Fit mommies and their cute babies Mar 14-20

Susan-what are your sugar detox rules? includes crackers and anything white, or is it the basics like yummy Easter candy, baked goods, etc? I just may join you.
Well, K gave me a good 30 min nap..she woke up smiling and no harm done.

mel-no, I didnt know she was! do you have traceys yorktown workouts? my fav step of hers! hope your find your dh!! maybe he'll bring home a truckload of fish for dinner...get on to him for forgetting his phone!

Lisa-just the basics. Im good at eating brown rice, ww pasta..its the baking and extra stuff that gets me..and the more I eat..the more I want!!! I forgot to comment on my workout time. I am an early riser by nature so Im usually up at 5. So far I have been working out around 6. I have a little coffee with dh and 1/2 banana.
Mel-so far K loves strolling. Here she is after our walk last night!


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Susan-that's such a sweet pic of Kara! That's great she likes the stroller. I 'm hoping Reese will like it by far, she acts like her carseat is torture. I love going on power walks w the stroller. Count me in on the sugar detox. Hmm..what could I eat before tomorrow..?? JK

Just heard a delivery at the door...hope it's my Aeropress! Reese fell asleep on me (the only way I can get her any daytime sleep), so I got a nice 45min nap.

I ran 2mi earlier today. I need to work on pace. I'm at a 9min mi and want to get it to 830 or below so that I can make more of my time. P90x back/biceps in a bit.
What's this sugar detox all about? I'm probably close to it...but I want details. Susan, are you in charge? Who's outlining the rules? lol

I'm making White Bean & Turkey Chili (Christine's Recipe). I used chopped chicken breast and added sliced mushrooms & diced eggplant too (b/c I had it left over in fridge). It smells great. I hope I can get my family to eat it.
Had to take H to gym..K fell aslsep so I brought her in asleep in her carseat.shhhhh!

Melanie-I have been eating wayyyyyyyyyy too much sugar. I crave it. I always need something sweet after a meal etc. I want and need to get it out of my system for a couple weeks..then have a healthy relationship with it eating it occasionally!! I eat very healthy meals..thats not my prob..its the extra crap that I bake etc. I feel SO good when I don't eat sugar..and I want to feel that way again! Dh even "needs" dessert every night. We have gotten into a bad habbit..and Im sick of it! I guess we can make up our own are mine
no desserts ( I normally have a fudgicle after dinner)
no nutrition bars for snacks, only "real food"
no baking
and of easter candy, and any other crap around here

Ya'll are so sweet for doing the detox with me!

Having leftover hamburger barley soup (THanks allison!!!! love it!). Oh that reminds me...i make a "hamburger stew" that is good. I will post the recipe. I wouldnt call it "clean" but its "good" lol
I think the only one I will have trouble with are the snack bars. Those are usually my "go to" snacks at work when I am busy. But I will try....

Finished STS Legs Disc 6 tonight. It was harder than the first week of legs but I really enjoyed it. I didn't like the sit n stands and I am still not fond of the paper plates but I love that she added my low pulse lunges! I love those! I know I will be hurting tomorrow!

Funny story....DH seduced me while I was washing dishes and J was strapped in his bouncy seat watching Nick Jr so we snuck off for a few minutes of lovin. All of a sudden, J was screeching and shrieking at the TV (in an excited way) and we both busted out laughing. :D Lovin is quite different when you throw kids in the mix but you do what you gotta do. And it didn't derail us. :p

Oh we had the chicken and cheese enchiladas tonight and they were AWESOME! I made brown rice and black beans allong with it. I added diced red bell pepper and zucchini to the chicken mix for more fiber. Will definitely make again. Thanks again Allison!

Tomorrows half day at work for me since DH has to work tomorrow night and sleep and our sitter's whole family has the plague. Nite nite all! Sending out sleeping baby vibes to all!
Jen-was it with with washing dishes?? My dh is always all over me while doing the dishes! Glad you got some lovin!

K is in bed and H is going in a few. Im tired but gonna push through for dh!

