically, the gist was "keep making them - you do have fans out there" kind of thing. And then the next video I received, I saw that quote on the box.

And, I still think the FP workouts are great. I think Cathes workouts are great, along with Christi and Slim Series and The Firm, etc.

I didn't answer the original poster's question about "if they don't like the Firm, would they like FP". My opinion is that I don't know - I think they are different enough, but I can see a lot of similarities between them, as well. I think G Force is very different from the Firm (but probably because of the rebounder).

Do I think that if you love Cathe, that FP *could* enhance your fitness program - definitely. I think all of the different styles of exercises really shock your body so that you don't get used to any one thing. I know that when I go back to The Firm after using only Cathe for a while, that I am sore in new ways. And when I first received the Slim Series, I thought, "this is going to be way too easy after the Intensity Series", and after my first workout with Mix It Up, the next morning my core was on fire like no other workout had made it before, and I thought, "I don't even remember core work in that workout!" I was a believer in the Slim Series after 1 workout!

Good luck, and let us know what you think if you try the FP workouts!
RE: Hi!

All I have to say is you people, especially Amy have way too much time on your hands! Why don't you get a life instead of sitting in front of your computer on these forums 24 hrs. a day!
RE: Hi!

Yes, I thought it was ironic when Amy said:

"OK, this is my last post for this thread -- from now on I am sticking to generic questions like my loaded barbell question."

. . . . and then she posted two more times!
RE: Hi!

I have unsuccessfully tried to unsubscribe from this thread.

What a bunch of catty bitches most of you are -- you too, Mr. Testimonial for the Firm Chris.

I have not even been on this forum in at least 3 days. This is the rudest place I've ever been.

And may I say this entire thread is posted in the WRONG AREA -- it belongs in OPEN FORUM where other videos can be discussed. This is the forum to discuss CATHE'S Videos, not the FIRM.

I have clicked the UNSUBSCRIBE place - with no avail.

So I am going to just block the notification button.

The majority of you make me sick -- you are hypocrites and not friendly at all. You can't stand it if anybody thinks differently than you.

Some of you are great, but there is clique here who just enjoy hurting people and releasing pent up hostility. One moron speaks up and then a group of mockingbirds chime in.

As far as I am concerned, you can take Fit Prime and put it where the sun doesn't shine.

I do Fit Prime -- I did Weights First last night. Best of all the Fit Primes I have done, but still I felt nothing. And yes, I did it properly and with a 4 pound med ball. I use Fit Prime on light days only.

I am SICK OF GETTING notices in my inbox that I have a message waiting.
Why don't you soccer moms get a life and leave me the hell alone?
RE: Hi!

Oh my gosh! I've just NOW read this thread! Look at all the fun I've been missing. You people are cracking me up here.

All I can say is...........Roe, you've made some very good points about both Fitprime and Cathe. However, I've not liked The Firm since the Classics, and unfortunately, Amy's testimonials about Anna make me very happy I've not forked over one red cent to her for their new crap.

Amy, hon.......girl, you're trippin'. Although I'm glad you enlightened me on Anna's behaviour, I hate to say it, but YOU are the one doing the attacking and diatribing.

Maverick -- Great post up there!!! I'd vote to keep you on the island after all!!! ;-)

"I am a former dancer (which requires superb balance -- as you know if you have ever danced pointe -- arabesques are so easy and require NO balance (NOT)!)"

stripping doesn't count.
RE: Hi!

You know I love you!!:)

Amy, we Cathe-ites disagree often, yet we have managed to get along and not attack each other personally for our opinions. On this forum we try to keep our behaviour adult, not childish. If you're not happy here, I think you're absolutely correct that it's time for you to leave.

Roe, I think you're opinions are well thought out, and I always find your posts interesting.

Stacy, you bad girl! Look what you started!


who just finds the drama ridiculous
RE: Hi!

My, my....Who is the defensive one? Chris did not say anything insulting. As matter of fact, I agree with Chris. You know what makes me laugh about you, Small Fry is you tell everyone they have too much time on their hands and do nothing all day. Look at yourself. You're on here as much as they are. WHo's the big hypocrite now?


JUST GROW THE F*CK UP, PLEASE. Are you angry because you look like Piglet from Winnie the Pooh or what?

Have a good day, ladies.

