No I don't have. Butts and Gutts, and Legs and Glutes.
Did the leg workout today. Glad that is done. Debbie, I know you are busy, but I used to love when you posted your menus. You gave some good ideas on different things to eat and how much throughout the day. If you ever get time to do that or feel like I would love it. Thanks again for your commitment to this website.
Debbie, I don't have the gym style workouts but I do have butts and guts and pyramid worouts which always kill me. Which would suggest as a substitute?
Hi Deb,
Just a quick question when you have a chance. I'm eating about 150 grams of protein a day with this rotation do you think thats enough?
I weigh 125lbs I guess that means I should be eating around 187 grams. Thanks for formula. I was under the impression that you suppose to eat your weight in protein to maintain and anything after that to build muscle. So if I weigh 125lbs I should eat that in grams of protein to maintain. Thanks anyway. Have a good day.
Thought I might have skipped today's, I have a horrible headache that has me in a fog and on the verge of throwing up.
But because of YOU guys, I took 3 Advils, and dove right into GS: Legs. I think my legs are getting stronger. The slow low level lunges didn't make me cry like they usually do. And I hardly felt the regular lunges at all (guess I need more weight). Forgetabout the ball work though. I did do all of it, EXCEPT the one-legged pull ins. can't do many of those on a GOOD day
I like the band work too! Though I'm a little gun shy on the outer thigh ones you do on your back. My last band snapped on this one and scared the bejeesus out of me![]()