Hope everyone has a good night. Lisa-especially you and Reese!!
Hi! The kids were wrecks. John is figuring out two instead of three naps a day and sucks at it. Jimmy had quiet time bit did not sleep. I think I might miss that soothing rain. Did IMAX 3 and travelfit. Not sure I like travelfit for home. Makes sense away but I really like heavy weights better. I did like the abs though.
Jen- too funny abou you and dh. Kids make things hilarious even in passion! Mmmm on the enchiladas. I hope James avoids plague 2010.
Mel- thNks again for all the videos. Did you find dh? Great to hear you had a good run. I am looking forward to family run this weekend so I can have someone to talk to. I loved the pics of the babes on fb

Susan- yes on sugar fix elimination. I do have a protein bar though or I get faint so that will be my cheat! Hope you and dh found rime! What is it abou dh and dishes? I think it is the only time they see our bottoms still!!!!
pris illa- so glad to hear you are hanging in there, you have hour hands full with work and Daniel and a crazy thursday wedding. Oh man you m
have great energy
Lisa- so glad the aeropress Is here. I read a great article about a woman with rheumatoid arthritis today and have thought about you since. I hope your kiddies sleep tonight.
I am about to shower. put johndowntwo jours early and pray it helps.....
Jen, glad you're finding some good lovin' time!

Christine, do you like any of the cardio won't hurt my feelings if you don't. Just wanna know. I liked white chili......but I ate alone again. Ugh. It's sad when I cook healthy & noone will touch it. :(

I work tomorrow. Today flew by. I hope to wake up early (430AM) and get a quick 3 mile run before work. My coach friend recommended that I take Fri & Sat off before my long run on Sunday. That's going to drive me I'm going to do my best to get a little run in tomorrow I'm off to bed!
Mel- yes. Love them! I am so sorry I did not emphasize it more. You are the best. So I was thinking about how hard it is when you cook and noone eats. I will send you my cookbook called deceptively delicious. It is a great wy to get yotir family eating better. there is a chocolate pudding recipe withavo ado, blueberry oatmeal bars with spinach , chocolate chip cookies with garbanzo beans. Once they professed their love I told them the ingredients. Now they eat it all: I will send it. Off to bed.
K did much better last night only getting up once. My boobies are begging for her though.

Day 1 detox. I read a lot about it last night. Day 4 is the roughest so it seems..and after that it gets easier. You girls problaby wont have as much trouble as me..I am poisoned I tell ya! I am more than ready though.

Melanie- hope you got to run this morning! Have a good day!
Chirisitine-hope John did you right!
Lisa-how did Reese do for you lastn ight??
Morning Jen, Pricilla, Allison
Got a little 3 mile jog in this AM...I feel so great, wide awake for my day. I"m running a little behind now though....

Christine~ I"m sorry you probably posted & I haven't been able to keep up with all the posts (regarding DVDs). Which ones did you like the best? Do you likeTracy? I have her steps I can send with next batch. Your so sweet thinking of me & the recipe cookbook. Wouldn't it just be easier if we all lived in close proximity? lol

I"m going to get some more DVDs today. I have Sat & Sun off, so maybe I can start working on next batch. ;)

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good morning!
Melanie-Have a good day at work!
Jen-Loved the lovin' story :). I wish my DH did that when I was in the kitchen...I'd be having lots of sex!
Priscilla-sounds like things are crazy at work! Hope things improve
Susan-nice to hear that Kara had a good night. I went through my biggest sugar detox a few months ago, but I still have some dove chocolates that linger here and there. Because of this, I'm going to take it a step further and work to get rid of things like crackers...and no more buying chex mix for me! :)
Hi, Allison!

Reese had a good night as well. 9:30-1:30, 2:30-?? (6:30 and she's sleeping). She pulled a fast one on me last night. She fussed just a bit when I put her down at 2:30 (3rd attempt after feeding her), and she actually ended up going to sleep. huh?? My babies don't do that!

I'm headed out to do some shopping today. Thanks for the Assets/Spanx recs. My biggest issue is my waist. I have a REALLY hard time buttoning my pants, and then it just feels gross to have my fat hanging over it. I have a couple pants that fit in the waist, so I'd like to get just one or two to get me by. Then they'll be my chubby pants once I get down to size :). I need some new tops too that don't fit so snug in the belly. Oh, and a new handbag, well, just because! :)

Speaking of some great news yesterday. I was named Support Manager of the Year at work...not as cool as it sounds since there are only 4 of us eligible, but the good part is that it means I get an extra 10% discount on top of my current 20% emp discount! Ya! I'm not a huge shopper by any means, but it will be nice to save extra when I do!

The plan is to get in 30min on the treadmill this AM if Reese cooperates in the bouncer and then some abs later today.