I told myself I wasn't going to get involved in this thread but it really has gone too far now! I guess what bothers me the most about it is the disrespect that it brings to Cathe's site. We would NEVER hear Cathe talk like this! Yes, we all are entitiled to our opinions but when we degrade another hunam because of what WE think, then what good comes of it? Please, let's just drop this thread and put an end to it. There is sooo much GOOD that is happening here and we need to concentrate on that instead. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW SERIES!!! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: :-(

This is my first post here except for posting suggestions for Cathe workouts. I don't visit any forums to talk except Video Fitness.

Maybe I am not privy to other posts that Amy has written in the past but I was appaulled to read this entire thread. Nobody would get away with this kind of thing at VF. I don't see at all why people blamed Amy!

I thought Roe's diatribe was annoying too. I instantly thought she was selling something. She attacked Amy's opinion right away and acted like she was the authority on what was effective. Opinions are just that. Nobody has a monopoly on the truth.

Then they both got out of hand; but it was Roe who said that a 25 dummbbell should fall on her head, etc. Someone else called her s stripper simply because she talked about ballet!
Amy sounds defensive but Roe sounds like an evil person in this thread.

Calling people trolls? Oh my! Are there no moderators on this forum???

I am glad that I can honestly say I have no favorite instructor. I hate Firms (Stepford Wives), would not buy a Fitprime because I hate Firms, love Ctahe strength, hate Cathe cardio, and love and hate lots of other workout styles.

I think anyone that worships fitness instructors (whomever they may be) and lives and dies for their forums and roadtrips needs a life. They are workout tapes for _______sake!

This is not religion or politics....but what is supposed to be a fun hobby.

<<Why can we never have an interesting discussion around here without someone jumping in to attack?>>

I'm going off topic here, but Punky I don't understand where you get that idea. One of the things I love about this forum is how rarely that happens (people attacking each other). I think that, for the most part, people around here are very open to other peoples' opinions but every so often you get a heated debate. Nothing wrong with that IMO.

Editing back in to say, nothing wrong with a heated debate unless it turns into a festival of childish insults like this one (meaning the bottom half of this thread)!
Whoa! This thread needs to be removed. It's embarrasing to Cathe to have this nonsense on her forum.


What I've found is that when I was younger, I wanted to be right. And now that I'm older, I just want to be nice.

I've also learned, from my years of work at a University, that education makes you more educated. It does not make you smarter or wiser.

"When we react to life from the head without joining forces with the heart, it can lead us into childish, inelegant behavior that we don't respect in ourselves." The HeartMath Solution, by Doc Childre and Howard Martin
Back to subject at hand

Hi Stacy. It's hard to recommend FitPrime workouts because they are so out of the norm. Cathe is my #1 choice for strength work, but I really love FitPrime workouts. I consider myself an advance exerciser and I have never considered any of the FitPrime workouts easy. In fact, they are tough!

There's pros and cons about these workouts. The number one complaint seems to be about their production, which is a legit complaint. Anna doesn't have the financial backing that lets say the Firm has, so the production isn't near as good as the Firm or Cathe's workouts. The editing job has a lot to be desired in some of the workouts.

The pros about these workouts are, the instructors, the music, and the challenge. The instructors are all top notch. The music is some of the best music used in workout videos and the workouts blend challenging weight segments, with balance, yoga and pilates. The trend in fitness is yet again changing and I think FitPrime is in step with the changes that we are seeing.

Only you know what your personal taste is when it comes to strength work. If you feel that you'd like to try one of their workouts, From the Ground Up seems to be a favorite of a lot of people, including me.
RE: :-(

Everthing I wrote was in my own words. Nothing was copied directly from a book or was part of a sales pitch. Just let this go for pete's sake! Amy and I have been trying to do that, yet the thread continues to linger on.

I agree that there is a vast difference between loyalty to a video instructor and downright cult worship. The danger lies with becoming addicted to only one style. When hiring group exercise instructors, I make sure that their style is completely different from mine so the participants get a varied workout in every class. To hire a clone of myself would only increase their chances of getting bored and/or injured. Human nature is to resist change and go back to our comfort zones. FitPrime provides a workout unlike Cathe that challenges things she doesn't, and vice-versa.

Now let's lock up this thread and throw away the key!

RE: About those injuries....

Just my two cents worth...I've been injured (not seriously) and have had overuse issues...all doing exercise videos or just walking. But that's not the fault of the instructors, the routines or the equipment...just a sort of "occupational hazard" sort of thing. I still love working out with my videos and walking, because I know that with careful attention, both to the workout itself and to joints susceptible to injury, I am getting healthier and stronger and managing aging (I'm 50) and "the change" better than if I didn't do anything!!:)

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