Have a good Friday everyone.
Lisa- I felt the exact same way about my pants. I couldn't stand the muffin top hanging over so I bought some shirts that didn't fit so tight in belly. Now everything is back to normal except the darn muffin top but even that is shrinking. There is hope! The Assests helped hold in my belly and I felt like it helped me to remember to keep my abs tight throughout the day too. Good job for Reese! Wow! Support Manager of the Year??? That sounds pretty important! High five!

Melanie- When you get Christine's cookbook can you post some recipes you try and like? I've pretty much run through Allison's recipes (the ones that DH and I will eat) and just want to keep things fresh and mixing it up. Once I get out of bed, I found that I don't mind working out in the morning. I feel so accomplished. Hope you have a good day at work!

Susan- Sounds like Kara may be getting the hang of this sleeping thing. (Fingers crossed) When I decided to sugar detox after James was 4 weeks, it was hard cause we were eating ice cream and cookies (small portions) every night. I would replace it with applesauce/apple/strawberries which helped some. ;)

Christine- I told DH the story about Jimmy asking "what did you during your quiet time?" He liked it and is now using "quiet time" as the code word for lovin. He couldn't believe that we talk about our "lovin times" on here. I explained that it helps to know that you can still get some with kids and how others accomplish this. :p

Actually the dishes theory is because we are standing still with our hands busy and they can "molest" us and we can't do anything about it. :p And as for the sugar detox I realized the one cheat for me is my coffee creamer in the AM. I don't use much but I wanted to come clean. :eek:

Ok gotta get to work! Only here half a day and then I am home with my lil man so DH can sleep!
Havent worked out yet...will at K's nap. Disk 9 on tap.
Jen-we used the code word "relax' when Haley was little lol. I might not use the paper plates today and just to traditional lunges, back and side...other than that I love sts so far.
Lisa-yaay for Reese sleeping...she'll get the hang of it!

Haleys off school we're going shoe shopping!
Melanie- I think you will like the cookbook. Now, it does have butter and stuf in recipes, but the secret is getting the veggis into the non-veggie people. Once they like the stuff, you come clean abou tit (or not). My hubby NEVER ate veggies when I met him. I made every recipe. At the end, he said he could eat the stuff with out me hiding it. THe chocolate chip cookies with garbanzo beans were the biggest hit. ANd you can make rice crispy treats with whole wheat crispies and flax meal in them, etc. I will try to get it out Monday. We have a big hematologist appointment this morning, so no run or anything and will probably come home and have a pity party for myself. Those appts always get me down because it brings me back to the reality of our situation. john is drooling and eating his hands. Jimmy got teeth early. SO we need to address that with the doctors, and get some amicar, since factor 8 does not work in the mouth, the saliva breaks down the clots. We also have to start prophylaxis soon and I need to learn how to put an IV in his arm if we doo not do the port. We are torn on what to do. Bah.
Susan- I just put 2 TBSP of sugar in my coffee. I would say that I am not so good at this! Glad Kara is such a good sleeper! Send her my way!
Lisa- WOO HOOO! I am so happy for you. What a nice honor and a discount to boot! And do not worry about tummy. SOmething magical happens at about 13 weeks, your body bounces back. Do not know why. I remember being in your shoes, and many of the gals on here were around 12 weeks and started losing weight. I was green with envy! Assets/ Spanx will do the trick.
Jen- Hope that the troll at work is not there to bother you today. And that you have a great night with some "quiet" time!
Priscilla and Allison - Hi!!!
So DH has lost 5 pounds this week on our new program, he grumbles about it, but is happy to lose the weight. HE said it looked like his dinner plate crashed into a forest. Maybe I overdid it with his portion of broccoli!
Put John down early and he slept from 7:30 till about 5am. He was up at that point. I am having a hard time with his naps lately. He is boycotting them. He was so reliable before. ANybody else have this problem around this time? He is now great at night and crappy in the day. Poop.
Okay, have to run, john is crying and jimmy is sulking because i told him he could not have Starburst for breakfast. Really? Did he really think I would say yes?
you know, jen, sleep is not nearly as restorative to a man as quiet time! My DH always wants some when he is tired and I laugh. WHen I am tired, I want an ambien and a dark room.
Melanie- package is out front waiting for UPS, coming ground, so might be end of the week when you get it. I have a pile of things I needed to send out, so this got me going! And that means I get to see my cute UPS man. He even brings the packages into the house for me. :)
I hope I can work out later.
P.S. Mel and Jen, I have 135 envy, I am stuck at 137.5.

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